Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for February 2022

PD and Hypnosis

I was reading this n=1 study on the use of hypnosis in a person with PD. Hypnosi...
chartist profile image


Hi I am currently tacking 6 levadopa a day, my nurse has said I am under medicat...
jimmydook profile image

Medical Alert systems guidance

i AM LOOKING FOR A RELIABLE MEDICAL ALERT system. Any suggestions? Experiences? ...
GaryTorch profile image
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Top 10 Parkinson's Disease Clinical Trials [2022 Studies]'s-disease?utm_campaign=owned...
Farooqji profile image

Expert Briefing: Conversations About Complementary Therapies and PDWednesday, March 2, 2022 | 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. ET

Please Watch this Video. We need to fix our leaky guts.

This covers lectins but SO MUCH MORE. Every minute of this video is interesting...

Balance and Non Invasive Brain Stimulation

Our findings suggest that a-tDCS on the left DLPFC improves balance and function...

A useful new review explores current & potential therapeutics for gastrointestinal dysfunction in Parkinsons; Covers lots of bases

A useful new review explores current & potential therapeutics for gastrointestin...
Hidden profile image

Reductions in fecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) but increased plasma SCFAs were observed in patients with Parkinson's disease

Reductions in fecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) but increased plasma SCFAs w...
Hidden profile image

Beds for Parkinson's

Any suggestions for bedding for Parkinson's. My husband and I are looking to buy...
Smittybear7 profile image

Same diseases or not?

Several years ago I was dx'd with MS. I took tysabri, a monoclonal antibody tr...
kaypeeoh profile image

Urolithin-A - has anyone looked into this to trigger mitophagy (and thereby generate new mitochondria)?

I've been looking into Urolithin A, which is very (possibly very very) interesti...
JAS9 profile image

Where's the follow-up to this study?

Little interest in simple treatment of PD?
House2 profile image

PDCare Laser (Red Light) - Any users of this device? What's your experience with this device?

I just read a profile that spoke highly of this device. I have been considering ...
Gcf51 profile image

Can we take advantage of placebo effect for treatment of Parkinson's
Farooqji profile image

16+ years since dx and what we’ve learned

I’ve posted before about our trials with synthetic and natural levadopa but afte...
Bfp69 profile image

AICAR is similar to Berberine

Update 6/29/22: Berberine may be neurotoxic. It is off of my stack:...
Bolt_Upright profile image

Are we SURE we want to increase glutathione? Is glutathione related to the glutamate Excitotoxicity that occurs in PD?

glutathione is an important antioxidant but, can it contribute to the glutamate ...
Hidden profile image

37 articles on various neuroprotective agents

37 articles on various neuroprotective agents:

What about glutathione IV ?

Does anyone have experience with glutathione IV for Parkinsons?
Ric7 profile image

Has Anybody Figured Out How to Get Farnesol?

Waiting for PARIS—A Biological Target in Search of a Drug 2022 https://content.i...

The surprising links between what you eat and how well you sleep

Not getting enough sleep can lead to a vicious circle of over-eating and further...
Farooqji profile image

Long-term Effect of Regular Physical Activity and Exercise Habits in Patients With Early Parkinson Disease

This study provides Class II evidence that sustained increase in overall regular...
Farooqji profile image

nicotine, You could test nicotine patches to see if it has a positive effect on Parkinson's. Or?
PDTom profile image

I am seeking stem cell treatment for my PD. Both accredited institutions and clinical trial groups are acceptable. Find me adresses

adulte Stammzellen


Has anyone taken the antidepressant Efexor? How was it? How did your Dr determin...
nourilo profile image

Role of Short Chain Fatty Acids in Neurological Disorders
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Zandopa fast-taper safer than Sinemet?

Zandopa taper-easier than sinemet? A recent post discussed tapering sinemet an...
Fumaniron profile image

Muscle spasm relief

What did you use for relief that worked?
Kingdomcome profile image

Corynoxine B derivative CB6 prevents Parkinsonian toxicity in mice by inducing PIK3C3 complex-dependent autophagy

Corynoxine B is a natural alkaloid that acts as a neuronal autophagy inducer, bu...
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