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Fertility Network UK

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All posts for September 2013

Got my period tonight, so when I go for my first scan I can tell the clinic I have had a period and hope they will be happy with my womb.:)

Has anyone else on here had a colectomy or other abdominal surgery and had problems with adhesions on their fallopian tubes?

Was referred for testing, but consultant has refused to test my tubes because my...
BluChakra profile image

Hi everyone, wow ive done 14 injections now but I don't think I am going to get my period, as it is meant to start to day and no cramps or

anything, the reason why I worry about this is just simply because I am used to ...
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Anyone else starting treatment at ivf wales cardiff?

I've started my suprecur injections this weekend and wondered if anyone else is ...
Emmy007 profile image

Pelvic scan results - do fibroids affect fertility?

I've just requested a copy my a transvaginal scan I had done on day 14. It showe...
behappy1 profile image

TTC after tubal surgery and period now 6 days late. Feel like it's about to start and 3 BFN's. Chance I could be pregnant?

Katrina13 profile image

Is my housband semen analysis suitable for icsi ?

hey my housband semen analysis show low count ( 16 mil / ml ) low motility ( 0...
rosylibya profile image

I am feeling really exited about things now, I am actually enjoying doing my injections now lol, I am past that anxious stage, loving

all this new experience too.
danielledavison profile image

Meditation and Fertility Support Meeting in London Monday 7th October

Join us for an hour-long meditation class in central London at 6.15pm or just co...

Does anyone know if you can still get your normal period when taking Buserelin, my next period is due on 30 September and I don't know if I

will have it or not.

I live in London can anyone recommend a good friendly clinic

Pammi912 profile image

How long do u have to wait between ivf cycles

Pammi912 profile image

Hello everyone , I am due to go to see a private fertility doctor in October to hopefully be prescribed clomid?the initial consultation is

Going to cost £190.00 for 1 hour does anyone have any idea how much the drugs wi...
Sar75 profile image

Hi there need some advice? Does advice?

Does anyone else experience mood swings taking metformin for pcos?? Sometimes I ...
Sar75 profile image

Ive had a couple of scans now and they cant see my left ovary - beginning to wonder if I actually have one? Anyone else had this problem?

debh1 profile image

Is it just me or is it normal to feel different when taking Buserelin, I feel like im on a different planet or something, I don't seem to

have much interest in anything at the min, like it is just all about me, is this...

Hi everyone, I am feeling like I have achieved a lot already, been doing my own injections has got to be the biggest hurdle to get over

Really proud of my self.

I am 29 and was wondering if implantation fails more in older woman then younger woman in IVF. Any advice or support would be appreciated.

I am one week into my first IVF/ICSI cycle, Does the Buserelin definitely work even if you have very little side effects, just feel unsure.

Has anybody here had IVF in Cardiff?

Hi, I am having my first appointment next week in Cardiff with Dr Shayeb, I was ...
Kirsty_Anne profile image

Feeling a mix of emotions! All 5 embryos are being thawed on Monday ready for transfer on Thursday.

I've been extremely positive throughout our cycle even when it was poorly with O...
Hannahb84 profile image

hi everyone I am on day 4 of Buserelin and all good, I had side effects like headache, hearing disturbances, cramping, twinges, must mean it

is working.

Is it worth taking a test?

Had 5 day blastocyst transfer on 1.9.13 and got bfp on 12.9.13. Today had some s...
pswhiteside profile image

Dear all, just joined this network. Hope you can help. Got my Anti-Mullerian Hormone test results - 4.9 pmol/l. What does it mean?

I also got my LH level test (3.8 U/L), FSH test (10 U/L) and oestradiol level te...
Epp-Ebe profile image

Hi just wanted to know if 34.4 ovarian reserve is good as that is what my blood results were, will I have plenty of eggs for IVF/ICSI.

Hi just started Buserlin 2 days ago, I had little pains in the lower part of my abdomen yesterday but they have gone for now is this normal?

Help!! I have just joined & not sure what the abbreviations are? Also does anyone else stay in Scotland & are being affected by the rules?

weemon profile image

My Hubby has oligiospermia, were on list in wales but it takes about 2 years, thinking of doin egg sharing but may only be able to do icsi?

not too sure what to do or where to go from here, i'm not too sure if my husband...
amyrhill88 profile image

my first IVF has it failed even before the chance to test?

I had 2 grade 2 embryo's transferred 10 days ago, I began heavy bleeding yesterd...
Hidden profile image

Started bleeding d9 after 2 embryo transfer, feels like a period, told to carry on taking crinone gel and test on 21st, but cant see point?

I'm 37 with unexplained infertility had 3 failed iui previously been trying to c...
Hidden profile image