3rd miscarriage: Trisomy 15 - Fertility Network UK

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3rd miscarriage: Trisomy 15

FrancyItaly profile image
18 Replies

Hi ladies, I hope you all are well!

As you know I had 3 miscarriages (one natural, one after my first fresh transfer and one after my first FET, both transfers on NHS).

With the first miscarriage we did not have the tissue testes as “it’s happens”.

With the second miscarriage we had it tested and it came back normal, no abnormalities, and a little boy. I didn’t have much meds at all, I was on NHS so I just had some progesterone. Since I lost a healthy baby we thought the problem was me.

With the third miscarriage we had it tested and it came back with Trisomy 15. After the transfer with NHS this time I was monitored during pregnancy and had heparin, aspirin, progynova, cyclogest, steroids, intralipids. They have tried it all but in the end I lost him, another little boy, because of Trisomy 15.

I am confused, was it just back luck then?! I have a double transfer in May/June but I don’t know what to take from this. If the baby was healthy with all meds and monitoring from the clinic could I have had a positive outcome? Was it bad luck?

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FrancyItaly profile image
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18 Replies
Solly-44 profile image

Oh Francy, my heart hurts for you.

I think we all want answers, “it happens” just doesn’t seem anywhere near sufficient. But I guess sometimes even with some answers we don’t know the bigger picture. I don’t know what to say but am sending huge hugs and luck, we will be transferring around the same time hopefully. I will be rooting for you xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Solly-44

Oh hun I can believe this happened after suffering infertility, a miscarriage of a healthy baby, what were the odds to have a baby with abnormalities?! Anyway, it happened and I accept it and move forward. I know it’s just a matter of how and when, I will make it! Thank you ❤️ Xx

RhinoCat profile image

Hi pet , you are so brave getting tests done….. I just ruled my miscarriage as a …. If it had been healthy it would have made it…… is it bad luck? Nope, it’s just what happened at that time. ….. best you can do is take the hope from the situation….. your body knows how to get pregnant…… when the embryo is well….. it will make it. It doesn’t stop the search for answers or the craving for it to finally be your turn. All I know is, when you stop hoping and trying…. That’s the end of it. Wishing you strength to keep hoping and trying if you can 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to RhinoCat

Thank you! I’m due a double transfer soon (for my slightly raised NK they think is better to put two) but of course I’m so worried now as they are not pgta tested. I wonder what the chances are to have more abnormal embryos but I guess none has the answer to that. I can only hope it will go well! ❤️ Xx

Jess1981 profile image

Really sorry you have gone through another miscarriage 😪

Without wanting to sound like a broken record player lots of women even with recurring miscarriage do go onto have a healthy baby. Rhino Cat is right there is no reason why you can't have a healthy embryo that is your take home baby. I did after recurrent pregnancy loss.

I hate the term "bad luck" is a disrespectful way to refer to a loss of a life.

Again im so sorry for the loss of your second son so sad 😭

I wish you every success with this round Xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Jess1981

Thank you hun. So unsure of what to do with my other two embryos as they are not pgta tested. But what are the odds they have abnormalities too?! I think I’m going to have some faith and go forward with the transfer. Hope the newest addition is doing well! ❤️ Xx

Skittles11 profile image

Hi, I'm so sorry about all you have been through. It's really tough and especially when you have had multiple losses. My baby had Trisomy 18 back in November resulting in TFMR, I also had an early miscarriage about a year before that so I know that loss after loss is just awful. One thing I am considering, and it may not be the way you would want to go, but we have one frozen embryo which we are likely going to PGT-A test. We are also testing all fresh embryos in any future cycles. Just a thought and like I say it's not for everyone, especially when you're dealing with frozen embryos that would have to be thawed first and then re-frozen. Good luck and thinking of you xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to Skittles11

Thank you for your message. I will 100% do a pgta with a new cycle but I’m not sure if I want to have it done on my frozen embryos. I am due a double transfer in June, but I will see what the clinic recommend when they see the report. They should call me next week. I hope your pgta and transfer are successful! ❤️ Xx

SK73 profile image

So sorry for all you've been through, wishing you all the best for the future❤❤❤

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to SK73

Thank you ❤️ And I wish the same to you! Xx

st1984 profile image

I had 3 MC and only the 3rd was tested.... Also trisomy 15 and a little boy. We had our last cycle (wouldn't have gone again but we had a package) with immune protocol and now have a little girl who is 17 months old. We had 6 fresh cycles and 1 FET to get here. I personally think a lot of it is a numbers game along with the right protocol. I saw the consultant for the result of the testing on the 3rd MC and they basically said that was nothing to do with me, was bad luck and was unlikely to happen again.

Good luck for the future, after everything we went through we thought it would never happen for us but eventually it did and it can for you too. Xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to st1984

Oh thank you for sharing your story! I will be on Immune protocol too with my next transfer. I couldn’t with the previous 2 transfers/pregnancy as I was on NHS. Please can you tell where you had the immune treatment? ❤️ Xx

st1984 profile image
st1984 in reply to FrancyItaly

I had it as part of my protocol with the clinic which was care Nottingham. I had lipid infusions, steroids, Aspirin, clexane, thyroxine and injectable progesterone as well as the pessaries. We had that for the last 2 cycles, one was the trisomy 15 (which wouldn't have worked anyway as its not compatible with life) and our little girl. Xx

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to st1984

I was on the same meds as you apart from Thyroxine (not sure what it is) this is why I say in a way I am glad as this protocol with a healthy embryo might work for me too, hopefully! Xx

HollyLI profile image

That is a chromosome abnormality which really had nothing to do with medications or monitoring. (I have a 5 month old (today) baby girl ) after 10 rounds in 2 years of egg retrievals… and only one transfer, her .. thank God. The reason for the 10 rounds of egg retrieval.. we had all embryos PGT tested …and although all looked good day 5/6, after being biopsied and PGT tested … found out they were all abnormal chromosomely… all but the one our baby girl.

It will help to have the PGT tested, although it costs..well worth it

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to HollyLI

Yes of course, no medication could have done anything to chance the outcome. What I meant was I am in a way happy about it, because it does not mean the medication as not worked as the miscarriage is probably the result of something else, not my NK. Wow what a story, so glad for you! The last 2 embryos I have are not tested but I think I will give them a chance as they are already frozen, but I will definitely have them tested with my nexy cycle ❤️ Xx

HollyLI profile image

I think if you wanted to you can still have them tested .. I have heard .. if you want .. also what I believe improved the result (after so many bad finally one good ..and I’m older) was taking COQ10 and DHEA for 6 months .. (recommended by my doctor) after that we got the good embryo .for sure after testing ..

FrancyItaly profile image
FrancyItaly in reply to HollyLI

Thank you, I took high dosage of ubiquinol for a while but not DHEA. I will ask before the next fresh cycle what I should take. I have PCOS so apparently the quality is not there but I did have 4 good quality blastocysts with NHS. Hopefully it will go better next time when I will do PGS too. Thank you! Xx

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