A month ago I wrote a post "Is it depression or a Thyroid Problem" relating to my brother who has numerous problems, and a typical underactive thyroid face! You were all very helpful and encouraging. I did , in the end, manage to persuade him to have private tests done, and today he sent me the following:-
TSH 1.560 (0.270 - 4.200) Free T4 14.43 (12 - 22) Free T 3 4.7 (3.1 - 6.8
Folate (serum) 6.4 (4.6 - 18.7) Ferritin 134.6 (30 - 400) B12 165 (191 - 663)
Vitamin D 15.5 Zinc 12.5 (11 - 14) Magnesium 0.87 (0.66 - 0.97)
Selenium (serum) 0.90 (0.89 - 1.65)
The pathology report States: B12 Very Low and a Marked severe deficiency. Antibodies were Negative
Not quite sure where we go from here as I just know he has a problem - it is all like history repeating itself (I was almost identical 10 years ago and had a hell of a fight to get put on Levothyroxine).
Would really welcome your views, and suggestions.
Also does anyone know of either a good endocrynologist or a sympathetic doctor who takes an interest in thyroid problems - my brother lives in West Yorkshire. He has never been tested for Thyroid before even though Thyroid problems run in both sides of our family!.
Many thanks