What is your opinion on using medical mar... - Cure Parkinson's
What is your opinion on using medical marijuana? Is it in pill form ?

Marijuana comes in many forms. From brownies to cooking oil, to rice-cakes, and of course smoking. I use the rice cakes.
If I could get it then I would certainly use it! Tony
Any form would work for me if I could get it!!
I've been told by my doctor that marijuana might smooth my tremors at first but would cause more damage later.
Shame on him !!! He has not even researched it ! Finally the Truth is getting out. Watch the videos I posted. HARD SCIENCE !!!
Two movement disorders neurologists, a neuropsychologist, and a Doctor of pharmacy have all recommended it to me for Parkinson's and for a concussion. They said there are no side effects except a possible temporary decrease in balance. They said if you skip a dose of Sinemet because you feel so great and don't think of it, don't worry about it, because medical cannabis creates dopamine. They expressed no concern about the long-term effects of medical cannabis, but grave concerns about the long-term effects of sinemet. Vaporize the cannabis; start with a very small dose--just enough to get you straight – and get in a regular routine. Don't change other medications except with your movement disorders specialist's guidance. My two movement disorders neurologists are eager to include this in my treatment and reduce the other meds. They want to learn and be on the cutting-edge, and medical cannabis is clearly a great treatment. A tincture of Indica – marijuana –-was the standard treatment for Parkinson's until marijuana was made illegal in 1942 and it was taken away from us, and cannabis, which treats most of the symptoms of Parkinson's with no side effects, was replaced with Sinemet, which has a lot of side effects (and they are audacious enough to refer to it as "the gold standard".) I would fire the doctor who doesn't want to recommend the best treatment, and when you interview a new neurologist, you might want to start by asking the question up front, "off the record "if need be. The right dose will take most of your Parkinson's symptoms away, and make you feel 10 years younger.. Too much and you will probably not enjoy it. Dosage control is difficult with food. You could take too much and not be able to undo it. With a vaporizer or even smoking it, you can control the dosage as you go. Good luck!
What purpose would it serve except to give you a little high? If that's what your looking for?
What purpose would it serve except to give you a little high? If that's what your looking for?
I have wondered if this video is authentic... it certainly looks like it.
I had an excess of fruit in the garden this year, so I am making wine. I consider that must give as much a lift as a dose of cannabis. (at least in the UK the wine is legal)
I would not even know where to start to buy cannabis knowing that whom you buy off could be into crime and making money out of other peoples misery. I will stick to what is legal!
I am all for anything that will make us feel a little better in ourselves, but in moderation.
A little of what you fancy does you good (so they say)
I believe we should do whatever makes us feel better! It works well for nausea and relaxes you ,so why not!
I benefit 2ways from MM, I sleep tons better and it provides relief from PD related aches, pains and stiffness. Talk to some one who understands which MM ingredients and strains manage which specific problems, that can make a big difference. Some strains and certaub ingredients simply make you feel euphoric, others provide definite relief for me.
I have never seen it in pill form, usually available as edibles or smokeables...of recent used a formula specifically created for electronic cigarettes.
Steve in Bisbee, AZ
Vaporizing and ingesting it (in food or baked goods). If you ingest it it increases the potency by 5 times after passing through the liver. Vaporizing is the healthy way as there are no toxins in it. The vaporizer does not burn it (no smoke) but¸ heats it up enough to release the beneficial compounds in a vapor. It also does no smell up the place as there is no smoke to stick to walls and furniture.
I`ve used a HerbalAire for the last 5 years and a portable Solo. My Herbalaire died last week after 5 years of intensive use. I`ll be getting a new one next week - the Plenty.
the Plenty
i have parkinsons, and i hope the world catches on with a positive view of it. to help so many people. me for one.
this has been most enlightening. thank you . i now have hope. love , judi
I have right side tremor focused PD and I find Marijuana to be a life saver so if you can ignore the negative propaganda espoused by folks who do not know what they are talking about, Try it and judge for yourself.
When a regular person smokes marijuana, it gets them "stoned": that is, it slows down their motion and they feel high. if you take it to an extreme, being stoned could be as bad as being in a catatonic state. People who have Parkinson's are already going at WARP speed: All of our muscles etc. are in motion. We need to be "stoned" in that we need to be slowed down so that we have normal motion. We do not use medical cannabis to get "high": we use it to get straight.