Hi all, I'm having a biopsy soon for combined ERA, uNK and microbiome testing, before doing any more transfers. I was a bit confused about protocols for this. My only FET was a natural/modified FET as my cycles and lining are ok naturally - so we used an ovulation trigger and progesterone (lubion injections). The clinic doing the implantation test, however, always puts women on estrogen, then cyclogest once you start the progesterone. Does this mean my future transfers will need to be done with estrogen too? And with cyclogest alone?
I only ask because a) I guess I'm trying to minimise what I put into my body, since getting a cyst last year, so just want to take what I really need, and b) I haven't felt too well on estrogen... bit of vertigo and generally just 'slow', if that makes sense 😂 But of course, if they say I should have estrogen next time, then bring it on!
I think the consultant said the test results will actually tell them what kind of progesterone to do, not just when to start it (so it doesn't mean i can't use lubion again next time, for instance). Is that right? A bit clueless on these tests 🤯xx