This is my first post since joinging a month or so ago after a family friend recomened the site to me .. sorry it's long winded but feel the need to share my story to see if anyone can relate to me or can give me any advice .
. I was late starting my period or late compared to the girls I went to school with I started the Christmas before my 16th birthday and from day one I was in constant pain and my periods where unbelievably heavy and so mixed up .. i could bleed for 2 weeks have 3 days of spotting bleed for another four days then not bleed for 6 weeks then start bleeding heavily again but there was no specific pattern to my cycle it was just as and when my body decided.
Eventually they fitted me with a marina coil . Just before my 18th birthday which was fantastic for 2 years until June last year I started spotting , bleeding after sex pain during sex and then I started getting a pain in my left side which was painful but bearable with pain killers until October where one night I collapsed with this almighty pain I'd never felt anything like it in my life I spent a week in hospital having scans on my kidneys and bowels which came back inconclusive and I was sent on my way .. I ended up back and too for weeks till I saw the gynaecologist again who said it was my womb contracting to get rid of the coil .. removed it and sent me on my way . But the pain was still there crippling to the point I had to leave my job because I had no say in when the pain was going to start but once it did I couldn't move . With scans coming back inconclusive I felt like I was making it up like no one believed me evem my own family where starting to have doubts because every time I was returning home I didn't have any answers. So as a last resort they decided on March the 6th they would give me a laparoscopy. I was called in on March the 20th 3 days after my 21st birthday and taken to surgery
The results where that I had small cysts developing on my left ovarie and I was covered all over my womb and ovaries front and back with endometriosis... The surgeon said unfortunately they couldn't burn any of it away as there was too much and it would cause too much damage to remover it all she said it was a layer as apposed to clusters ? She said given my age there wasnt alot they could do in surgery. Following a rough 4 days in hospital (and a few complications nothing major thankfully . ) I was started on a course of zoladex .. and since then I've been on some sort of roller coaster .. which is my point I'm trying to get to .
I feel like I've just been given my results the injection and sent on my way.
I do understand what is after googling but I don't have any advice on coping strategies and I wasn't really given any advice on side effects from the injection I was just asked if I was planning on having children and if so when ... I do eventually want children just not yet it's not something I'm thinking about for a good 2 years + ..
Some of the side effects I've read people have had on here which I have are things like :
hot flushes .. ridiculously hot! I wake up in a pool of my own sweat!
Severe head aches
Vaginal dryness and low sex drive (if any) luckily for me I'm in a relationship where my partner is very understanding
Severe back ache ...
but somethings I dont know if it's just me or if they're side effects
•Recently I'm very emotional I can't control my emotions if I start crying I can't stop I cried the other day because I couldn't get a day off work. Which just isn't me!! I'd normally just get on with it
•Im in a fowl mood for no particular reason my partner breathing too heavily puts me in a bad mood . I feel like I'm pushing everyone away but I think it's because it was a bit of a shock with the surgery I wasnt expecting it to be as invasive as mine was it all happened so quick and I'm trying to get my head around it all ...
•I'm also so sensitive.. I'm taking everything to heart. I feel as though I'm fighting a loosing battle with myself.
•I'm so lethargic I can't seem to catch up on my sleep I can sleep for hours on end without even waking up.
•I'm aching all over .
•I feel bloated all the time i still cant wear jeans or anything that fastens round my stomach because i get quite alot of pain around my belly button after an hour or ao but the hospital havnt said anything about this either when ive mentuoned it .
•I'm quite light sensitive I've noticed recently
• And as strange as this sounds my hair has been sore like when I move it right at the root and also my hairs been falling out almost in clumps I'm surprised I have any left it's ridiculous !!
•my feet have been really swollen.
And to top it all off I don't know if i'm just being a hypercondriac And making it up ?
I would be grateful for any tips advice feed back or to just know that I'm not alone . Thank you for taking the time to ready I know it's long but I appreciate i!!