Polls - Bereavement Care & Share | HealthUnlocked

Bereavement Care & Share

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If you had one good friend, would life be better for you?

Quiet Christmas alone or feel up to joining family and friends (Either is fine by the way)

Which do you feel has helped you most with grief?

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How alone do you feel with your grief?

Which act of self-care do use every week?

Are you doing something constructive, reflective or planning plenty of self-care this weekend?

How do you really feel right now?

What type of food do you cook /make for yourself?

Would you say you have an easy going temperament?

It's hard to take the first holiday after a close loss. Do you feel able to take that step this year?

Our pets bring us much comfort but if you lost yours, would you home another?

How has your health been this past 3months?

Do you manage to cook every day?

Are you looking forward to Autumn/Winter or dreading it

Today is my birthday, to celebrate I will give virtual cakes for all my friends here, which would you prefer? <3 thank you all<3

Would you say your mental health has improved in the past 6months?

What's your favourite meal?

What's your favourite meal?

What's your favourite meal?

What's your favourite meal?

What's your favourite meal?

What's your favourite meal?

What's your favourite meal?

Sadness aside: What would make you happy today?

Are you still receiving support via your Doctor, Therapy Services or another organisation?

Does it help you to have your time and days planned in advance?

Taking care of yourself through grief- Sleeping well. We all know the effects of too little sleep, but how do you ensure good sleep hygiene?

Taking care of yourself through grief- Food

Have you made any New Year Resolutions

Where do you seek bereavement support?

Write a post or ask a question