Im a bit clueless on all of them, some dont come back with ranges, which i dont understand why, SHBG is very high apparantly, but again there is no number for me on the sheet i have been given with results , only (*) :/ loads of tests seem to have been done, not sure what ones are any use to me, but will list them all and see what you think
Adjusted calcium 2.34 (2.10-2.58)
Albumin 43 (35-50)
Alkaline phosphatase 74 (35-105)
Baso 0.02 (0.01-0.10)
Calcium 2.40 (2.10-2.58)
Creatinine - Mulpipl (50-90)
Eos 0.12 (0.02-0.50)
Ferritin 30 (10-150)
Folate 10.5 (3.9-26.8)
Free T3 4.6 (2.8-7.1)
Free t4 21.2 (9.0-26)
FSH 6. (no range given)
LH 12 ( no range given)
Lymphocytes 1.63 (1.00-3.00)
MCHC 337 (315-345)
Mono 0.60 (0.20-1.00)
Oestradiol 473 (no range given)
Potassium 5.0 (3.5-5.3)
Prolactin 201 (<501)
RBC 3.95 (4.10-5.10)
Sex hormone binding * not been told number just told high
Sodium 141 (133-146)
Testosterone 0.8 (<1.8)
TSH - not been given , only has * wrote :/
Urea 4.3 (2.5-7.8)
Vit b12 569 (191-663)
WBC Multipl (4.00-11.00)