I was started on 1 tab of sinemet 3x's per day, needed more it seemed, my doc increased to 2 tabs 3x's per day of the 25/100. still had alot of off time. heard about taking 1 tab 6x's per day and that helped with coverage but caused the dilation and hallucinations or at least i think it did because I returned to taking 2 tabs 3x's per day recently and those symptoms got way less. but tonight the dilation was back. I did just start the comtan at my 4 pm dose today. john
why are my pupils dilated in the evening ... - Cure Parkinson's
why are my pupils dilated in the evening and why do I get olfactory hallucinations?

I'm surprised your doctor put you on Comtan rather than just Carbidopa/Levodopa (C/L)? It sounds like you were recently diagnosed. Comtan is C/L with Encapatone all in one pill. Encapatone basically extends the time of the C/L. My neurologist & pharmacist said to take it the first four dosages of the day & not take it at night. I added Encapatone to the 1st four dosages of my meds and it gave me horrible dyskinesia and a funny feeling, kind of a hyper feeling. My body just doesn't do well with it so I'm starting to wean off it and it's helping after cutting out just one dose. Everyone is different but just wanted to give you my thoughts on it.
yeah I'm not yet clear on what is in my best interest......my sinemet (25-100) 2 tablets, 3 and now 4 times per day is not effectively covering my day. the dose sometimes last only 2.5 to 3 hours. He suggeested the comtan.
Just be careful with it. How old are you? How long have you had PS? I've had PD for 15 years. It's hard to believe. To make the best of it, you can't just sit around & feel sorry for yourself, you have to: My method is the 4A's. 1) Accept it - you have no other choice 2) Attitude - stay positive 3) About - know what PD is and why it makes us the way we are (do research, talk to other PwP's about their symptoms/meds/supplements, etc.)
4) Antioxidants - eat foods that have lots of antioxidants and perhaps take a supplement(s)/
no it's a smell or smells I get. they are undescribable.
no i'm completely sound, functioning well, low stress besides this new condition.
Hi Jockboy. I am not a doctor but that sounds like the side effects of the medication.
Are you aware that however much levodopa medication you take you are not doing anything to slow down the progression of your Pd?
If you want to slow down the progression of your Pd, and I am sure you do, then why don't you do something that can and does slow down the progression of Pd?
Look at my website - reverseparkinsons.net and contact me. I will help you get better at NO COST to yourself. I WANT EVERYBODY TO START GETTING BETTER! I am getting on fr 85 and have lived Pd medication-free since 2002.