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Fertility Network UK

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All posts for August 2021


Hello ladies!Has anyone tried ivf for a second baby after a c-section?Were you s...
gianna83 profile image

Pain during stims

Is some brief twinging and pain on one side normal during stimulation? Day 12 to...
Hidden profile image

TSH result six days before transfer

Hi all. I am currently in the middle of a frozen cycle which I was eventually a...
Skittles11 profile image
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Help please I have line eyes

Ladies I've messed up and I tested early I know my trigger shot disappeared at 4...
Kieneyl profile image

I’m back 👋 Low HCG beta trying for no.2

Hi everyone, I’ve been popping back here and there since I had my daughter last...
KiboXX profile image

Egg collection done!

So today was egg collection day, and we got 4 eggs. At the scan on Monday they ...
Camkid12 profile image

Anyone else at start of 2ww?

Hi everyone, I’ve just got home from a transfer, embryo thawed well and had star...
Daffodils140 profile image

ivf attempt abandoned due to lack of stimulation following medication

Does anyone have experience of abandoned ivf at this early stage? I am aged 41 ...
Harri_et profile image

Period cramps at night from 3dpt. Did anyone else get these with a positive outcome?

I’m now 6dpt 5dt and still having period cramps at night and briefly on and off ...
Ey2020 profile image

The dreaded 2ww

Morning all One week today we find out if we are pregnant and it’s absolute tort...
RachelGen profile image

Re occurent implantation failure

Hi Everyone, we got 3 good quality embryos in december, 1st transfer failed and ...
GinaUnicorn profile image

Does anyone have any recommendations for IVF clinic abroad

We've just had our 1st failed IVF (ICSI) cycle and looking at options abroad as ...
Griffin202 profile image

Should I accept it’s a failed cycle?

Hi all, I had an FET on the 5th. (6dt). OTD was on Wednesday for a home test. 3 ...
Wizzadora01 profile image

When does the 2ww begin?

I know this may seem a silly question but is the 2ww taken from egg collection (...
Crazybunmum profile image

Era transfer

I did ERA PGT-a, i did transfer today but my doctor started my progesterone from...
bmm651 profile image

Cervix is bleeding a little! Please help

Hi ladies, I am 14 w+2d and today had a little bleeding. Went to the doctor bab...
Hidden profile image

FET supliments??

So after a hellish week of waiting for a phone call, I was advised today that I ...
Jamlily profile image

Transvaginal ultrasound scan

Hello, I had a transvaginal ultrasound scan today to look at my lining, general ...
Tilly8135 profile image

Potentially sensitive - scan after bleed and clot.

I’ve seen a few posts of ladies worrying and thinking it’s all over after bleedi...
Emlou87 profile image

Which day your first scan for FET is done ?

I'm asking this question because my doctor told me to wait for my period to come...
Titawine profile image

Here I am again!

After our 1st transfer we had a chemical, our second transfer we lost our baby g...
lou12208 profile image

Antral follicle scan

Hello has anyone had this done on day 2 if there period? I had it done today but...
Tilly8135 profile image

Best pharmacy for Menopur Cetrotide (UK)

Trying to save a few penny in this expense game, has anyone got any recommendati...
Papillonblue profile image

Aspirin to increase follicles

Just wondering if anyone has tried taking low dose aspirin while stimulating for...
Flora14 profile image

How many days from Trigger to Embryo Transfer

Hello, How many days does it take on average from the day of trigger to Embryo t...
Tamilore profile image

Mock cycle then Hysteroscopy then lining issues

Hi Ladies: Hope you’re all well out there. I hesitated even asking this, because...

Stopping progesterone at 8 weeks!

My clinic have advise me to stop taking progesterone at 8 weeks but to continue ...
JP2020 profile image

NK cells womb lining test - uncomfortable ?

Hello, help everyone’s doing okay. Just a quick one to ask how uncomfortable thi...

Transfer done 🥳

We have a beautiful 8 cell grade 2 embryo on board (our clinic rate 1-5) and I’m...
JudithSS profile image

FET done 🤞

We had our FET this morning with our only embryo, it was still a 5BB after the t...
try2020 profile image