Has anyone reduced/eliminated their tremo... - Cure Parkinson's

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Has anyone reduced/eliminated their tremor through an entirely nutritional approach?

Norton1 profile image
66 Replies

I have been diagnosed as having 'tremor dominant Parkinson's' which affects both hands, my head and walking when my meds wear off. I am currently taking Sinemet and mucuna pruriens, but want to adopt a nutritional approach to reduce/eliminate my tremors and hopefully the medications,

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Norton1 profile image
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66 Replies
Hikoi profile image

Norton, I'll nominate you for a noble prize if you find something (not medication) that will stop tremor.

AshleyNeverNervous87 profile image
AshleyNeverNervous87 in reply to Hikoi

"I have Essential Tremor ... And I've been dealing with it since I was a teenager, normally it doesn't present until the 40s... I'd done tons of research on how a ketogenic diet could help with tremors in Parkinson's patients (what they initially mentioned when we discussed my symptoms...) and though I could never pull off nutritional Ketosis through ketogenisus (aka a strict diet and lots of fasting to start) I did find a product (all natural) way to put my body into A therapeutic state of Ketosis... So I took it to my doctor and made sure she approved and have now been on it for two weeks... My tremors are noticeably less, and in general I just feel better. I don't know if I'm allowed to say what it was in here or not..."

I posted this as a comment before reading any comments- no Nobel prize needed... <3 let me know if you want the details on the brain food my own doc approved: then you can talk to yours!

mygirlsbelieve profile image
mygirlsbelieve in reply to AshleyNeverNervous87

I would be interested in knowing what product you used and that your doc approved of. My mom has ET's and I am doing some research on her behalf. Tia.

dixinka profile image
dixinka in reply to AshleyNeverNervous87

I am very interested in the product you used to put your body in the therapeutic Ketotsis state----I just heard about this from a friend of mine who is big into this as her father in law has Parkinson's. We thought it might help essential tremors ---- I have been dealing with this since I was 12----the furthest I can track it in my family is my great, great grandmother.

I am presently in a study, along with other members of my family through Baylor College of medicine Parkinson and Movements Disorder Center. I am the most severely affected in my family and truly would try anything!

Will await your reply---I have just joined HealthUnlocked


only1gab profile image
only1gab in reply to AshleyNeverNervous87

Please please PLEASE share. Thank you

in reply to only1gab

ketogenic diet


First a summary of the science behind the Ketogenic Diet.

Keep in mind I’m summarizing hundreds of pages of explanation and supporting data into a few paragraphs:

When you eat carbs your blood glucose level is raised and your pancreas secretes insulin. This insulin puts your muscle and fat cells into “storage mode”. Your fat cells store away the glucose as triglycerides. Insulin also prevents your fat cells from breaking down those triglycerides back into fatty acids and releasing them into your blood stream for use as energy. This is important: Insulin both causes fat absorption and prevents fat from being used as energy.

If you were to eat sugary snacks throughout the day you are keeping your insulin level high which constantly keeps your fat cells in a state of absorption and prevents the release of fat and its use as energy.

Eating fat and protein does very little to raise your insulin level.

So the bottom line here is, if you want your body to burn fat – meaning if you want your fat cells to break down triglycerides into fatty acids, release them into your blood stream and actually use them as energy – you need to keep your insulin level as low and absolutely avoid spikes in insulin.

A note on calories: Counting calories or increasing exercise output, according to the research of Taubes and many others, is a bad way to try to lose weight because what usually happens is instead of your body burning fat to make up for the deficit in calories, it simply decreases the amount of energy it expends. So you end up lethargic and still fat.

There is a lot more to this, but the science above is the rationale behind all Low GI, Low Carb and Ketogenic diets. It is why you lose weight on these diets while consuming the same number of calories.

Low Carb and Low GI diets work because they cut out carbs that cause spikes in insulin, which you now know will cause fat absorption and prevent fat burn.

The Ketogenic diet takes this one step further. It keeps your insulin level low which puts your body into fat-release-fat-burn mode, but also significantly increases the fat content in your diet and teaches your body to use fat as energy. Your body (your liver in particular) will enter a state of Ketosis and will break down fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies which will be used as energy.

During the diet you can measure how much fat your body is burning by monitoring your output of acetoacetate using Ketostix. When you enter a Ketogenic state, you will see a Ketone output of 5 to 20 mg/dL (According to “Why we get fat” by Taubes and my experience). The Ketostix I have also measure blood glucose which is useful to test for Ketoacidosis which you are not at risk for unless you are diabetic.

Note that Ketostix are used by diabetics to test whether they are entering a state known as Diabetic Ketoacidosis which is very dangerous. In this case they will see very high ketone levels accompanied by blood sugar levels of greater than 240 mg/dL. You should be seeing blood sugar levels of zero (according to your Ketostix) during your diet.

Please note that the diet outlined below is not the “Cyclical Ketogenic Diet” used by bodybuilders. It is a basic Ketogenic diet which I’ve found to be the most effective fat burning diet available. I’ve modified this diet from the classic Ketogenic diet used to treat epilepsy which recommends a 4 to 1 ratio of fat to protein. I’ve found that I can reach a state of Ketosis with a 1 to 1 ratio of fat to protein provided I keep the carbs very low.

Without further ado, the basic Ketogenic diet:

What you’ll need

◾Ketostix available on Amazon.com.

The Diet

Note, you can eat as much of the foods below as you like, but I’ve found that I quickly feel full eating this diet. Don’t overeat and more importantly, don’t under-eat and make sure you’re getting the calories you need to function. This is NOT about cutting calories, it’s about releasing fat reserves and teaching your body to burn them.

Drink lots of water during the diet (but don’t go crazy). I find this helps increase my metal clarity and energy.

Taubes and others recommend not starting an exercise program at the beginning of this diet because during the acclimatization period you will not have enough energy and it usually results in people quitting the diet.

During the diet, measure your rate of fat burn by measuring your acetoacetate output with your Ketostix. Do this every time you visit the loo. You should see 5 to 20 mg/dL, and I’ve noticed it’s particularly high after a very fatty meal. Blood glucose (if your ketostix show this on a separate color tab) should be zero at all times. If it is not zero and above 200 mg/dL you may want to consult your doctor.

One of the most effective tricks during a diet is routine. Eat the same meals over and over or plan your meals ahead for the whole week. I’ve found it effective to pre-make dishes on Sunday and have them ready for the week. That makes it incredibly easy to stick to the diet because I avoid thinking which means I avoid creativity and creativity requires decision making which leads to hard choices. Just avoid the hard choices and have it all planned and some of it ready to grab and go.

The Leafy Green Salad recipe:

This is a recipe for a basic very low carb salad with lots of flavor. It’s great to add to any high-protein, high-fat meal.

◾Spinach, lettuce and/or mustard greens.

◾Red peppers


◾Optional raw onions.

◾Optional green beans raw.

◾Balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing with salt and pepper. Use lemon and lime very sparingly if you add it. The vinegar actually reduces the glycemic index of this salad (and other foods).

Below I have outlined three days with a total of 9 meals that you can mix and match as you like. At the end I include a list of Ketogenic-safe ingredients you can add or subtract as you like. Remember the key is to have a high fat, high-protein and no-carb or very low carb diet. That means absolutely no sugar.

◾Day 1 ◾Breakfast: 2 eggs done any way with yolks. Sausage containing no carbs or sugar. Bacon.

◾Lunch: Chicken with as much skin and oily gooey bits as possible. Steamed spinach or broccoli.

◾Supper: Steak with cheese. Fried mushrooms. Leafy green salad.

◾Before bed 1 glass of wine with a slice of cheese.

◾Day 2 ◾Breakfast: 2 egg omlette with friend mushrooms, cheese and chopped parsley.

◾Lunch: A whole duck breast if you can get it or chicken again with as much fatty skin as possible. Leafy green salad.

◾Supper: Hamburger made with high fat mince without the bun. The mince can contain the usual paprika, chopped onions and garlic if you like, but absolutely no syrup or sugar. Add Cheese, tomatoes, lettuce and any other leafy low-carb greens you like.

◾Before bed 1 glass of wine with a slice of cheese.

◾Day 3 ◾2 eggs done any way with bacon and usual no-carb sausage.

◾Steak with cheese. Leafy green salad.

◾Salmon (or other fish) fried and served with Bok Choy and your leafy green salad.

You can mix and match the meals above and get a good Ketogenic burn going where you will notice rapid weight loss.

Eat as much as you want ingredient ideas:




◾Prime Rib,

◾Filet Mignon,

◾Roast Beef,


◾Duck (awesome if you can get it because it is very high fat),

◾Any Fish, Tuna, Salmon, Trout, Halibut,










◾Oils (Olive Oil, Flaxseed oil, etc.),

◾Salt, Pepper, Soy Sauce,



◾Mustard Greens,





Add for variety but in moderation:

Read the ingredients (if applicable) and make darn sure they contain no sugar:


◾Mustard (with no sugar or carbs),

◾Tea no sugar with milk

◾Coffee black no sugar

◾Heavy Cream



◾Bok Choy,







◾Green Beans,

◾Brussel Sprouts,

◾Peppers (Red, Green, Jalapeno, Habanero),


◾Nuts preferably almonds,

You absolutely must avoid all sugar on this diet because it is the highest GI carbohydrate that will very quickly spike your insulin and destroy any Ketogenic effect. Other foods to avoid roughly in order of damage they will do to the diet:

◾All sugar.

◾All Bread.

◾Did I mention avoid sugar?

◾All traditional carbs like rice, pasta, wheat, potatoes, even the low GI ones like beans and lentils.

◾Beware of sauces that contain sugar or things like corn starch.

Effects of the diet:

◾You will see rapid weight loss of up to 6 pounds for a 200 pound person in the first 48 hours. This is your kidneys releasing water as they expel their sodium due to the absence of insulin. It’s what you’ve usually heard described as “water weight”.

◾Then you should see continued weight loss of anything from 0.25 to 2 pounds per day (an eighth to half kilo lost per day). But this varies greatly between individuals and is affected by a wide range of factors including your current weight and insulin sensitivity.

◾For the first week you may experience slightly decreased mental clarity. This clears up after a week as your brain gets used to burning ketones for energy instead of glucose.

◾According to data in “Why we get fat” your Vitamin C needs actually decrease on a low carb diet, so don’t feel the need to massively supplement.

◾Research has shown (also from Taubes) that LDL (bad) cholesterol will elevate slightly but clump size will be increased which is a net positive because larger LDL is less likely to stick to artery walls. HDL (good) cholesterol is significantly elevated with a very low carb diet like this which is a very strong net positive. This also has other great health benefits e.g. Lower insulin reduces the risk of hardening of artery walls.

only1gab profile image
only1gab in reply to

Thank you so much. Looking forward to results

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to AshleyNeverNervous87

I want to try it

Norton1 profile image


I've got a good feeling that someone on this website has found a nutrient or combination that will do as we hope, be it a herb, vitamin, mineral or importantly, diet free from processed foods that which has, at least, shown promise. All we need is for them to communicate with us so that we can try it out.


AshleyNeverNervous87 profile image
AshleyNeverNervous87 in reply to Norton1

"I have Essential Tremor ... And I've been dealing with it since I was a teenager, normally it doesn't present until the 40s... I'd done tons of research on how a ketogenic diet could help with tremors in Parkinson's patients (what they initially mentioned when we discussed my symptoms...) and though I could never pull off nutritional Ketosis through ketogenisus (aka a strict diet and lots of fasting to start) I did find a product (all natural) way to put my body into A therapeutic state of Ketosis... So I took it to my doctor and made sure she approved and have now been on it for two weeks... My tremors are noticeably less, and in general I just feel better. I don't know if I'm allowed to say what it was in here or not..."

I posted this as a comment before reading any comments- no Nobel prize needed... <3 let me know if you want the details on the brain food my own doc approved: then you can talk to yours!

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to AshleyNeverNervous87

Hello Ashley

There is at least one other PwP who has had a good result on his tremor by following a ketogenic diet, but for much longer than a couple of weeks. You máy fall foul of some rule or other by mentioning a product, but why not risk it so long as you are sincere.

Many of us will be interested in what you have to say.


Chazzerino profile image
Chazzerino in reply to AshleyNeverNervous87

I, too have ET and am attempting to reduce my tremors with Ketogenesis. What worked with you ?

etterus profile image

I'll nominate anyone who can stop dystonia, dyskinesia ,apathy, anxiety, depression, constipation... infinity.

Norton1 profile image


I sometimes experience depression, anxiety and constipation, but fortunately not the others. At the risk of being accused of having a Pollyanna outlook, I spend a lot of time researching PD in the hope that I can come across some nugget of information that I can pursue to improve matters; it's what keeps me going. I am not thinking that drugs are the answer, but that diet/nutrition is vitally important at the very least for constipation and maybe a reversal of some of the other symptoms.


in reply to Norton1

Parkinson's Disease news breaks that a drug that could stop or slow Parkinson’s disease (PD) is advancing in clinical testing.

, the drug isradipine is proceeding to Phase III testing, the last step before regulatory approval. With a $23 million grant from the National Institutes of Health, researchers will test if isradipine has an effect on PD progression. Previous studies showed drugs in the same class, calcium channel blockers, were associated with lower incidence of PD.

When recruitment for this study begins later this year, it will be the most advanced, current trial of a disease-modifying therapy for PD.


Ultrasound surgery for PwP





Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to

Thank you RoyProp

Although I take allopathic medication to ease my symptoms, as hard as I try, I just can not see a drug stopping the progress of Parkinson's symptoms. I am currently also on Azilect and I recall that claims were made that it slowed down PD symptoms a claim which is disputed by some authorities.

I just wish that all I had to do is swallow a pill, but I fear that Parkinson's is too complex for that to occur.



Beckey profile image
Beckey in reply to

Wow! Thanks, Roy!

maryalice profile image

John Coleman and Dr.Terry Wallis both have PD and used nutritional diets as park of their program . You may want to try and google them.

Hope this helps.

Norton1 profile image

Thank you Maryalice, I will certainly follow through with that information.


kamair profile image
kamair in reply to Norton1

found some info - huffingtonpost.com/meryl-da...

hanuman profile image

Try this book: Parkinson's Disease Reducing Symptoms with Nutrition and Drugs, by Dr

Geoffrey Leader & Lucille Leader, Denor Press 2006

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to hanuman

Thank you Hanuman for your recommendation which I will certainly take up.


Drevy profile image

How much mucuna do you take at each dose and how many times a day do you take it. Do you take mucuna ate the same time you take your sinemet. What are the dosage you take for each. Do you take coconut oil..........

Norton1 profile image


Thank you for your question(s). To save me repeating myself, I posted answers to your questions in reply to a similar question to yours of 9 days ago from MaryAlice. It concerned carbidopa and mucuna pruriens. It is worth noting that my dose is likely not to be the same as you require, so you will need to experiment a little to get the appropriate dose for you.


Drevy profile image

Norton, I am also taking mucuna and sinemet 25/100. How many times a day do you take mucuna and sinemet. Are you taking the mucuna Zandopa and what mucuna capsules are you taking? I find myself fatigued almost the whole day. Do you take any other supplement?

Norton1 profile image


Your questioning how much Mucuna and Sinemet do I take in a day leads me to think that if you follow me, you'll be alright. If you don't mind me saying, taking medication, allopathic or alternative does not work quite like that, because it is likely that our physiologies are not the same leading us to different requirements. I may have given you the idea that I've got this condition hacked; I certainly haven't. What I do have is the motivation to try out different nutrients in an effort to reverse some of my symptoms and increase my energy level, for I too, suffer with fatigue. Currently, I am trying a probiotic every day to improve my gut flora which may be out of balance through the medication I'm on or because of anti biopics I took in May after a tooth extraction. I take magnesium citrate daily because it is such a vital mineral which most of us are short of, just as we are of iodine, which I am starting today in the form of Kelp tablets. Iodine is so important to the functioning of our bodies that one hundred years ago it was referred to as the universal nutrient. By all means ask me your questions, but remember that like many other, I'm still a work in motion.

Best wishes


Norton, are you takeing magnesium citrate or magnesium chloride???

Norton1 profile image

Hello Allnatural

I am taking magnesium citrate right now because as I understand it the citrate is more absorbable than the more common form magnesium oxide. However, I shall be changing over to the magnesium chloride form in due course because it is the same form as is found in seawater.


Debfrmco profile image

I just watched a video about a man in his twenties that was just diagnosed with PD...His tremors were already on both hands and very pronounced. He had been on PD drugs for about 4months when he was told to go on a gluten free diet. Within a month his tremors were gone...I'm going to try.it...after 17 yrs. With PD. I'll try anything..lol. if it works you will be the first to.know, I promise.

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to Debfrmco

Thank you, I'm sure that many others will be waiting your findings.



marion11005 profile image
marion11005 in reply to Debfrmco

I've been on a gluten free diet since the first of the year, plus a low carb diet. Haven't lost or gained any weight despite taking coconut oil 3 x day (1-2 Tbsp). I think it has improved my tremors, though not completely stopped them, especially if stressed. I feel a lot more comfortable in my skin!

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to marion11005

Thank you Marion 11005 for your feedback. I note that you are taking CO 3 times a day, but you have not said if you are taking any medications, if so, what are they?



marion11005 profile image
marion11005 in reply to Norton1

sorry I'm so late replying--I take levodopa carbidopa 25/100 2 tabs twice daily and mirtazipine 15mg at bedtime.

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to marion11005


Thank you forgetting back to us listing your medications. The Levadopa twice a day suggests that you are on a relatively low dose. Long may that continue. Is the Mirtazipine to help you sleep? I am not familiar with that medication, but it may help some others who have sleep issues.

Kind regards


marion11005 profile image
marion11005 in reply to Norton1

no, it was recommended by a movement disorder specialist in Springfield IL. It's to help tremors. It entirely eliminated my tremors for a short while (so odd when my tremors stopped), BUT they have slowly come back, but not to the extreme they were before. I'm actually supposed to take my generic sinemet 3Xday,but only take it 2Xday, I have had left side tremors starting when I was 55 yrs and am now 64 yrs. They became much worse a t 61 yrs after my general Doctor started me on a statin drug but didn't recommend co Q 10 with it. Needless to say, I won't take them anymore!

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to marion11005

Thank you for explaining it to us. Please keep us updated with your progress. It crosses my mind if PwP have high cholesterol requiring statins to be prescribed, could their Parkinson's be of the vascular type?

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to marion11005

Hello Marion 1105

Do you still take Mirtazipine for sleep? Does it still have a reduced effect on your tremors?



SGHALDIA profile image
SGHALDIA in reply to Debfrmco

Have you tried gluten free diet and what is the outcome ?


satwar profile image

I have just recently achieved nutritional ketosis on a low carb diet with blood ketones staying between 2-3 mM/l. I don't believe I am completely adapted yet because my fasting glucose is still falling and my fasting ketone is climbing..

My tremor sounds much like yours, in that can involve both hands and head. So far my tremors are completely gone after a brisk 1 hr walk (serum ketones above 3 mM/l) and generally in the evening as ketone levels naturally climb during fasting. Still the tremor comes back if i am subjected to stress, but I think it is getting more resilient and recovers within minutes rather than hours


My tremor is quite tolerable now, and I expect one day it just won't be there. If I was still on a conventional well balanced diet my neurologist would have recommended surgery because she told me drugs would not improve my tremor. I have an appointment in three weeks, just about when I should be completely keto-adapted. It should be an interesting meeting.

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to satwar

Thank you Satwar for updating us where you are on your keto trial. There will be several PwP who are following you and I'm sure wishing you every success. Please continue to keep us updated.



kamair profile image
kamair in reply to satwar

I was on paleo few years ago, and want to try keto. but I just started taking levadopa - so there is a conflict between high protein food and the drug. How did u solve it?

satwar profile image
satwar in reply to kamair

Hi Kamair,

First and foremost you must talk to your neurologist if you have any concerns. I am on a very low dosage of levocarb and my neurologist told me that protein is not an issue for me, and even if I was taking a high dosage, where every bit of levodopa is important, it would be simply addressed with timing of the meds apart from the meals.

Secondly the low carb diet I am on "The Art & Science of Low Carb Living" by Phinney & Volek is moderate protein (1.5 to 2.5 g protein daily per kg of body weight) and is flexible. I am in fact taking 0.8 g protein daily per kg of body weight, because many experts have suggested that only 0.5-0.6 g protein daily per kg of body weight is required. Restricting protein has a positive effect on serum ketone levels. Restricting calories is also supposed to have a positive effect, but I have not pursued this avenue yet.

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to satwar

Hello Satwar

I have to say that you are generous in relaying your experiences with the keto diet and taking of CO. The book you are following by Phinney appears to be the definitive article when going down this route.

There must be a lot of PwP on this site who are pleased you are willing to share your knowledge.

Thank you


satwar profile image
satwar in reply to Norton1

Hello Norton,

I've noticed some changes in the behavior of my right hand in the past few days. Firstly the waking tremor is relatively gentle and completely stops after I've had breakfast. The tremor is essentially gone for the rest of the day, except when stress occurs. I've also noticed that right hand is much better at fine work like fastening buttons, buckling seat belts etc. That test neurologists get you to do by bringing index finger to thumb as quickly as possible is almost keeping up with left hand now and I have no problem at all keeping up after my brisk walk.

The main point is that my tremor has decreased since I've achieved nutritional ketosis. Brisk walking elevates serum ketones to ~3 mM/l and stays up between 2-3 mM/l for the rest of the day. This seems very beneficial to keeping the tremor down.

I'm also starting to practice "intermittent fasting" which means you do all your eating in a 6-8 h window. A fairly easy task when you're in ketosis because you don't crave for food when you have a fat burning metabolism. Your energy supply is limitless when you're living on your fat reserves.

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to satwar

Hello Satwar

Your research and application to the cause appear to be working well. It is generally recognised that tremors are the last symptom to go, but you seem to have brought it forward, so whilst I am excited by your news I look forward to hearing from you from time to time to see if your tremor continues to reverse. If it does, it would be great if you could find the time to consolidate all the information, because I can not remember anyone else working so diligently as you have on a symptom such as the tremor.

I am grateful to you for keeping us updated on your progress.



satwar profile image
satwar in reply to Norton1

Yes, the tremor always disappoints when it comes back with stress. My right hand can feel rock solid quiet and something stresses me and the tremor is back. Since it's been with me for 16 years or so I must be patient.

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to satwar


At least you are trying hard and honest in your reporting. I respect that in you.


satwar profile image
satwar in reply to Norton1

Actually ketosis is a very stress free and enjoyable place to be. It gets better the longer I'm in it. I definitely be staying for the long haul.

The results I obtained with CO therapy very gradually showed up and nutritional ketosis seems to work the same way only faster, I assume due to ketone levels being 1-3 mM/l compared to 0.3-0.5mM/l. Improvements are certainly more endurable once carbohydrates are out of the picture.

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to satwar


Please remind me, what level of carbohydrates are you taking now. Go to Hikoi's initial post in this thread and it is you leading the way here!



satwar profile image
satwar in reply to Norton1

Very little. Only what I get in brocolli, red cabbage and kale, which I have at least twice a day. I sometimes make a salad with baby greens, feta cheese, olives, onions, red peppers etc topped with olive oil and balsamic vinegar

I'd say I'm under 20 g per day carbohydrate.

Also my experiment with intermittent fasting seems to worked, my fasting ketone before breakfast was 2.5 mM/l, a very respectful number. That involved 18 hour of fasting and 6 hour window for eating

in reply to satwar

kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens

Kale is heralded for its ample supplies of calcium, magnesium, potassium, Vitamin K, and various healthful phytochemicals and anti-oxidants. But the superfood is hiding a nasty secret: dangerous levels of heavy metals.

In a recent study, molecular biologist Ernie Hubbard found that kale—along with cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and collard greens—is a hyper-accumulator of heavy metals like thallium and cesium. What's more, traces of nickel, lead, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic are also common in greens, and this contamination affected both organic and standard produce samples.

The source? Its soil. "If it's left in the ground, the leafy greens are going to take it up," Hubbard


Let's all just fast until the cure is found.

kamair profile image
kamair in reply to satwar

I just started levocarb - a quarter of a pill once a day, so a salad for breakfast can solve the problem, you are right :)

thanks for numbers - I will prepare my plan and than will recheck it with your results

my friend (he is about 10 years on paleo/keto diet) recommended me

ketogenic-diet-resource.com/ - will try to start from there

hope I will have results to report :)

the main problem for me is that there are 4 children at home, the elder daughter and her boyfriend are vegetarians, 2 other girls like to bake - so there is always something forbidden in refrigerator, and I am just a weak woman :( ... but I have to try

satwar profile image
satwar in reply to kamair

I would highly recommend reading the "Art & Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" by Phinney & Volek. You are swimming in shark infested waters. It sounds like you live in a very challenging environment and the first week or so of keto-adaptation is also going to be difficult, as your body adapts from being a carbohydrate metabolism to a fat metabolism. There are lots of tricks, a few being: be prepared to deal with constipation, significantly increasing your sodium intake, Magnesium & Potassium supplementation.

Please read and understand the book before proceeding. Also if you have any pre-existing health issues please consult with your doctor before beginning the diet.

Please register with Fwes non-clinical trial so you can report your results:


kamair profile image
kamair in reply to satwar

thanks for good advices )

I stopped eating sugar, pasta, rice, etc long time ago. 2 weeks ago excluded bread (miss it :( ), the last 3 weeks taking 2-4 tea spoons of coconut oil daily, so hope change to keto will not be very difficult.

Taking Magnesium supplement daily - probably should increase it?

Need a blood test to check Potassium. Will talk to my GD

What is Fwes? I am not in US - does it matter?

I have read "Protein Power Life Plan" 3-4 years ago, do you think it is not enough? If I start reading one more book now I will start the diet next year...

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to kamair

Hello Kamair

As you will have discovered, Satwar is the best person to address this question, but I would like to add a general comment from my own reading. The diet such as you are following and the Ketogenic diets should not be high protein, but 'moderate' protein. Regarding the timing of taking your medication and eating protein is important as you know. The general advice is to allow at least 30 minutes between taking your medication and eating protein otherwise you may not absorb your medication properly and you may get a failure. I personally have found it beneficial to allow even more time than this if possible.


satwar profile image
satwar in reply to Norton1

Thank you Norton. I further believe that regular moderate exercise is an important factor in achieving good ketogenic results. Not only is there the immediate benefit of a boost in ketones after exercise, but exercise in general has a positive effect on the state of ketosis.

in reply to satwar

I was wondering if you r still on the diet and how are your tremors?

Thanks, Suzie

kamair profile image
kamair in reply to Norton1

thanks ) Meanwhile I take levacarb once a day at 7-8 AM and have a big green salad + olive and coconut oil dressing for breakfast - so it is not a problem

Just want to know how others solve the conflict when the medicine should be taken every few hours.

Norton1 profile image
Norton1 in reply to kamair

Hello Kamair

Leave at least two hours after you have eaten Protein before taking your medication again.



satwar profile image
satwar in reply to kamair

Oh yes, I am very much on my low carb, adequate protein, MCT oil diet, with brisk walking 3-4 times a week.

It's been several years now, and I haven't required an increase in medication. My tremor has decidedly decreased since maintaining higher level of ketones in my blood. Unfortunately under stress, my tremor will come back. Higher blood ketones seems to reduce the negative effect of stress, which I can independently control through the ingestion of ketone salts. The use of ketone salts is a rather expensive approach so I try to manipulate through diet (low carb & adequate protein).

From my personal experience with a ketogenic diet, the progression of the disease has slowed way down, and my tremor and walking have improved (I walk 5 km in 50 minutes with ease). If I get tired from staying up late the symptoms will come back as they do when under any type of stress.

My tremor would have driven me to elect for surgery, since my neurologist maintained that increasing levocarb would not help my tremor. The ketogenic diet has definitely improved the quality of my life. I can't say that it has reversed the damage done but it certainly provides relief from my symptoms

Norton1 profile image


Thank you again for your response, but has this treatment been seen to work reliably, how long before benefits are seen and where do you get the instant protein from?



Pheonixalight profile image

Hi Norton, I know you will post when you find 'your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow' - keep on trying - there are thousands of us out here looking it for it also. It would be a very lonely journey if we were on our own- but we aren't. My own view is that our own thoughts & wishes will swell the finding of a cure & prevention of PD.

What amazes me is that we are a very adventurous & courages lot of people fighting our corner - most times against tremendous odds - and when one of us flags - others are there to consol, help, love & spur us on - & how remarkably amazing this is to have available to us.

I have lately been fortunate to have some exceptional kind & caring medical people helping me - it has made such a difference to me - has almost made me mellow - instead of my usual confrontational attitude with seeming non caring health care. Best wishes.

I have Essential Tremor ... And I've been dealing with it since I was a teenager, normally it doesn't present until the 40s... I'd done tons of research on how a ketogenic diet could help with tremors in Parkinson's patients (what they initially mentioned when we discussed my symptoms...) and though I could never pull off nutritional Ketosis through ketogenisus (aka a strict diet and lots of fasting to start) I did find a product (all natural) way to put my body into A therapeutic state of Ketosis... So I took it to my doctor and made sure she approved and have now been on it for two weeks... My tremors are noticeably less, and in general I just feel better. I don't know if I'm allowed to say what it was in here or not...

ABDESSLAM1 profile image
ABDESSLAM1 in reply to AshleyNeverNervous87

Why not help people who suffer. And tell up your experience.

Norton1 profile image

The only

Erniediaz1018 profile image

My tremors stop completely every day for about three hours after taking Mucuna pruriens 100% pure which is basically levadopa from nutrivita and 2 grams of B1 bulk powder plus a mixture of herbs in the morning. The afternoon dose does not work as well, but hoping it will eventually.

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