Anyone know any dating sites suitable for... - Cure Parkinson's

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Anyone know any dating sites suitable for PD would love to date I have so much left in me to offer the right lady

Meshakin profile image
29 Replies

But when PD is mentioned the ladies are off quicker than the proverbial off a shovel lol

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Meshakin profile image
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29 Replies
honeycombe3 profile image

As a 64 yr old woman who just happens to have PD (9 yrs) I wonder what you you are looking for in a woman & how the fact you have PD affects your (potential) relationships? For me I think I live my life more or less as I always have. I socialise with folk in my local community, indulge my penchant for volunteering - especially using the skills & experience of 40 yrs supporting families of children with Special Needs - co-ordinate local farmers' markets, am thinking of becoming a parish councillor.....etc. I don't belong to any local PD support groups as I'm not yet ready to do so. Despite this I meet many PwP because there are a lot of us about.

Do you have an active social life? Do you mix with a broad range of people of both genders? Do you feel that you have something to contribute to your local community? Is your life dominated by PD?

I'm intrigued by your comment 'when PD is mentioned....'. Can people tell you have it when they meet you or is it something that crops up over time? Most people are not aware I have PD from my physical appearance but I usually tell folk up front in a light hearted way as this makes me feel more comfortable. It is after all part of who I am. I hope you find friends & develop relationships as I am sure you will PD or not.

Meshakin profile image

Have you always been on your own

Meshakin profile image

And yes unfortunately I cannot hade the fact that I slur or have dyskinesia

JAYNIE profile image

where do you live???? the women who run.............are not worth your effort !!!!!!

are you anywhere near Arizona???

Cutewithclass profile image
Cutewithclass in reply to JAYNIE

Hi Jaynie! You're so spot-on in saying women and men that cannot accept our illness and how it does not define us are not worth the effort; Sadly I live in Massachusetts, and just making new friends is an obstacle at times, to saying nothing of meeting an exceptional lady. Johnny

Jaynie you crack me up! Here is something I wrote recently, and it is a light hearted look at online dating with PD. Hope it makes you smile Meshakin!!! And yes I am still single and shaking.

Introduce yourself in less than 200 words! This was the online dating site’s ridiculous request. How do you explain 56 years of wonder, fear, bliss, angst, love and loss in so few lines? I’m me, full stop.

At which point do you introduce the idea that you have Parkinson’s Disease?

Headline? Shaken not stirred? Shake, rattle, and roll? Earth Moving?

Maybe not say anything till first date; then you can claim being nervous.

Next question: describe your perfect partner? In 200 words?

First of all he isn’t the sort of bloke that would go on a dating site; Craig Daniel wouldn’t be looking for the love of his life, or soul partner, amongst the photo-less, few extra pounds, “48” year old women from Aberdeen, would he?

Now answer the questions to find your perfect match? Current relationship? Separate means you are STILL married and therefore unavailable! Married? I need to talk to your wife. Never had a relationship, momma’s boy.

Photo. Please, if you don’t have a photo everyone thinks you are ugly, famous (I don’t think Johnny Depp uses a dating site), or not whom you say you are.

SMILE! One of my criteria is “teeth”. Grumpy faces need not apply. Oh and if you are going to use an old photo of you and your wife, remember to edit it so you can’t see her arm in the frame. Better still get a mate to take a new one so I can’t see that you really did love her. A lot.

Do you want to make contact? I’m sure you don’t know I am your true love before we have even met. If you live in the Outer Hebrides and don’t drive I am in Cornwall, and even though I do drive, I did stipulate in CORNWALL.

And this is where it becomes really scary, WOMEN BEWARE: anyone can post a picture of whoever they want to be; any one can make up their name; address; age; gender; etc., etc.

This is the point where intelligence takes over and gives my lonely heart a spanking. Their ideal partner! 10-20 years younger and no baggage! Doesn’t that mean the same thing? Rules me out. I have four suitcases and a thirty-five year old trunk.

Meshakin profile image

HaHa maybe lighthearted but true puts things into perspective.

'Arizona' I live in the UK :-)

Rosabellazita profile image
Rosabellazita in reply to Meshakin

I live in u.s. we can be online friends

themom profile image

I was diagnosed with PD in December of 2010. I gave up dating and all of my social activities. I was on this website when I read an article about a woman who wrote a wonderful article about not giving up anything in their life especially their social life because of PD. After reading that I decided to give dating another try. I went on Plentyoffish and I just recently met a wonderful man. We are dating and we will see where it goes. If someone is going to like you, PD won't bother them. Nobody is perfect at our age. Don't give up............... I don't know if you have Plentyoffish where you live, but if you do, it's completely free and it doesn't hurt to give it a try. I wish you the best of luck. Please let me know how it goes.

PatV profile image

I had the greatest relationship when I was first diagnosed. After almost 5 years he passed away at 72 of lymphoma. We had more fun. Now I'm not 72 and while I wouldn't say no, my daily life is almost more than I can handle. In the meantime, lots of friends.

parkinsonspistol profile image

My wife left two years after I got PD. Today I say good riddance. I joined Christian Mingle. I put in my profile that I had PD. I had hundreds of contacts. However, I'm handsome, have property and own livestock. I dated about a dozen women before I met my fiance. She a nurse and very caring. Don't underestimate women's ability to give.

Cutewithclass profile image
Cutewithclass in reply to parkinsonspistol

Your story made me smile and gave me optimism that I won't be single for the rest of my life, PD notwithstanding Sir; I'm so happy for you that you met an amazing woman, which despite my medical plight, I've not given up on meeting Wonderwoman. I still get noticed, and according to real, grown women, whom I adore, I am very handsome, kind, empathetic and with a quick wit who still physically operational! I never underestimate women's ability to accept and love, which is one of many traits that make them special. Johnny

Meshakin profile image

Yea I know it's just finding the right one. Needle and haystack come to mind lol !

Susie01 profile image

The first several years that I was divorced I did not want to date, my children were still young. In 2009 I decided to try out online dating and have tried several sites. I have met lots of guys but nothing has ever worked out. After I turned 50 I received less and less emails. Last year I finally gave up on it and no longer belong to any dating sites. I, like others was rejected when guys found out I had PD. While it hurts, I know that I would not want someone who could not accept me because of this disease. I had to leave my job in 2011, I find that there are not a lot of guys interested in someone who receives disability, they see you as a liability. That may sound negative, but unfortunately is true, does not seem to matter if you are still an intelligent and reasonably attractive person...I am ok with being single though at times it would be great to have a special loving relationship, I have much to share with the right person.

PecanPie profile image
PecanPie in reply to Susie01

Hey Susie01,

Meshakin is a good looking man :D

Meshakin profile image
Meshakin in reply to PecanPie

Thank you very much, cannot see you properly due to the colours but is a shame you are in US and I am in UK :-)) x

Meshakin profile image
Meshakin in reply to Susie01

No it's not negative it is being honest I don't feel as though I am a needy person and it seems that I want somebody to love rather than somebody to love me, don't know if you understand that.........

PecanPie profile image
PecanPie in reply to Meshakin

well its helpful when love goes both ways : )

Meshakin profile image
Meshakin in reply to PecanPie

Yes and so it should I take commitment very seriously whether married or not

PecanPie profile image
PecanPie in reply to Meshakin

Very nice reply. I hope you see I was being lighthearted with you and Susie0, not hitting on you :D

in reply to Susie01

Online dating doesn't work. Their are so many fake dating sites as their are woman. I've lost so much money over time that I'm about to give up and think of an alternative way to cope with myself. I am so lonely and have so much to give the right woman. Have PD for 10 years now, haven't been with a woman for 11 years. Woman just don't want a man with PD. I'm also a Disabled Vet and live on my govt pension. I live in a 4 bdrm house with my 2 cats. I'd welcome someone hitting on me. But your not getting any money, unless you move in with me. I live in Tomah, WI.

Charge profile image
Charge in reply to Susie01

Hi Susie 01, It sounds like you’ve been through a lot. It’s not easy dating when you have Parkinson’s. I was diagnosed in 2006. I stop dating also, it’s hard to find somebody who understands Parkinson’s . Last person I dated struggles with me not feeling well and not being able to do everything that she wanted. In the end she told me she didn’t sign up for this.

ion_ion profile image
ion_ion in reply to Charge

There are not many people interested to deal with this disease. Some men or women will run away from such relationships by giving different reasons than the real one.

Meshakin profile image

Yes I know it's important that you can laugh at yourself.

One of my old work colleagues had "Shakin all over" as a ringtone for me HaHa

Susie01 profile image

Pecan Pie, Meshakin,

Yep, distance is a problem, sense of humor is a must!

Michelle_1965 profile image

If you find any good dating sites let me know :-)

Have you found your needle? I ask because I have a giant pile of needles in which is hidden a single strand of hay. hmmmmm?

Cutewithclass profile image

Good day Sir! Your post intrigued me as I've experienced reactions like this to a degree, and although I still get noticed by ladies, nothing substantial has come of it. I'm a novice to this message board, but I felt the time was right to open up about what we all live with and how we want other's to know that this chronic illness does not define us. We all can still give love and recieve it. Johnny

I've been searching dating sites for many years. Never came across one specifically for PD. Many advertise, but are all in it for the money. Just like many woman are as well.

Not what you're looking for?

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