I have had PD for about 3 years now. One thing that I have noticed is how the weather affects my symptoms, especially how long it seems like my Sinemt lasts. Any one else notice how weather affects them?
PD and weather: I have had PD for about... - Cure Parkinson's
PD and weather

I absolutely feel better when it’s warmer. Cold makes me feel stiff and slow and add damp and wind and it’s worse.. I am 72 and have arthritis so that could be part of the problem. An hour before the Sinemet kicks in late morning I struggle to prepare lunch. After food I find that hot tea does wonders. Short of becoming a snowbird (we live in PA) I sometimes enjoy a hot bath. It helps to dress in layers.
I am the opposite of Lionore. The heat does me in. I live in the Pacific Northwest (Washington state) where no one has air conditioning. We are having warmer and warmer summers and it is awful. I prefer and function better in cool to cold weather.
I don't do as well with extreme heat or chilling cold. Probably above 82 & below 40.
The heat is harder on me. I love the warm sun and the beach but to run in the heat my meds where off a lot faster and I seem to get worn out after a long run in the heat more. I do better running in the cold but in general if I get cold and shiver from the cold it triggers my tremors lol. I guess they both can effect me but the heat seems to be worse. Karen
Getting chilled triggers my tremors big time.
That said barometric pressure changes affect joint and nerve pain.
Both extremes affect me, as does any abrupt change in humidity. Also traveling to high altitudes. I always need to factor in a day to adjust. I think all weather changes are a stress on the body and all stress, whether physical or emotional, affects PD negatively.
Absolutely. I have trouble in either cold or hot. Spring and fall in Virginia are my favorite seasons.
I also have thermal intolerance issues as well as barometric sensitivity. I don’t like to travel because of poor adaptability to changes plus cabin pressure can wreck my sinuses that is devastating to imbalances. I have lived in Arizona for 30 years without problems until I got PD …. But now I find heat very threatening plus humidity is even worse
I have moved to Oregon which is much better. The Willamette valley is moderate most of the time making it easier to bundle up to stay comfortable.
Definitely. Humid days make me feel like I am in a tunnel
I don’t bother with the weather forecast. I can tell what the weather is going to do by how I feel.
heat makes me much worse.
PD affects our autonomous system
shivering is an autonomous reaction to cold
if our body feels cold
it wants to shiver
PD accentuates the shiver
we call the accentuated shivers tremor
could it be?