I have hypopituitary and 2MM microadenomas on my pituitary. I suffer from many sympthoms of hormone deficiencies such as:
1. Energy swings (sometimes I have letargy and sometimes I have energy throughout the day - letargy more often)
2. Low asertivity
3. Almost constant digestive issues and leaky guts (when guts OK – Energy and sympthoms are milder)
4. Tendencies to anxieties or depressions
5. Low libido (but sometimes my libido is good - It is related to energy swings)
6. Dry skin and oily / dry hair
7. Blood sugar problems sometimes while doing sport
8. Easily burnout
9. Sensitive to many things (fried food, or white wheat etc. makes me lethargy)
I would like to consult my status with someone online (I am from Czech rep.). Is there anyone who would you recommend? I found and read STTM and there are consultation possible. What do you recommend? I have problem that many hormones are bordeline low. And nothing is really that much low to cause sympthoms alone.
Bellow I paste my history, but dont except you will read it. I would like to pay someone to review.
Blood test 1 (2 years or more old) - Not any drugs - Measured in early morning
LH 2,5 U/L <1,2 - 8,6>
THS 3,32 mU/L <0,34 - 5,60>
Free T4 10,1 pmol/l <7,9 - 16,0>
Free t3 5,1 pmol/l <3,8 - 6,0 >
T4 total 90,01 nmol/l <78,00 - 157,00>
T3 total 1,68 nmol/l <1,34 - 2,73>
FSH 2,7 U/l <1,3 - 19,3>
Estradiol 130 pmol/l <0 - 173>
Prolaktin 408,7 mIU/l <56,0 - 278,0>
Testosteron 14,1 nmol/l <6,1 - 27,1>
SHBG 25,0 nmol/l <13,2 - 89,5>
FAI ( free androgen index ) 56,4 % <22,2 - 110,2>
Blood test 2 (2 years or more old) - Measured in early morning
UREA = 6.7
BIL = 8.3
prolactin=22.93 (ref. range is up to 15 doc sayed)
U-LEURO=2 (higher than range)
Blood test 3 - This blood test was done 3 hours after I woke up - Prolactin is now lowered
igf-1 290 <265-410>
STH 0,03 <0-20>
SHBG 38.1 <12-75>
LH 2.26 <1,5-9,3>
FSH 2.43 <1.4-18.10>
Prolactin 12.04 <2.1-17.7>
Estradiol <0.09 <0.04-0.19>
Korizol 504 <118-618>
testosterone 12.5 <5.4-30.4>
T4 - free 15.9 <11.5-22.7>
TSH 1.707 <0.5-4.9
ACTH 28.2 <10-60>
Blood test 4
Na 141 <136-145>
K 4,1 <3,5-5,1>
CI 104 <98-107>
Ca 2,35 <2.15-2.55>
Mg 0.8 <0.66-1.07>
Cu 10.9 <12.4-20.6>
Zn 17.7 <7-23>
Glukosa 4.63 <3.33-5.59>
Fe 12 <10.6-28.3>
Blood test 5
Na 142 <137 - 146>
K 4,3 <3,8 - 5,0>
CI 100 <97 - 108>
Ca 2,57 <2,00 - 2,75>
Fosfor anorg. 1,07 <0,65 -1,61>
Iron 26,1 <7,2 - 29>
Copper 15,3 <10,99 - 21,98>
Zinc 23,3 <9,1 - 13,7>
Osmolality 292 <275 - 295>
Ferritin 134,6 <22 - 322>
Glucose 4,6 < 3,9 - 5,6>
Urea 5,8 <2,8 - 8>
Kreatinin 95 <44 - 110>
Liver function tests
Bilirubin total 17,6 <2 - 17>
ALT 0,51 <0,1 - 0,78>
AST 0,37 <0,1 - 0,72>
GGT 0,25 <0,14 - 0,84>
ALP 1,01 <0,66 - 2,2>
Albumin 50,6 <35 - 53>
Protein total 79,6 <65 - 85>
Cholesterol 4,66 <2,9 - 5>
Triacylglyceroly 0,78 <0,45 - 1,7>
Cholesterol HDL 1,44 <1 - 2,1>
Cholesterol LDL 2,87 <1,2 - 3>
IGF-I 342,9 <265 - 410>
STH 0,17 <0 - 20>
LH 1,41 <1,5 - 20>
FSH 2 <1,5-9,3>
Prolactin 16,59 <2,1 - 17,7>
Estradiol < 0,090 <0,04 - 0,19>
Progesteron 0,8 <0,9 - 3,9>
Cortizol 594 <118 - 618>
Testosteron 13,57 <5,4 - 30,4>
T3 total 1,45 <0,9 - 3>
T4 total 110,7 <60 - 150>
T4 Free 16,2 <11,5 - 22,7>
TSH 2,509 <0,5 - 4,9>
Anti Tg <15 <0,0 - 60>
Anti TPO 28 <0 - 60>
PSA 0,66 <0,0 - 1,4>
ACTH 40 <10 - 60>
Leukocyts 6,8 <4,1 - 10,2>
Erytocyts 5,44 <4,19 - 5,75>
Hemoglobin 164 <135 - 174>
Hematokrit 0,469 <0,390 - 0,510>
Blood test 6 ( - test was done at 3.2.2014)
Vit. B12 413 <141-489>
TSH 1,29 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 Free 16,5 <12 - 22>
FT3 Free 4,9 <3,1 - 6,8>
FSH 3,8 < 0 - 12,4>
LH 4,1 <1,7 - 8,6>
Estradiol 49,4 <28 -156>
Prolactin 10,79 <4,04 - 15,2>
Testosteron Total 15,25 <8,64 - 29>
Kortizol 292,6 <171 - 536>
Anastrozole experiment
At 6.2.2014 (February 6 2014)
I started using Anastrozole at dosing of 0,20 Mg / twice a week. My goal was to improve the testosterone and estradiol ratio, to boost LH, FSH and Testosterone levels .
Blood test results from 17.3.2014 (March 17 2014)
FT4 17,25 <12-22> +0,75 (compared to bloodwork done at 3.2.2014 - Before starding Anastrozole low dose protocol)
FT3 4,9 <3,1-6,8> +-0
FSH 4,5 <1,5-12,4> +0,7
LH 3,4 <1,7-8,6> -0,7
Estradiol 27,2 <28-156> -22,2
Testosterone 18,29 <8,64-29> +3,04
Until 10.4.2015 (2 months) I felt much better than ever before in my history. But one day I started feeling anxieties. So I decreased dose and felt few days good. Than anxieties agains so I changed the dose again and never than find a stable dose when I felt good.
E2 / TST analysis (higher values either due to AI usage or post AI usage)
•Testosterone 15,25
•Estradiol 49,4 <28-156> = 31% of the high of the range = 13,4 PG/ML
•Feeling: Good
•Testosterone 18,29
•Estradiol 27,2 = 17% = 7,35 PG / ML
•Feeling: Very good
16.4.2014 -> AI
•Testosteron: 16,61
•Estradiol: 31,1 = 20% = 8,44 PG / ML
•Feeling: Mood swings (in previsious days joint pain / anxieties – In the day of B/T my E2 probably already bounced back bcs I decreased AI and I felt good)
•Testosteron: 16,77
•Estradiol: 26,6 = 16% = 7 PG / ML =
•Feeling: Mood swings (in previsious days anxieties – On the day of test E2 bounced probably and started feeling moderate -> than decreased dose and good feeling lasted for few days)
•Testosterone 12,81
•Estradiol 53,3 = 33% = 14,4 PG/ML
•Feeling: Good (euphoria almost) -> I believe I was supressed by AI and bounce back caused euphoria
•Testosterone 16,5
•Estradiol: 68,7 = 43% = 18,5 PG/ML
•Feeling: Good at the particular few days but overal mood swings
•Testosteron: 17,83
•Estradiol: 80,2 = 51% = 21 PG / ML
•Feeling: Good at the particular few days but overal mood swings
•Testosteron: 18,85
•Estradiol: 79,2= 51% = 21 PG / ML
•Feeling: Moderate (mood swings)
•Testosteron: 20,88
•Estradiol: 29,2 = 20% = 8,44 PG / ML
•Feelings: Bad (non agresive, anxieties)
•Testosteron: 11,13
•Estradiol 47,6 = 30% = 12 PG/ML
•Feeling: Bad
•Testosterone: 10,65
•Estradiol: 66,5 = 42% = 17PG/ML
•Feeling: Bad
I know I am micro managing while this is not sensitive test but I thing according to this analysis that:
1.When my E2 is below 33% of the range and T over 15 = 500 I feel OK until I am able to tolerate low E2
2.When my T is over 15 and my E2 over 50 I feel moderate (few days good than bad etc.)
Next blood work results (no drug usage from 7.8.2014) - In 2 weeks before this test I had a lot of stress and after the stres I god "flue". From this moment values got worse I believe.
TSH 2,1 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 free 14,9 <12 - 22>
LH 2,6 <1,7 - 8,6>
Testosteron 11,13 <8,64-29>
Estradiol 47,6 <28-156>
Prolactin 8,28 <4,04 - 15,2>
Early morning Cortisol 568 <171 - 536> (doctor checked as a possible culprit of my fatigue).
Blood tests from 21.1.2015
TSH 1,66 <0,27 - 4,2>
FT4 14,3 <12-22>
FT3 4 <3,1 - 6,8>
T4 total 75,6 <66 - 181>
T3 total 1,1 <1,2 - 3,1>
AntiTG <20 <0 - 40>
AntiTPO <10 <0-35>
(RT3 is unfortunately not measured in Czech)
Other hormones:
LH 1,7 <1,7 - 8,6>
Estradiol 66,5 <28 - 156>
PRL 9,04 <28 - 156>
Testosteron 10,65 <8,64 - 29>
Kortizol 270 <171 - 536>
Blood test from 10.2.2015
Mg 0,88 <0,66-1,07>
CU (měď) 9,3 <12,4-20,6>
CU free 1,1 <0-1,6>
ALT 0,5 <0-0,68>
AST 0,46 <0-0,62>
GMT 0,21 <0-1>
ALP 0,93 <0 - 2,15>
Fe 22,8 <10,6 - 28,3>
Ceruloplasmin 0,18 <0,15-0,30>
Blood testing from 4.3.2015
Metanefrin 0,051 <0,140 - 0,540>
Normetanefrin 0,354 <0,130-0790>
Saliva testing from 18.3.2015
Cortisol high24873
Cortisol low13541
My morning temperature before waking up:
23.3.2015 - 36,45C (underarm)- Felt good that day
24.3.2015 - 36,1C (underarm) - Felt good
25.3.2015 - 36,1C (underarm) - Felt good in the morning and bad in the afternoon
26.3.2015 - 36,3C (underarm) - Felt good in the morning and bad in the afternoon
27.3.2015 - 36,1C (underarm) - Felt bad
28.3.2015- 36,2C (underarm) - Felt bad (get cold)
31.3.2015 - 36,0C - Felt bad (cold probably contributed) - after even mild cold feel few days much worse than usual (cortisol)?
1.4.2015 - 36,25 - Felt bad
My temperature rhytm at 2.4.2015 (I was after cold still weaker than usual)
9:00 - 36,05C (undertongue)
13:30 - 36,25 (undertongue)
18:30 - 36,62 (undertongue)
22:00 - 36,5 (undertongue)
Blood test from 24.4.2015
FT34,3<3,1 - 6,8>
Testosteron15,5<8,64 - 29>
SHBG29<14,5 - 48,4>