I just thought I'd share a bit if my journey incase any one needs to read this today.
Today I got my results of my latest egg collection. 13 eggs were collected, 11 fertilised normally and 8 embryos were in culture on day 5 🙏 Four of those were high grade hatching embryos now in the freezer and 3 more showing signs but need to wait until tomorrow.
I am feeling beyond blessed as i now have 4 chances when i was so ready to give up.
In 7 egg collections prior to this and 13 transfers over the last 2 years, this is by far my best result.
After my last transfer at the end of Nov I found out on my 44th birthday it was going to be another loss. I decided to give myself a 3 month break to focus on improving egg quality. My diet is always 'good but could be better' but my main focus was supplementation and my mindset.
The main things I did differently was up my ubiquinol to 600mg per day, up my vit d to 5000iu, and add in nmn and resveratol at high doses. I really believe these supps contributed to our success this cycle.
From a medical standpoint we used icsi with zymot and calcium ionophore for this cycle. I also asked to used menopur instead of pergoveris as this had worked for me in the past.
I also did Acupuncture, Chinese herbs to get my gut right and reduce inflammation, womb massage and meditation. I was feeling much more positive this cycle and had no anxiety for the first time, I was almost excited to see if all these things would have an impact.
Altough theres no guarantees with ivf and I'm not getting my hopes up too much, I just wanted to share this with anyone who may be thinking about ways to improve quality and/or outcomes. It can be done so don't lose hope or get pushed into anything if it doesn't feel right for you.
Before I changed clinics, my last clinic told me de was my only hope. They transferred my 2 embryos on day 3 because they said I'd never get any make it to day 5. So i changed clinics and here we are. One thing I've learned is to advocate for myself and go with my gut. Regardless of what happens I've given it my all.
Sending love and prayers to you all on this journey xx