Polls - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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In your adult life, have you ever had a Helicobacter pylori infection?

FLASHPOLL 5: What are the barriers to wider use of recreational drugs for PD? [TICK ALL THAT APPLY]

FLASHPOLL 4C*: (*for patients who take BOTH dopamine agonists AND levodopa): Do you use recreational cannabis...

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FLASHPOLL 4B*: (*for patients who take levodopa BUT DO NOT take dopamine agonists): Do you use recreational cannabis...

FLASHPOLL 4A*: (*for patients who take dopamine agonists BUT DO NOT take levodopa): Do you use recreational cannabis...

FLASHPOLL 3: Do you take more of your Parkinson's medication than prescribed because it makes you feel good?

FLASHPOLL 2: What is the minimum level of benefit to your PD for which you would be prepared to take an illegal recreational drug?

FLASHPOLL 1: Do you believe there is a role for recreational drugs (e.g. cannabis and ecstasy) in the treatment of PD?

What was the symptom you were most worried about that prompted you to go to the doctor, leading to your diagnosis of Parkinson's

How long did it take for you to receive a diagnosis of Parkinson's?

Do you experience apathy, anxiety, depression or fluctuating moods

Do you experience any of the following?

Do you feel your priorities were listened to by your Parkinson's specialist?

Do you manage to raise all your points about your Parkinson's in your appointment with your Parkinson's specialist?

How do you prepare for an appointment with your Parkinson’s specialist (tick all that apply)?

Creativity poll 4: if you are either MORE or LESS creative, which of the following best describes you?

CREATIVITY POLLS 3B :: If PD has made you LESS creative, what PD meds are you on (tick all that apply)?

CREATIVITY POLLS 3A :: If PD has made you MORE creative, what PD meds are you on (tick all that apply)?

CREATIVITY POLLS 2 :: If PD has made you more creative, how does that manifest itself (tick all that apply)?

CREATIVITY POLLL 1: Have you become more creative since having Parkinson's?

24 hour FLASHPOLL #2: How would you MAINLY define the experience of going "OFF" for you?

24 hour FLASHPOLL #1: Who of the following is the best judge of when you are going "OFF"?

DIAGNOSIS POLLS Q8: When you were first diagnosed, what was the QUALITY of the information you were given? (Q1 asked about quantity) - tick all that apply

DIAGNOSIS POLLS Q7: Who FIRST definitively diagnosed you?

DIAGNOSIS POLLS Q6: Who accompanied you to your diagnosis appointment?

DIAGNOSIS POLLS Q5: Tick all the statements which apply

DIAGNOSIS PPOLLS Q4: Which of the following motor symptoms were discssed when you were diagnosed (tick all that apply)?

DIAGNOSIS POLLS Q3: Which of the following non-motor symptoms were discussed when you were diagnosed (tick all that apply)?

DIAGNOSIS POLLS Q2: In the first 3 months post diagnosis, which of the following were useful (tick all that apply)?

DIAGNOSIS POLLS Q1: When you were diagnosed, was the QUANTITY of information you were given

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