Is it possible to have PD without the tre... - Cure Parkinson's
Is it possible to have PD without the tremors, my dad is 84 and has every other symptom but not vey noticeable tremors

Yes, only about 60% of PD patients have tremors. Take him to a movement disorder specialist to determine what he has. It may be something other than PD.
Hi I have all the other symptoms but no tremor and was diagnosed with PD last year at the age of 49 years old. I still haven't got a tremor 18 months later but other symptoms such as stiffness and slowness of movement have got slightly worse.
I am 53 and I've been increasingly stiff in my feet hips and shoulders over the past 5 years. One arm doesn't swing when I walk and my wife says I kick and move all the time in my sleep. But I have no tremor. My father had the same symptoms for many years before he was diagnosed with PD at age 66...but I think he had it earlier as he had the same symptoms I have at the same age. My question to you is what made you decide to go to a neurologist, and are you on any medication, and if so has it helped with the stiffness. I keep going back and forth on whether to see a movement disorder specialist as it seems there is not much anyone can do, so I keep thinking I'll just live with it until it becomes a problem. However, people are starting to notice my stiffness and keep asking me if I'm ok. I appreciate any thoughts you may care to share on your experience.
YES I have Parkinson's and no visible tremors,nearly a third of the ppeople with Parkinson's have no tremors. Have him see a good neurologist. Parkinson's is more than just a movement disorder.
Thank you for all your advice, I have always associated PD with tremors, as that was a symptom my mom had, it wasn't till I googled his symptoms that PD came up. We share a doc so will have a chat. Thanks again
Ditto ..
I started with a tremor but don't seem to get it so much these days, 6-9 months ago terrible freezing. cut down on my pills, basically i was over dosing. much better now.
Husband no tremors, since going off the Pd medicines no more freezing either. Have him doing leg, arm exercises when sitting or in his bed, also foot massages three to four times Dailey as well as his legs and arms.
What meds was he on and why did he go off?
He was on MIRAPEX and sinamet for many years the side effects became intolerable and I made the decision to take him off them. Seems what we are doing now has been for the best, I see much improvement in many ways, all the bad behavior and violence stopped after going off the MEDS, sad to say why couldn't the physicians see this, with a lot of prayer on my part I was led to do and use my judgement. I wish more physicians were for nutritional support and alternative treatments.i am so thankful for where we are today and not where we were, his quality of life is much better now. In my postings i am sharing our experience, it was tough decisions for me but am so thankful now in doing so.
I have no tremors, but my neurologist was positive that I have PD. My main symptom was being off-balance
and falling a lot. I had ridgidity in my arms, and he said my gait was another indication of PD.
Things not known about Parkinson's
1. Almost 35 percent of Parkinson's patients never get a tremor — that's right, no tremor. The rest may have action tremor and not resting tremor. The tremor may be on just one side of the body; Parkinson's doesn't have to be on both sides.
2. No one is too young to have Parkinson's disease. I know people who were diagnosed in their teens. It is not in our imagination, we are not faking symptoms, we aren't drinking too much coffee or just anxious. There is definitely something wrong. Help us.
3. Stiffness and slowness of movement are common symptoms. Changes in gait and lack of arm swing when walking are telltale signs.
4. Parkinson's medicines can cause melanoma, so refer all your patients to a dermatologist for a complete skin check.
5. If a patient presents with upper back, shoulder or neck pain that you can't find a clinical reason for, it could be an early sign of Parkinson's disease. Don't dismiss it.
6. Parkinson's disease can affect our heart, and the medicines we take can affect our blood pressure. Your Parkinson's patient might just need their Parkinson's medications adjusted, not another prescription.
7. Changes in the ability to smell may be an early sign of Parkinson's.
8. Sleep changes, acting out dreams, vivid nightmares are all early signs of Parkinson's.
9. Changes in handwriting, letters becoming smaller and cramped are another early sign.
10. Changes in voice, slurring words and speaking softer are all signs.
11. Changes in facial expression or a blank look are signs.
12. Stooped posture or loss of balance is common.
13. Cognitive changes can be a side effect of the Parkinson's medications, so don't just assume otherwise and add another Rx.
14. Adding another medication to the tons we take isn't always the answer — it could be one of the medications we are already taking that is causing the problem.
15. Refer your patients to a movement disorder specialist preferably or at least a neurologist who knows about Parkinson's. Don't try to treat them yourself; Parkinson's is too complicated. I know, I have it.
it was Mirapexin that I cut down
may all with PD find the progression of the disease is slow...
After all these replies, I don't; have tremors either. But balance is terrible. Hard to walk around. Voice problems, beginning to have trouble eating. Cannot write Feel fine as long as I don't try to do something. I'm 82 year old, and probably have had PD for four or five years. Doctor says there is no drug to take for balance problems. Memory and cognitive abilities are gstting worse.
My husband has PD, finally diagnosed last November. He has just about every symptom (except any noticeable tremors), and many of them have been around for years, just not recognized for this diagnosis until some major symptoms surfaced last year. In fact, the neurologist at Mayo Clinic didn't even come up with the diagnosis when all the other symptoms were already there. He has other medical problems too, and it's likely the chemo he was on for leukemia, caused his brain to get worse quicker. His mother had PD and had major tremors, but so far, he only has a small tremor in his little finger if he holds his hand up, and just today felt his foot shake while sitting on the couch (he thought it was an animal that ran over it).
I very seldom have tremors. Balance is difficult and walking is very hard.
Yes! This is not well known, but people can have PD without tremor. I was diagnosed in 2003 at the age of 45 and I have no tremor whatsoever. I suffer primarily from rigidity which is controlled by levodopa.
Yes, it's possible. I had NO tremors for 25 yrs. Now I have it on my left side.
Yes. I was diognosed 6 years ago with PD. I do not have tremors, but I have serious weakness on my right side,dyskensia, dystonia, and very poor balance. I fall frequently.
Parkinson's can be divided into two types:
1.Tremor Dominant
2. (PIGD) Postural Instability Gait Disorder)
Its about 33% of PD people do not have a tremor.