Hi All
I have my follow up consultation tomorrow after another failed transfer. This time it was a natural FET (my first ever frozen) with endo scratch and glue. Grade was a 5BB.
I previously had two fresh transfers after two back to back ICSI egg collection cycles. Grade was a 5BC on one of them. Then a double transfer of a 5AA and a 5BA on the other with glue.
I guess this is now classed a recurrent implantation failure along with my recurrent miscarriage history and I am hoping for any help or guidance you can give me for the consultation tomorrow, and what I can ask for next steps or tests to see if something else is wrong?
I've had 4 natural miscarriages between Oct 2018 and March 2020 (we stopped trying naturally since starting IVF in June 2020) and we know the March 2020 was a trisomy 15 as it was tested. NHS recurrent miscarriage clinic blood tests showed nothing out of the ordinary and we had karyotyping which came back clear for me and my partner.
I had my progesterone tested the last two transfers and it was better on the fresh cycles at 190 nmols, and the frozen was 55 nmols but upped the lubion and ended up with a 74 nmols reading. Yet i bled before OTD on both fresh transfers, but not the frozen, which is odd as I had less progesterone level on the frozen so doesn't make sense 🤔. Maybe my progesterone was low in my 3 natural miscarriages, not including the trisomy 15.
I have slightly out of range prolactin level tests here and there (last one was 800) - can this stop IVF implantation? I was told high prolactin won't cause miscarriage but can stop you conceiving. But I'm not sure about it stopping implantation.
My period are normal except fluctuate from 28 to 34 days, more towards the 33/34 days recently. AMH was 5.4, on retest was 4.4. AFC was 8 follicles and not had that rechecked. I take pre natal, folic acid, vit D and ubiquinol.
My partner and me are pretty fed up that we've spent all this money and not even had one positive pregnancy test. It's as if we had more success (if you can call it that) trying naturally. I know it sounds terrible but i'd almost prefer to have a CP or something just to know the IVF is working or implanting.
At the last failure follow up they said again its probably chromosomal abnormalities but can't be sure. I asked about ERA/Alice/Emma and NK cells, aspirin and they didn't recommend any of them. Only recommended natural FET for our last embryo and an endo scratch, clearly that hasn't worked either.
Any help or guidance about what next? I was looking into Mild IVF, does this help older ladies? I'm 43 in July and running out of time, its so frustrating, I had 300 IU of ovaleap first round and 450 IU menopur 2nd round. Im just wondering if its too strong and damaging the eggs...
I've now started to consider donor eggs but don't really want to give up on my eggs after 2 cycles. My partner is v logical and see it as we've tried 8 eggs (4 natural m/cs and 4 in the failed transfers) and thats quite a lot. I don't really think its that many to try to get a good one. We ruled out PGS due to low embryo numbers (2 first cycle, 2 second cycle).
If we just go back to trying naturally as my partner wants it will take longer to try as many eggs as were running out of time.
I want to do ERA and NK cells. Clinic don't do alice and emma. Maybe I can't get them done somewhere other than my ivf clinic.
I'm wondering about going to a private miscarriage clinic, maybe i should have all the bloods run again incase anything has changed.
I'm running out of ideas and steam 😒