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Fertility Network UK

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All posts for November 2013

It didn't work.......

My ivf hasn't worked, absolutely gutted my amh too low to stimulate and with onl...
Patientpolly profile image

hi there, NWL Hospitals are offering only one free IVF cycle. The general norm is 3 free cycles. How can i find hospitals offer more cycles

Robin007 profile image

Got my appointment for internal scan for ivf does it hurt? Should someone go with me, partner works away and not sure if I should ask him

To take a day off or not
Soconfused07 profile image
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Hi all :-) I have just joined so will explain my story.

Me & husband ttc for 4 years, just had very first app in fertility hospital. We ...
Hidden profile image

Embryo implant

Hi there I had a embryo implant done 6 days ago and for 2 days now I just don't ...
ladyz profile image

Hi im a newbie snd want some advice on clomid.

Im 25 . Been ttc for 3 years now with no luck. Had husb...
lumpylaura profile image


hi all does anyone know how much it costs for a hysteroscopy when we go for a pr...
aroo88 profile image

Recommended foods/general diet tips while stimming? (Egg collection due on Monday 2nd Dec).

Hello :-)

Hi everyone, my name is Jess, I'm 29 and currently going through 1st IVF cycle. ...
Jess84 profile image

Embryo inplant

Hi there I'm 27 and had a embryo inplant of 2 egg 5 days ago its my first try on...
ladyz profile image

Any advice welcome!

Hi I am due to have my egg retrieval on Thursday for my first cycle of ivf. I a...
Hidden profile image

Day 5/5 after egg transfer the 2ww is starting to get to me doing anything to keep busy any tips lady's x

Zozo88 profile image

OMG just had a letter this morning offering me a FREE 4th IVF cycle if I donate half of my eggs for egg sharing for research in my 2nd IVF

cycle because i responded good to IVF, I still have 7 Blastocysts left over from...

Had the coil fitted before I start ivf. Having serious bleeding. Wondering if anyone else has had any problems or suggestions? Bit worried.

Eadie31 profile image

Keep Smiling.. :-)

My husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I replied a positive pregnancy ...
MrsMarsh profile image

Has anyone had a postive result after a 2dt of a 2 cell & 4 cell embryos?

leeann profile image

Menopur day 10 scan and nothing........

The consultant is allowing another few days to see if something will happen but ...
Patientpolly profile image

HI. Today is my 6th day on Gonal-F injectables and found out I have five follicles. Tomorrow I do my trigger shot. What are my chances of

PO-COP profile image

im going to go through the first cycle of ivf soon, could anyone share with me the side effects of the drugs that i will be on.

Hidden profile image

Hysteroscopy?will NHS fund for a day surgery?

Hi ladies Really need a reply for this.Is there a NHS funding for day surgeries...
aroo88 profile image

Ayrshire Fertility Support Group Wednesday 27th from 7pm and last Wednesday of the month thereafter. The Lister Centre, Crosshouse Hospital.

Hi, The Ayrshire support group will be held again on Wednesday 27th Nov from 7pm...
normawhiteford profile image

Thanks everyone for your good luck wishes xxxx

It worked !!!! I done my clearblue test this morning and I'm 2-3 weeks pregnant ...
Emmy007 profile image

Hi had 2 embryo transfer yesterday on day 3 very upset didn't make it to 5day blast I'm 39 years old so last chance been trying for 9 years

Kat2013 profile image

Hi has anyone conceived following a frozen cycle, I am starting to think forward after my first failed IVF cycle. I am 29

High FSH, High AMH and good AFC??

have a few questions that I cannot research the answers for nor can anyone give...

Only 2days left !!!!!!

Oh my god, I can't believe it.....I'm doing my pregnancy test on Wednesday ! It...
Emmy007 profile image

Hi I'm new to this site and wanted to say Hi, Is anyone else starting their IVF cycle soon??

Aged 34 partner 37 secondary unexplained infertility no known problems and have...
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IVF is a bit like a pack of cards, you pick a card, turn it over and see if it wins you luck!


Feeling down this cycle only 2-3 follies after day 10 scan

Im on my 2nd cycle of IVF/ICSI and it doesn't seem to be progressing they way i ...
leeann profile image

Hi only 6 egg was any good for fertilise have 4 eggs that have fertilise xx

have a call Monday to see if they have seperated they said it is normal to lose ...
Kat2013 profile image