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Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for January 2018

Getting Mucuna from USA to UK

Has anyone in the UK ordered large quantities of 98% L-dopa, for example 1kg fro...
billyroca profile image

Does anyone else experience pain at the waistline when wearing a belt or an even slightly restrictive waistband?

When the belt or other restriction is removed, the pain increases momentarily, t...
ronn profile image

Body movements just need a 'puff' of dopamine to get started

Body movements just need a 'puff' of dopamine to get started. A new study in mi...
aspergerian profile image
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Time for a PQQ thread (pyrroloquinoline quinone)

So, I see that PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) has been talked about off and on f...
sunvox profile image

Live experiment : beginning Thiamine chlorhydrate

I am impressed reading all the documents I found these past days, thanks to this...
Xenos profile image

Arcadia Commercial Notice the word may! Please write Ms Fredericks POS OR NEG.

From: Doral Fredericks <> Date: January 19, 2018 at ...
GLENNM profile image

Alternative treatment other than sinemet

Hi, my PD issue is mostly stiffness on my right side and shifted jaw (hard to ea...
Mosieta profile image

benfotiamine vs thiamine hcl

My initial symptoms improvement (before switching to thiamin HCL) is credited to...
Hidden profile image

Azilect. Should I feel any different?

I have since Sunday been taking Azilect 1 mg each morning. That's just 3 days. S...
gingerj profile image

How much is "high" dose?

My doctor elevate my sinemet from 2 to 3 , 10-100 mg every 3 hours and pharmacy ...
moonsake10 profile image

Cholinergic Dysfunction: Paradigm shifting in PD: falls

Cholinergic Dysfunction. ...

MUCUNA IS THE ONLY 'MED' I'M ON. Am I being naive ?

I'm new, having joined since my symptoms have increased. PD advanced slowly over...
KERRINGTON profile image

Mimi new member

Just diagnosed with parkinson last year after 2 years meningioma brain surgery. ...
Mosieta profile image

Work and PD

I'm wondering how many years someone with PD can still have a job after the day ...
ion_ion profile image

I would like more information about the natural treatment from the hekma center with 16 plants?

I am new here, I welcome everyone and I am glad that you are together, a powerfu...
bita94 profile image

Gorilla Shoes

I've had problems with left side toe curling and foot cramping when I exercise, ...
rebtar profile image

How do you handle being newly diagnosed with PD?

I'm a 66 year old female just diagnosed with PD a month ago. Since that day all ...
LynnBourg profile image

New Lithuanian Technology Reduces Hand Tremor, May Be Useful for Parkinson’s

nelo23 profile image

Help ! I am not sure if my my symptoms are related to PD, glucose intolerance or something else?

Every once in a while I have anOFF-DAY. My brain will feel foggy, my balance wil...
moparkie715 profile image

The murky waters of thiamine.

I see there is growing interest on high dose thiamine on this forum. Sadly, the...
sunvox profile image

Recovery time when sick with PD

Does anyone else take a lot longer to recover from colds, flu etc. after your PD...
Jenzo profile image

Update on azilect and research whether starting it early makes any kind of difference in the progression of Parkinson's
parkie13 profile image

Not Parkinson's but I need answers

About 9 years ago I began to develop a tremor. I eventually got around to seeing...
Jessnhann02 profile image


Thanks everyone for the great advice ! I will consider it all.I wish each and ev...


Does anyone get dystonia rather than dyskinesia with too much Sinemet
Connie18 profile image


How long after diagnosis have any of you been able to work? I was hoping to work...
mleec profile image


Astra 7 your reply didn’t go through with the format that you used. You can repl...

Fire ant stings (piperidine alkaloid), why does it reduce my cogwheeling?

Well we’re having spring weather and some Fire ante mounds built up after recen...
BUZZ1397 profile image

DBS Devices

Hi all..... for those of you that have had this procedure any recommendations on...


Anyone take artane for tremor? And does it help