hi all, just looking for some advice. Had my egg retrieval on Monday and Iv been having quite a lot of tummy pain. I didn’t have this on the other two, the nurse said not to worry as I’m eating, drinking going to the toilet but it’s reallly quite painful! Has anyone else experienced this?
Pains after egg retrieval : hi all... - Fertility Network UK
Pains after egg retrieval

I would push for a check up, just in case of a slight possibility of OHSS

After each retrieval can be quite different Maybe it is trapped wind - try lying down with knees gently drawn up and rock from side to side Keep drinking plenty in case you get constipated which would increase your discomfort Hope it settles soon - if not and discomfort increases get in touch with clinic/doctor
Take care
hi! Sorry to hear you are experiencing pain. A dear friend of mine experienced the same after a rather complicated egg retrieval procedure (she had endo cysts on her ovaries). After some days of pain they found out she had an ovarian infection and was given antibiotics. I hope it is not your case but wanted to tell you just in case. Good luck!!
hi all, thank you for replying, Iv been to the clinic and I do have some fluid on my ovary they said that’s normal. I think Iv just had an unlucky retrieval as my last two I had no pain at all! I’m hoping transfer will still go ahead
Hi, after my retrievals I have 2-3 boiled eggs daily (you can just eat the whites if you are worried about cholesterol) for5 days and also try and drink coconut water or isotonic drinks.. I was in so muxh pain after my first retrieval and this is what doctor advised and after each retrieval I now do this and it helps!! Good luck