Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for August 2020

Pinched Nerve as Cause?

In what sense is pinched nerve listed here as a cause (rather than being an effe...
Oceangir profile image

What PwP need is regular rigorous exercise motivations NOT more levadopa

Some undisputable facts and conclusions following the thread "is levadopa neurop...
Grumpy77 profile image

APDA overview of some of the PD disease-modifying therapies currently being investigated in clinical trials

Categories covered: - Alpha-synuclein strategies – decreasing aggregation of alp...
jeffreyn profile image
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Has anyone used TAURINE

I can across an item on NIH.GOV on how TAURINE impacts brain function and CNS. H...
Ozziedon profile image

Rasagiline (Azilect) savings

If you are in the US and taking rasagiline (Azilect) you know it is very expensi...
tid1 profile image

the definition of synbiotic products

Gut health experts define ‘synbiotic’ supplements. A panel of scientists has pu...
aspergerian profile image

Parkinson's assumed causes and treatment options

Causes: Perfusion issues Genetic Milk and dairy Heavy metals Mold Pesticides Pin...
JayPwP profile image

Medication and DBS

Hi all. My husband diagnosed with PD two years ago (almost). He refused to take...
Parsa profile image

Overnight the FDA was approving clinical trials for treatments for the Corona virus. Why can’t it work on Parkinson's at the same pace

When the coronavirus happened, it seemed as if overnight the FDA was approving c...
Farooqji profile image

Severing toe tendons.

I knew of several folks years ago that ended up severing the tendons on the smal...
beehive23 profile image

The Brain That Changes Itself

Kia17 profile image

Natural molecules that stimulate dopamine production may help reverse Parkinson's disease

The team designed the study based on the knowledge that a protein called Nurr1 i...
JayPwP profile image

NAD Therapy

Has anyone tried intravenous NAD therapy? My doctor suggested that it might be ...
davissw profile image


Hi, I feel constant tiredness, already upon waking up. In particular the legs ar...
Fed1000 profile image

Does B1 make you tired?

Started B1 at 1500 mg during the day. First couple of days it made me feel relax...
Adagionet profile image

Have a peaceful night................

“Ignore those that make you fearful and sad.” Rumi.
beehive23 profile image

Madopar plus Mucuna

How best to combine Madopar with Mucuna? My husband has been using Mucuna (99% L...
billyroca profile image

Tyramine, MAO A and MAO B has any one tried a tyramine reduced diet?

I was reading up on MAO inhibitors as the question was asked which is best, an M...
LAJ12345 profile image

All my life I have believed that soap kills germs. Not so. Who knew?

Soap allows bacteria and viruses to be dislodged from your skin and rinsed away ...
MBAnderson profile image

what can cause lip bruising

lip bruising in parkinson elder man

My "PD" is modulated by three factors. Dysautonomia is one.

My "PD" is modulated by: Norepinehrine loss in CNS. Amantadine helps. Dysauton...
aspergerian profile image

Natural history of motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease and the long-duration response to levodopa

The natural pattern of progression of Parkinson’s disease is largely unknown bec...
Farooqji profile image

Botox vs atropine

I have been recommended to have botox injections into my saliva glands in order ...
partypants profile image

Breathing problems in Parkinson’s disease: a common problem, rarely diagnosed

Im 52 and down to 48% vital lung capacity due to PD. IBreathing problems in Par...
beehive23 profile image


can i suggest there be less mean responses too one another and myself, im late s...
beehive23 profile image

Taurine and tyrosine

Has anyone had success with taurine tyrosine and be one vitamins
Marcia123 profile image

Dysautonomia subgroup in PD

Is the following a dichotomy or nearly so? PwP whose PD is significantly biased ...
aspergerian profile image

How the environment and the microbiome jointly shape the body.

How the environment and the microbiome jointly shape the body. Excerpt: All mu...

Focused Ultrasound Therapy, FDA-approved for Essential Tremors

Focused ultrasound is a completely non-invasive method of thalamotomy - a proced...
Pa-zzi69 profile image

Whats the best diet for Ldopa absorption? Keto? Vegan? Vegetarian? Or fasting? It is sooo confusing, pls share your experience! thanks a mil

Diet L dopa
Rabilo profile image