Looking for personal experiences in exerc... - Cure Parkinson's
Looking for personal experiences in exercsise (primarily running) and the effectiveness of meds....

I walk instead of running easier on my knees but do Yoga and Palette and use exercise machines every day a good habit to start and keep up Exercise will not cure PD but differently works against the effects of PD
Qi gong ..it as cured all pd symptoms in some people with acupressure and other natural methods.. At least twice a day.. Fast walking is good...larger strides...
I often start off a walk or swim stiff, awkward and disinterested but gradually my body seems to get the message! I don't run any more for fear of falling and I am often a bit uncomfortable and ache the day after exercise. I think this is normal. Sharon
I still run and race walk about 25 to 30 miles per week. It is actually easier for me to run than to walk slowly in a store, etc. I compete in races of 5 to 10k several times per year, though there are some mornings that I just do not feel that I can effectively race. My biggest issue is with rigidity - it takes a long time to warm up enough. there are races that I will spend a full hour warming up. When doing a long run for a workout, this is less of an issue, because if I still am tight after my warm-up I just take the frist couple of miles slow and eventually I do loosen up enough to pick up my speed. I take Sinemet 5 x per day, Sinemet slow release at night and Mirapex 4 times per day.. Also, I cannot bicycle due to balance issues, but they have not been much of a problem running and race-walking.
I go to the gym, attend Yoga and Tai Chi classes and play table-tennis and badminton. I do some form of activity each day including housework and gardening. It certainly has kept me going. Coming up to 10 years since I was diagnosed). My meds get circulating faster if /when I exercise. I find I can run around a badminton court better than I can walk and I'm better at striding when I'm out compared to the shuffling at home. However it would seem that I appear normal to most people even though I feel I'm struggling. I recently tried a tandem (cycling is good for people with Parkinson's) with my husband. It was brilliant!
Morning- I'm past the point of being able 2 exercise,I THINK, u'all tell me what U think. as far as the gym goes, my balance is too bad. Consider urself lucky. My back is messed up from Dyskensia. Am I whining? I'm sorry. When able to walk(when meds kick in)I take my husbands pedometer), and see how many steps I take in an average day(I was sure surprised).. a little over 3000. Now my insentive is 2 beat my last amt. of steps. That makes me keep on ticking. And it's better than nothing, and I don't have to leave the house. Pedometer is around 4.00.$ Fran
Hi Fran:
I read in Howard Shifke's blog that several of his friends/clients were bedridden when they started doing his program. never give up and never ever
sell yourself short.
DeParkiePoet- thanx 4 ur encouragement. I was having a parkinsons moment. I have degenerative disc disease L4-5, L4-3, L3-2 and si. I'm not making excuses but my sciatica is enflalmed, and took 6wks. bed rest the last to heal and I did that stretching.I don't ever want to feel that pain ever. Can't go to chiro. due 2 2 neck surgeries. And I don't want back surgery.Getting a dbs was enough 4 me. I pulled thru fine, I was 49yrs. and had the best neurosurgeon ever. Dr. Fredrick Junn.What I am admitting 4 the first time is I'm afraid of having back surgery, I can't walk well as it is, if something goes wrong i'll never 2 take a step again. At least I can walk now w/DBS, and meds. When meds. kick in. we need more meds. 2 b approved by usda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish I could run or even walk without my cane!
Sometimes I ride a spinning bike or lately even tried walking on a treadmill! It is good for my Gait!
I had total knee replacement last November and my knee still hurts and now I have pain in my opposite hip! Whatever! Things could be worse (I guess)!!
what is Qi gong?
age? and how long dx? When I was first diagnosed I did ballroom dance, aerobics and yoga -- walked miles. Something every day. Now 10 years later I can bearly motivate myself to get outside with my walker at 72. I'm looking forward to my PD classes starting again in Oct. Just hope meds work in a timely manner. It's a hell of a thing when the meds kick in when the class is over
WOW! It's hard to understand how all you people walk and run. Walking is difficult for me. Balance is terrible.I go to exercise, especially for PD people, and that helps. But so many of you are still working and running . So I lead a very sedentary life.
brisk walking may be recoverable. My husband goes to Boston University rehab and the exercise therapist demonstrated to him that he can walk fast by using a handheld metronome which cues him to follow a pace he or it sets. It was amazing to see him gain confidence and get back to walking. But it's hard work for him to persevere and keep motivated. The point is that we can find 'work arounds' or ways to get the nervous system working as it did. He was diagnosed in 2007.
Diagnosed over 17 yrs ago....walked regularly, and was very active and working for first five yrs.! Balance and stiffness got really bad and am now only able to walk slowly/almost shuffling , along with falls and tremors ...stay as active. As possible ...as long as you can ! My hips, legs and back hurt so bad now, I don't do much of anything! I take Stalevo 200's 5 times /day and. Requip once/day along with a mess of other things for low BP, osteoporosis, and hyatel hernia.... Also anxiety and depression ! I've gained. 60 lbs. and hate how I look! Lol, so. Keep walking ...run If and while you can.,!?
hello! i feel for you! I was such an exercise person before all of this has taken place! The weight gain is the hardest because it just keeps going up! I just joined NutriSystem! Day 3 and I just gained another pound!I am on so much medication that I am quite sure that that is one reason I keep gaining weight! It is so discouraging because I can't fit into any of my clothes! WHATEVER! Keep plugging!
Hm. I've lost 35 pounds. I take only 3 sinemet a day along with a pretty large dose
antidepressants. Sure would like it to be able to walk.
NO sugar, low carbs (daily carb max 50g)
I go to aerobics class every weekday mornings. The class is 45 minutes of cardio, hand weights, and leg weights. I've been diagnosed with PD for 10 yeRs and had DBS summer 2012. The daily exercise is part of my DBS recovery. I still get rigidity in my legs and do my Fox imitation. I'm still independent, drive, and am a young 60, keep exercising. It's something I can control and fight. Pd!
I go to aerobics class every weekday mornings. The class is 45 minutes of cardio, hand weights, and leg weights. I've been diagnosed with PD for 10 yeRs and had DBS summer 2012. The daily exercise is part of my DBS recovery. I still get rigidity in my legs and do my Fox imitation. I'm still independent, drive, and am a young 60, keep exercising. It's something I can control and fight. Pd!
WOW All of you! You should feel very proud of yourselves!
I exercise as much as I can but it has gotten increasingly difficult! I was diagnosed 6 years ago! I think most of my problems with walking is from my total knee replacement (Right) which has given me so much pain in my left groin (hip). I go to PT twice a week and she is working on balance and gait1 Thinking back I could walk normally before the knee replacement , but now it is so difficult even to walk short distances!
I have been jumping on my treadmill to see if the walking improves! WHATEVER!!
I just joined NutriSystem to see if I can get rid of this 20 pounds excess weight! Day 3 and I gained another pound! UGH!!
Have you heard about the book from Sweden "Motion & Emotion - In balance with Parkinson's"? It's about getting the best out of our lives with physical and mental training. You can read about it at lindahagbarth.se I have PD since 2010 and I wrote the book to deal with life as it is. It might inspire you too.
I have been diagnosed 10 years plus ands still exercise regularly - although I don't do as much walking because of knee pain and stiffness of the knees. I mostly work on my arms and shoulders so that (after gardening) I can lift myself in and out of the bath - showers are no problem
I have been going through a bad time since last evening when I was at a party but became zombie like after only 2.5 hours after a dose of medication (stress and anxiety are the mind components of this phenomena with the shuffling gait are the physical) BUT after reading your positive replies I am going out to my exercise bench - which I have in a gazebo in our garden and, hey, I might even do some gardening and will certainly have a bonfire e this evening
Thank you all
My first symptom started in 1963. Yes, fifty years ago. I could not throw a ball. I was unable to let the ball go, because of bad coordination. Had I gone to a neurologist then, I would have been diagnosed and put on medication. Luckily, I did not go to a neurologist and carried on with my life. Many more symptoms followed in quick succesion, until 1970, when I started to do regular exercise, mainly jogging and gym. I continued to go downhill, but with all the exercise, I managed to maintain a reasonable quality of life until 1992, when I was eventually diagnosed with Pd. My Neurologist put me onto Selegiline only. No other Pd medication. After another 10 years taking the selegiline and fast walking, three times a week, nobody would ever have known that I have Pd. I have continued walking ever since and now, at the age of almost 79, I still enjoy a good quality of life and look forward to many more years. I have found that if we concentrate on the actual movements of walking, instead of willing our legs to move, many of the movement problems disappear. I don't have a balance problem, if I am concentrating on holding my body-weight on the ball of the back foot, until the front heel hits the ground. Try it! As far as medication is concerned, other than selegiling, rasagiline and parkyline, none of the other meds do anything to slow down the progression of the Pd. I am not a doctor, so don't just take my word for it. The big lesson from my experience is, KEEP EXERCISING!
I have enough trouble walking never mind running !! LOL