Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for April 2019

A new cure for PD (Yawn...)

Xenos profile image

How do you deal with the dismissive ‘encouraging comments’ from friends and family like “people don’t die of Parkinson’s, you know”?

I know my friends mean well when they’re encouraging me with their words. In add...
PalmSprings profile image

Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality

Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a ...
Kia17 profile image
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General medicine has huge gaps

Sad that not one of these docs look for natural remedies for you. Get a good ...
Sandmanliz profile image

Parkinsons & Ibograin Treatments Centers

Looking for a Ibograin Treatment center somewhere in Europe for Parkinson’s
Bongobyron profile image

Parkinson's treatment with Ibogaine

Where where can I fine treatment center in Europe with ibogaine for Parkinson'...
Bongobyron profile image

Trouble with pain while walking

I was diagnosed in 2010. I’m 66. The past few months I’ve developed significant...
chantingwpd profile image

"Parkinson's results beyond researchers' wildest dreams" Encouraging development from Canada. Lo...
Zardoz profile image


Hi, we are a couple: PWP and caregiver...PWP diagnosed in 2005...would like to ...
Smoothjazz profile image

How are people dealing with symptoms in the evening/getting to sleep?

I'm recently diagnosed, looking to avoid using sleep meds but my left hand, lowe...
Jockboy17 profile image

Legs are heavy and weak...

Hi all. I am doing Pramipexole 1mg 3X per day also B1 HCL 500mg 2X per day. Su...
mgregor6 profile image

Anyone else heard about this?

Just heard about this
1953bullard profile image


Encouraging research from Canada. Previously housebound patients are now able t...
jimcaster profile image

Don’t know if this has been posted but seems promising
Idofotos profile image

Progression of PD

I've been living with PD since 2008. I lately recognized a decline in my conditi...
zadok459 profile image

Apparently, Art (easilly) has left HU.

As I searched for his previous posts, I find his username has been removed and r...
MBAnderson profile image

This Is a bad decision

This is a bad decision. You make yourself a judge and jury of all recommendatio...
Patman60 profile image

Dr. Villafane

Hi, some people know this Doctor ? Somebody experienced with his therapy ?? ht...
JANVAN profile image

Loss of smell, runny nose, sinusitis connected to PD?

I have over the past 6 months had a weird pressure sensation in my head on the ...
LAJ12345 profile image

An important message from former forum member "easilly"/Art to the forum members, SAFETY FIRST!!!

Dear Forum Members, Some of you may have noticed that I have removed all of Dr. ...
Hidden profile image

Lectins e.g. Gluten suggested as cause of PD

Fascinating lecture by the excellent Dr Paul Mason offering a convincing explana...
2bats profile image

Gluten- should anyone eat it?

Hi, this is by a New Zealand doctor who is an expert on gluten. He says no one s...
LAJ12345 profile image

Is magnesium depleted with HDT necessitating adding magnesium supplement ?

Muscle cramps with thiamine protocol.
Mlitt0818 profile image

Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath I appreciated the replies and the consensus is about breathi...
Wolfepower22 profile image

Very interesting article by Dr Laurie Mischley
marcet profile image

In search of the best Intermittent Fasting for the brain

Hi Friends, I think that IF is potentially among the very best move we can take ...
Xenos profile image

Stone Face

The Stone Face and one more from my PD blog

Cbt oil

Anyone using cbt oil, seems to work for some poeple?
jimmydook profile image

The Shed, an amusing true story. Worth watching. The power of expectations.
Hikoi profile image

Getting emotional with PD.

Hi all This is a link to my vlog about psuedobulbar affect (PBA) or inappropriat...
Ianfrizell profile image