Hi Everyone,
I had duo stim IVF with the 2nd egg retrieval on the 6th November.
My mock cycle included testagel, progyluton and cetratide (mid Sept to beg Oct) - I then moved onto stims- 150 Meriofert, 150 Gonal F, cetrotide and progesterone plus decapeptyl as trigger shot. stims were for 2 x 12 day periods between 2nd week Oct and early November So there have been a lot of hormones in a very short space of time!
5 weeks on my hormones are literally all over the place and I found this out through some blood tests with my GP when they wanted to check my iron levels. They found normal FSH (which was quite high before treatment), super low testosterone, extremely low progesterone and my oestradiol extremely high in the luteal phase at 1191 pmol.
I’m worried because I thought things might be back to normal or starting to stabilise by now.
I’m waiting to begin donor egg treatment in February and don’t want to be contending with wild hormones on top of what is already a challenge! I’ll obviously chat through the results with my clinic, but wondered has anyone had anything similar happen post egg retrieval?
Any advice welcomed!