I don't think I get lots of things about PD and all the things that are associated with it including that statement 'designer disease'. My idea of designer is something that is special and unique in a good way. Designer means quality, extra care taken. Whatever the context it doesn't deserve such a word.
Here's a few more...
It affects us all differently - Well naturally we are all after all individual, I could say the same about a cold. I believe however that there are more things in common than not.. it forces us to change, when we may not want to. It takes things away that we'd rather not loose. It tests our resolve our patience and our relationships.
I am a person not a patient - Actually I think we are both, and I think that is sensible. Not one more so than the other, but nonetheless when being a patient needs to come first, it should.
I have hope - For me hope is too passive. Again I point out this is my personal belief. I don't want hope I want to trust. Trust that all that can be done is being done. I would shudder if I thought we relied on hope.
My illness doesn't define me - I hear this a lot, but I don't hear what does define people. So many say the words but don't necessarily know what centres their life now.
People don't understand - well actually unless they have PD they cannot. Thats a good thing. Where it truly matters I suspect we do a poor job in explaining. Example: the other day I was late for something. I apologised to the person concerned but said ... I couldn't do my dress up, my fingers didn't work. Its like being a child again and being dependant. I'm late because I got frustrated and pulled my wardrobe out finding something else. Hence the time and the skirt. I think they got that.
Anyhow Monday, great week ahead so many at the WPC. Plus I have drums to play! Must dash.
Your patience and tolerance as ever appreciated.