Nope I havent seen it, and since I don't have TV it will be some time before it reaches my eyes.
So the title of this post is a little misleading sorry for that! Its about 'time'.
Pre-PD I was always busy not always doing the right things but not beating myself up either. Now as I enter probably around my 12/3 year knowingly with this condition, I am determined yo value my time and I don't regret giving TV up as now every moment is precious. Not a single program has passed my eyes, and often I find myself sandwiched in some alien talk about shows I have never heard of and people called 'celebs' whom I haven't a clue about either. So i don't let a single droplet of time spill to the floor, i am careful and treat it wisely.....but I've still a lot to learn!! I think day time TV would be the death of me, PWP have enough trouble with apathy as it is! I say go and kick a huge pile of autumn leaves, or snap the sunrise on your iphone. Whatever you choose to do, sometimes you need to engage the outside world to keep motivated and encouraged. And yes its ok to feel glum, momentarily i hope ! But its far nicer going to embrace you life and max it, essentially without TV.