Get your Vitamin D level checked! - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Get your Vitamin D level checked!

6 Replies

Hi all, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year. I recently went to see my GP as the pains in my legs (mostly front of thighs) and spine are getting worse, and I generally feel horrible and have gained 3 stone in the last three years :( (I've joined Weightwatchers recently though!). He sent me off for a whole load of blood tests as it had been 9 months since I had any done. They all came back normal (as I expected) but I just found out that my Vitamin D level is too low. The symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency are muscle and joint pains, fatigue, weakness, weight gain (vit d regulates insulin and metabolism), depression, pains in ribs, thighs, pelvis, hips and feet. My GP wrote me out a prescription for Vit D and calcium supplement which I'm taking twice a day. I have read that it can take up to 12 months for the levels to be restored but I'm hopeful that some of my symptoms might ease off in time. I will keep you all posted. I'm feeling more positive already which is a good thing. Just thought I would share this, something for you to all bear in mind next time you are at the surgery. :)

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6 Replies
dawny profile image

hi there, all my symptoms corresponded with D12 deficiency and had tests done. the results came back normal.Sometimes feeling positive is a help in itself so wishing you all the best Sammy

Bumble profile image

Thanks for this information. I do have an underactive thyroid but don't think the vit D level has ever been checked.

Congratulations on joining can only help. I had the same problem and put on 3 stone in 3 years but joined slimming world and took 4 stone hasn't helped with the pain but has certainly made movement easier...also given me a much needed psychological boost! All the best.

Betty67 profile image

My dentist was the first one to wonder if I had a Vitamin D problems and so was correct. I withdrew my life savings and went to Malta for a month in February 2010 and felt wonderful. Fresh air sunshine gentle excercise no cooking or housework, and with the wonder of the internet was still able to work for an hour a day. Just enough so clients knew I still cared about them. Unfortunately can not afford to do that every year but I do still take my tablets. I too have an underactive thyroid. Also lost weight, not reduced the pain but has helped with tiredness and general movement.

I read somewhere that all of us in the UK need Vit D supplements in our winters.

Kestrelflyer profile image

My Vitamin D and calcium levels came back as low after blood tests. I've been taking supplements and my next tests after a few months showed my levels had improved. I've been told by medical staff that most people living in Northern Europe have low vitamin D and calcium levels due to the lack of sun, but they just aren't aware of it.

I can't say that correcting my levels has helped reduce my pain, but I have noticed that my nails are growing quicker! A few of my friends who are suffering some form of chronic pain or another have all been told they have low levels and all advised to take some form of supplement.

lynr profile image

Hello every one , do I just ask for a blood test for vitamin D levels or is there a correct name for the test ?

Katybird profile image

Hi, I was recommended to try Vitamin D3 as its the sunshine vitamin, the one that people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) suffer lack of; the guy recommended that I 'overdose' on double quantities to have any effect.

I took it for 6 months and:-................nothing, no change whatsoever!!! Sorry.

Kate xxx

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