Hi, I was diagnosed wit Hashimotos 25 ish years ago and have been on 300 levothyroxine ever since. I only see GP annually. Over the last year I have felt progressively worse with all the usual symptoms, pains, aches, fatigue, intolerant of heat and cold etc. I have had to leave my role as a head of year in school due to illness. I had bloods done twice last year and again last week. I saw the GP (Who helpfully told me the internet is a dangerous place full of idiots) but he agreed to the blood test I requested just to get me out of there!
I have posted the results below (along with last two). He has asked for another test asap of B12 folate and intrinsic factor abs. As yet I don't really understand results so any help or advice would be brilliant.
Tsh >100miu/L (0.35-4.7)
Above high ref limit
FT4 6.4pmol/L (7.8-21)
Below low ref limit
Tsh 0.13miu/L (0.35 - 4.7)
Below low ref limit
FT4 19pmol/L (7.8-21)
Serum Thyroid peroxidase antibody con4 kU/L [0 – 75]
Serum TSH 0.13miu/L [0.35 – 4.7]
Serum Free triiodothyronine 7.8 pmol/L [0.35 – 6]
Free T4 19 pmol/L [3.8 – 21]
Hydroxy vit D level 25.8 nmol/L
[25 -50 nmol/L imply insuffiency
Serum Ferritin 108 ng/ml
Serum folate 3.8 ng/ml < 3ugl suggest insuffiency
Serum B12 143.67 ng/L [155.87 – 1355.4]
Immunoglobin A level 2.1 g/l [0.8 -4]
Tissue transglutaminase iga level <1 u/mL [0 – 14]
Many Thanks