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Fertility Network UK

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All posts for August 2020

Final ivf cycle at 46... any advice please? xx

Hello ladies! Thank you so much for sharing all your stories on this forum 😘 ...

No mature eggs collected

Hi my dear Ladies. I'm totally down now after I had just my egg collection. They...

Tested early in 2WW

Hi. I am currently 12dp FET and I tested today. They told me to test on Monday b...
LMGC profile image
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Is this looking chemical?

I could only find the same brand in my supermarket, and how likely is it you'd g...
Montgomery2 profile image

Clinic for treatment abroad suggestions?

Currently looking at newlife Greece after three disasterous rounds here. Particu...
Jessy1280 profile image

Rapidly losing hope 😭

My 5aa embryo just failed. In three cycles I've retrieved 50 eggs eggs, hardly ...
Jessy1280 profile image

Little bleeding on ET+9 is it normal?

Hi all, I'm on ET +9 and I had a little bleeding on yesterday evening and today ...
Dinuss profile image

Did anybody have NK cells? Hashimotos? Thyroid anti body cell?

Hi lovelies. Hope every single one of you is in a good place and loved x Toda...
Hidden profile image

Pregnacare delaying periods

Hi all. Has anyone else suffered from delayed periods after taking pregnacare? I...
Pujj profile image

Natural or Medicated FET ? Advice please ladies ..

Hello 👋 We’re currently needing to make the decision whether to go for a natur...
Amelia1984 profile image

How many rounds of Donor Egg transfer until BFP?

Hello everyone Egg collection has been scheduled for 27th August for my egg dono...
Mmmpudding profile image


Hi all, After my embryos were frozen last minute due to Covid I am finally havi...
HopeIVFul profile image

Tingling in hand caused by ubiquinol?

Hi all I'm been taking ubiquinol for the last 5 days and have noticed a tingling...
24hopefuls profile image

Period changes after FET BFN

Hello, I’m just after a bit of reassure off possible? And apologies in advance ...
BetsyBo profile image

First ICSI failed :(

I have finally gotten my head around my first cycle failing. I had 12 eggs colle...
Amy1122 profile image

Sensitive post MMC

It’s taking me a few days to find the courage to write this. Somehow writing it ...
Kitty230515 profile image

Advice after first post stimulation scan - response and thyroid

Hi fellow warriors 💪🍍💛 I had my first monitoring scan today following a week...
Kat_15 profile image

Subchorionic haemotoma

Heeyyy Back again for some more reassurance. 🧘🏻 Who out there has any positive...
recidwen profile image

Endometrial scratch

Just had my consultation after the BFN. Dr has said i could do an endometrial sc...
Judy18 profile image

Effects of meds

Anyone else feel like they are going a bit crazy on their meds??! I feel like I’...
hifer profile image

Bmi and ivf

Hi all ivfers💞💞 For ivf ideal bmi is 20 to 25..... 27 Has anyone success story...
Dorekhani profile image


my period is 16 days late, negative test result,pain in my lower right stomach,p...
Gif2 profile image

Menopur side effects

Hi all, I started injecting 225 menopur 2 days ago alongside my Buserelin. I f...

Trigger warning - scan photo

Hey lovelies, just wanted to update those that have followed my journey. I'm 32...
bms12 profile image

Update : bleeding has stopped!

You are all amazing. Thank you for your rally of support, kind and reassuring wo...
jengi profile image

Please PM me recommendations for private infertility consultants after failed IVF and natural conception post 40

Hello support network! I want to see a private infertility consultant before I ...
Florencehill profile image


What is it like when you be on sedation during egg retrieval, will I be alert as...
naz17 profile image

7dp5dt today, final embryo. Noticed pink watery spot on 5dp nothing since. Nothing whatsoever. No twinges/cramping. I can't face another BFN

I'm 36 (37 in January) with no fallopian tubes. Been told everything else is "fi...
LadyGem profile image

ET failed after first fresh cycle??

Hi, I was 4 weeks after ET with first fresh cycle and I started spotting brown b...
Blissful_kk profile image

Approximately, how long does frozen transfer take from starting meds on day 2 of the cycle?

Hi guys I'm waiting for my period to start to begin the meds for a frozen trans...
Kbear83 profile image