Hi Everyone,
I'm new here and hoping for a bit of advice/support/knowledge from those who have been through similar.
I'm 38, my husband and I have been TTC for the last 6 years, we have had 4 egg retrievals in that time, and have had 6 transfers, and currently have 5 embryos in the freezer - in Norway, we are UK based but went to Norway for cheaper treatment. We tend to always get around 10-12 eggs, usually around 8 mature, 6 fertilise and usually 3 good enough for transfer/freezer. We've had a mix of fresh and frozen 5 day blastocysts transferred.
The most recent cycle ended in a chemical pregnancy - our first ever positive test, which was devastating. Unfortunately genetic testing isn't available in Norway and we're starting to loose hope and I just can't face another 5 failed transfers with no explanation.
Can anyone suggest any testing we can do in the UK and any clinic/doctor recommendations, we're in Buckinghamshire so anywhere in a surrounding county or London is easy enough to get to, we're looking at DNA Fragmentation tests, I've had all the standard tests and currently we're listed in the ever helpful 'unexplained infertility' group. We've also removed plastic and as many toxins as possible from our home and lives, we don't drink, we don't smoke and both supplement and lead healthy lifestyles.
Not sure how relevant it is but I have a thin lining, and can get it, with help, to around 6.5-7cm before transfer.
Any help/advice welcome, I'd do anything at this point to get some answers.
Thank you!