If, like me, you struggle to initiate that first walking step and spend hours a day finding strategies to get moving or if, like me, that freezing turns into festination so that your feet hammer up and down on the spot like a pair of demented sewing machines, as you frantically try to move forward to gain control of your teetering body which hasn't got the message that your legs are lagging behind in this whole body team effort we call walking and that any second now you are in for an undignified crash landing, then I have good news for you. I have found a way to get started and it is reliable - yes it works every time.
I discovered a long time ago that I could walk backwards quite confidently. The problem with this strategy is that your eyes are at the wrong side of your head and your feet are facing the wrong way. In a light hearted contemplation, I considered wearing my clothes backwards and fitting miniature reversing mirrors on my specs. But I concluded that progress backwards with bemused stares from passers by was better than no progress at all.
Then suddenly it dawned on me. If starting walking backwards was not a problem, then could I use this technique to help me move forward. The answer is, yes you can
Here is how it is done. It's very simple. Stand facing in completely the opposite direction to which you intend to travel .Take a step backwards, twist your body through 180 degrees and take your second step in the direction you want to go, then just carry on forwards with big confident steps. It's very simple.. And you'll find you are walking forward quite normally. It even works to get you into a running action. Good luck.