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Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for September 2013

Anyone know any dating sites suitable for PD would love to date I have so much left in me to offer the right lady

But when PD is mentioned the ladies are off quicker than the proverbial off a sh...
Meshakin profile image

Does anyone else out there connect the onset of their PD symptoms to a period of significant stress or trauma, pain or injury?

My husband's tremor first appeared 8 months following an extremely difficult tim...
rtag profile image

Freezing and festination solution

If, like me, you struggle to initiate that first walking step and spend hours a ...
DavidGreaves profile image
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'Designer Disease' - and other things I don't get..

I don't think I get lots of things about PD and all the things that are associat...
Hidden profile image

Poems Me and my Parkinson's - In My Own Words

I wake in the morning And all seems well But within minutes My body is ...
Meshakin profile image

Has anyone been using rimantadine for parkinsons. I no amantadine is used to treat dyskensia. Cant find anything on rimantadine. STILL!

fronya69 profile image


As a Parkinson's sufferer I am thinking about buying a treadmill. As I know thes...
kmxsoft profile image

New Treatment For Melanoma

A new treatment for melanoma is being reported in the British media:...
kmxsoft profile image

Michael J Fox show. What did you think?

Many of our Parkinson's support group got together to watch the premiere. The ge...
mktbob55 profile image

Director of DBS Clinical Research Development.. Department of Neurosurgery, Anatomy and Neurobiolology, University of Kentucky.

I had the most amazing experience last week! Just tell me...what are the chances...
annh profile image

Does anyone have any useful tips for getting through weighted fire doors.?

hilarypeta profile image

MJF New series

Nope I havent seen it, and since I don't have TV it will be some time before it ...
Hidden profile image

Does anyone have experience/information/opinion on the use of pickle juice to treat symptoms of PD?

Some PWP who use it on minor symptoms extoll its virtues. Some Doctors oppose i...
ronn profile image

anyone with sinemet er tried switching to ropinole?

I am on generic sinemet er 25/100mg 6-7 times a day, every 2 hrs and 40 minutes...
shstang profile image

Looking for personal experiences in exercsise (primarily running) and the effectiveness of meds....

aggiebiker profile image

Foot pain?

I have been experiencing pain in my feet/toes which I previously attributed to a...
Hidden profile image

hi again can any1 tell me where 2 get marajuana in ireland hear its good for pains so much pain in feet and legs cant even wk any more pleaz

After being diagnosed for 5 years, I'm facing DBS. Is there anyone who has regretted having it? I will be getting it at Barrow Neurological.

I have early onset PD. I was diagnosed at 48. Is this common? I'm the youngest one I know whith PD.

What is your opinion on using medical marijuana? Is it in pill form ?

jonroberts profile image

Has anyone reduced/eliminated their tremor through an entirely nutritional approach?

I have been diagnosed as having 'tremor dominant Parkinson's' which affects both...
Norton1 profile image

HI is there any body got cured or good improvement with DR john coleman program for parkinsons disease? thank you

newwaygo profile image

I'm trying 2find out if Rimantadine is a proven treatment 4 p.d? My dr. put me in hospt. 2 c if can help my dysk. . I take amantadine .Not

working as well anymore. 250mg. in am,and 100mg. in pm. But when I was in hosp. ...
fronya69 profile image

Is there an association between prenatal environment (in the uterus, the mother's health, emotional state) and PD later in life?

My husband's mother had multiple miscarriages and even one still birth. (I can ...
quirkyme profile image

Is it possible to have PD without the tremors, my dad is 84 and has every other symptom but not vey noticeable tremors

Loobie1605 profile image

Anyone taking vitamin K2 for Parkinsons? The dosage is 180mcg-200 for gait problems..wondering how it works..thanks for any info..

ivyanne profile image

doe anbody feel off balance all of the time and have to use a zimmer frame to get around on because their legs are so weak.

pokoono profile image

My husband has suddenly got a swollen abdomen above the waist,only noticed because he cant get his trousers fastened,is this a PD symptom ?

Crosshalls profile image

Best time of day to take Mirapex ER?

shall1019 profile image

Does any-one have advice on "Breathing Dyskinesia". Ever heard of a "specialist" in Dyskinesia-I need help badly?

Have had my meds changed twice to no avail -nothing seems to help it.Am willing ...
pingopenguin profile image