Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for April 2019

Do you take Miralax?

I would like to hear from people who regularly take more than the recommended do...

Sinemet Dosage

My husband who has had PD for 6years, is on Sinemet 25/100, 2 pills, 3 times a d...
Hidden profile image

Parkinsons Medication

Hi I have had Parkinson's for over 20 years and am on high dose of 'Madopar' wit...
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Things sometimes never explained.

st8farm profile image


Does anyone have any input about this peptide called Cerebrolysin for PD? I just...
Gzone profile image

why are my pupils dilated in the evening and why do I get olfactory hallucinations?

I was started on 1 tab of sinemet 3x's per day, needed more it seemed, my doc in...
Jockboy17 profile image

Panic attacks

Our daughter is plagued with panic attacks lately. Some times several in one day...
Williemom profile image

Food revolution series on now

Another video series on how diet choices affect health. I haven’t watched any of...
LAJ12345 profile image

Anyone tried Levodopa inhalation powder (Inbrija, Acorda Therapeutics)?

Levodopa inhalation powder (Inbrija, Acorda Therapeutics) Has anyone taken this?...
TSonmez profile image

Azlect and shortness of breath

Azlect and shortness of breath. After 5 months on azlect, I have suddenly develo...
Wolfepower22 profile image

PD and Lithium use

My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson 10 years after using Lithium for bipolar...
Mjm012 profile image

New Blood Pressure Drug Has Potential of Treating Parking’s and Dementia in Animal Study

New Blood Pressure Drug Has Potential of Treating Parking’s and Dementia in Anim...
Farooqji profile image

I feel like I am the only pwp who also......

Suffers from depression, I don’t think I’ve read any posts with both problems. I...

Vitamin C guards against levodopa toxicity
parkie13 profile image


Hey My name is Riaz Mohammad and I’m 50 years old. I was diagnosed with Parkins...
riaz1000- profile image

Dance for PD

Here's the Channel 13 segment on dancing with/for Parkinsons:...
NanCyclist profile image

Parkinsons and diminished immune system

I also have had difficulty in getting over a upper respiratory infection, this h...
Dm55 profile image


Hi i was diagnosed with pd 2017, ever since every second of the day im Awake th...
Tilly56 profile image

Celery Seed Extract - Update: Did Not Work For Me

Update 10/20/2019 At this point in time even a very small quantity of celery see...
park_bear profile image

Reasons for using Thiamine Hcl vs TTFDs?

I was diagnosed with "Neuropathy from unknown causes" back in 2002. It started i...

PD and weather

I have had PD for about 3 years now. One thing that I have noticed is how the we...
sydneyruby profile image

DL‑3‑n‑butylphthalide therapy for Parkinson's disease: A randomized controlled trial

Currently available treatments for Parkinson's disease (PD) do not delay or prev...
Farooqji profile image

10 months since starting on a Keto Diet and still on Zero Medication - progress report :-)

Update17.04.2019 So, currently I’m somewhere between Keto Diet LCHF and Full Car...
2bats profile image

L Dopa, the drug which makes Parkinson's worse?

What do you think? From my negative experience of Sinemet, I surmise that it bri...
Yoginipoet profile image

Help with hat.

Even with all instructions i cannot fatho m how to make a hat. Can I hire someon...
milwil profile image

B1...... tremor has worsened with only 2 weeks of starting hdt therapy...

But I am only taking 1 500mg capsule 1xday. I need advice on what to do, should ...

Extra virgin olive oil taken with coq10 effects on plasma and protein oxidative status.
LAJ12345 profile image

dystonia after requip

My husband developed dystonia approximately 10 years ago. We figured out that h...
Grvarley profile image

Focused Ultrasound in Switzerland

I have decided to see if I can have focused ultrasound at Sonimodul clinic in Sw...
Trixiedee profile image

Neupro patch

Recently had my neupro patch dosage increased from 3mg to 4 mg has anyone had an...
Bestlifeever profile image