Hi All,
I had my natural FET today and before the transfer I asked for my progesterone to be tested. The nurse just called and it came back as 55 nmols. I said i thought it was low and she went off to check with the consultant who said its OK and not concerned but if i want to add another lubion there are no contraindications. Apparently he said over 60 nmols is fine and mine is close at 55.
When i had my fresh transfer in Oct/Nov my progesterone was over 190 nmols and the other week I said i wanted more progesterone this FET as i'd bled before OTD on the fresh. The consultant said its different with a natural FET as I produce my own progesterone unlike a fresh ivf so he doesn’t want to up from 1x lubion and 2x pessaries per day. This doesn't explain why my levels were higher in the fresh transfer versus the natural FET 🤔
They said I can either do:-
- 1 pessary in the AM, 1 lubion at lunch, and then another lubion and pessary before bed.
- 2 pessaries in the AM and PM and 1 lubion in the evening.
Any thoughts? Which is more effective? What do your clinics say is the acceptable level of progesterone for successful implantation/pregnancy?
Thanks. So stressed out