Hi all, I'm new to here and just wanted a... - Endometriosis UK

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Hi all, I'm new to here and just wanted a bit of advice etc. I'm having my first lap next week to find out if i have endo or pcos.

piglet76 profile image
7 Replies

I'm also having dye run through to see if there are any blockages. The reason for my surgery is because my partner and I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year and not getting anywhere and because of my age decide to seek advice. It's been suggested that I have endo before but never progressed to a lap. When I saw the fertility consultant I had an internal scan and the right hand side was fine a little uncomfortable but when he moved it to the left he had to stop as it was so painful. Generally I don't get too much pain, period pain is really bad first day but then not bad at all, do have stabbing pain at bowel movement time especially at period times and get pains down my legs at period time too. Anyway I'm scared to death about having a general next week and convinced something will go wrong and I won't wake up etc and was just looking for any advice or words of comfort anyone can give me that has been through similar. Thanks in advance.

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piglet76 profile image
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7 Replies
hayleypep profile image

You've come to the right place for words of comfort :-)

The pregnancy thing I can't help with, but the laparoscopies I can.. I've had 3, all with different doctors & different hospitals.

I think your symptoms sound a lot like endo (sorry to say!) internals are incredibly painful for me, period pain is bearable!, leg pains & aches I get most days.

I know it's easy for me to say there's nothing to worry about because I know if someone had said that to me before my first I wouldn't have believed them. I've found the nurses to be unbelievably kind and helpful and sympathetic, some doctors are too but not all. The general anaesthetic is fine, might make you a bit nauseous after but my family tell me it's worse for them having to wait through the operation when all I'm doing is sleeping! Cheeky buggars!! ;-) I think to find out for definite what's going on a laparoscopy is the best idea.

Hope this helps, but its normal to feel nervous and theres tons of us on here, facebook and other support groups who know what you are going through, so just ask. Feel free to contact me if you need / want to chat,

Love Hayley xxxx

cornonthecob profile image


I had a lap done last September. Unfortunately I was diagnosed with both endo and PCOS. The general was fine- i needed to sleep for a lot longer than I though afterwards but took a week off work for recovery and was fine by the end of the week. The good news is that I am now 20 weeks pregnant after feeling that it was unlikely to happen so hopefully you will have similar success!

piglet76 profile image

Hayley, thank you for your kind words. I too am convinced it is endo from what I've read up on it and to be honest I hope they do find that because at least then I have an explanation for all my symptoms. I'm sure I will be fine and it's just a case of the unknown and having to put your life in someone elses hands etc :o(. Cornonthecob, thank you also. I work for a childcare agency so have told them that I will need at least 3 weeks off to recover to be on the safe side and possibly more depending on what they do to me, as I doubt I'll be up to lifting little ones any time soon :o(. Congratulations on your pregnancy and yes I'm really hoping that I will be having that happen to me soon too :o) Was it your first lap in sept and did they do any removal/lasering etc at the same tme? xxx

Pixie78 profile image

Hi I am new to this site too, but thought I could offer you some words of comfort. After 7 years of trying for a baby and being given the runaround by the doctors, I read about endo on a website... it sounded so familiar that I went to the Dr and asked them about it. After what felt like forever they booked me in for a laproscopy, and I had all the same fears that you have spoke of. But it was fine, I woke up and it was finally confirmed that I have endometriosis, they removed some endo cells from behind my womb and around my bowel. I had to take about two weeks off work after the surgery, but having been suffering from painful heavy periods since puberty it was a relief to finally know what was wrong with me. Even better, 3 years later I naturally fell pregnant and I now have a 10 month old baby boy. So be brave and remember that once this step is over you will get a diagnosis and they will know how to treat you. Good luck!

piglet76 profile image
piglet76 in reply to Pixie78

Thank you :o) It will be good to finally get some answers and hopefully after this I might have a bit more luck in getting pregnant too. I shall do my best to be brave but just can't wait for it to be the this time next week and then it will all be over and will be in the comfort of my own home getting better and having my other half look after me :o) xx

Chrissie66 profile image

Hi Piglet

I completely understand your concerns about the general, it's not just the fears of not waking up, it's the whole being out of control thing too, isn't it? But as others have said, the nurses are incredibly kind and sympathetic and will hold your hand, and you'll be waking up before you know it :)

Also, the anaesthetics themselves have got better and better over the years, and there is going to be somebody in that room whose job it is specifically to make sure you get exactly the amount you need, no more and no less.

And finally - if anything does go wrong - and it won't, but if it should - could you be in a better place for it to happen??

Try and look at this just as a means to an end. It will be over before you know it

Good luck :)

C xxx

piglet76 profile image

Thank you so much everyone, I'm still scared BUT its good to know I'm not alone and that everyone feels the same as well. It will be good to finally get some answers and will just be glad once I've woken up after the anaesthetic. Yes you're totally right Chrissie66 at least I'll be in the right place IF anything goes wrong but hopefully it won't. xx

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