Dear all just wanted to let you know my over 40 success story. Went to an nhs fertility consultant when I was 37 and he said due to my low amh which was 3.4pmol that ivf was my only option. 2 years later and 40lbs weight loss to qualify with the help of a personal trainer I began IVF. First round got 7 eggs 3 fertilised and 3 blasts after the agonising 5 day wait. One implanted fresh transfer no others good enough for the freezer. Ended in a chemical. Devastated as this had been a top blast. 2nd back to back round only ended up with 2 morulas and no blasts. I think the cycles were too close together. Nothing came from this round. I then decided to just time intercourse as the original doctor had never asked about this and assumed ivf was the only way. I got mira ovulation tracker and fertilily conception cups. Mira was a saviour as it gave a 7 day window of ovulation. It also confirmed ovulation. Most trackers just do a 2 day lh surge which can be missed. I got pregnant on this cycle straight after the failed ivf. I also did keto at times and a Mediterranean diet. And Coq 10 ubiquinol life extension brand 600mg Daily. Dhea 75mg eurovital brand tho i since read you should have dhea-s and testosterone bloods first. Also magnesium. Vit d and omega 3. Husband had impryl for slightly low motility and concentration of sperm which we think he didnt even need. We also question icsi as the sperm has to run a gauntlet naturally how can one person in a lab choose a sperm. We dont think they can and we don't think we know enough about the eggs ability to choose her sperm. I wish id questioned natural ivf more without icsi they pushed it on us as my husbands sperm was slightly lower and slightly less Motile but you only need one. We welcomed our perfect beautiful baby boy 23rd sept 2024. Difficult birth with forceps and an epidural. Id recommend not to mess about and just get the epidural why suffer when we don't need to. If my story helps anyone or anyone wants to ask me questions please do. All hope is not lost especially for those my age. Never give up x
My over 40 success story: Dear all just... - Fertility Network UK
My over 40 success story

Am so encouraged.
Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! 💕 Your journey is truly inspiring, and I love how you never gave up despite the challenges. Wishing you and your family all the best! x
Congratulations Estherlovescats , this is such an inspirational story to never give up trying and never give up hope. I am so glad you got your happy ending X
great news congratulations
Thank you for sharing. Congratulations 🎉 Enjoy the newborn stage, the grow so fast. My little boy just turned 11 weeks.
I'm 44 now; 43 when my little boy was born.
My consultant said go for epidural from the beginning because I couldn't take the pain when she examined me after taking out the pessary. Best advice ever during my planned induction. No pain when she broke my waters. My care was consultant led even prior to active labour.
Were you worried about any risks associated with the epidural? Id be inclined to go natural but also don't need to be a hero about it!
No because the few big risks are rare. The others are not so common either . I was fortunate to have had an anaesthetist who has been doing his job since 1989 and it went super smooth. I was scared though, scared I'd flinch. Thank goodness I didn't take it during labour. I don't know how people cope with the contractions and sitting still.There's a a great deal of scaremongering online. I too didn't want epidural during my first pregnancy where it sadly ended at full-term with a stillborn baby 😢
I had a planned induction due to my history of stillbirth plus my age and a few other factors.
Love this success story! Well done to both of you! Some of us do unfortunately have no choice but to do icsi and it’s proven to be more successful if it’s male factor infertility. Love that you’ve defied the stats l! x
thank you! This is refreshing to read when so many stories are people losing hope
Congratulations!! Wonderful for you that natural conception worked. ICSI is some people's only option as in my case where we had severe male factor infertility. And we are so greatful for it.
congratulations! 🥳 👶 hope you’re enjoying motherhood now. I also went for help at 38 and gave birth finally through ivf at 41. Totally agree on epidural but actually you can only have it when you’re a certain cm dilated and can’t have it if you’re too far gone. I had all the gamut up to emergency c section. My advice would be after you see 4 doctor consultants maybe listen to the easiest path of resistance 😉 but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Congratulations again!!!! 🙌 I hope they start outputting all these good stats for us over 40s ☺️
Yay congratulations to your baby boy😍You tried 4 years for the right golden egg to come that is the point. After IVF are many couples which conceive naturally. We have quite sever male infertility and the ICSI is our only chance. This just show how every case is different. Our fresh transfer also ended up with chemical but that just happen also naturally. Anyway I am happy for you and wish you a nice motherhood❤️
beautiful story, thanks for sharing x
Wow, your story gives a hope! thank you and congratulations! I have noted down everything you have mentioned , thank you!!x
Congratulations! We were also suggested ICSI as husbands sample was not as good that day we actually went against that advice and did IVF ending up with 3 embryos so we were happy. I am now 23 weeks. I do think us over 40s lot are quickly directed to IVF, torally understandable when you look at the stats but we are all so different!