How alone do you feel with your grief? - Bereavement Care ...

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How alone do you feel with your grief?

chloe40 profile imagechloe40Administrator16 Voters

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11 Replies
KT22 profile image

For me it’s almost 3 years since my husband died, to begin with I had so many offers of help etc….these slowly dwindled & now I really know who my true friends are. I have family but they work & only one lives nearby. My husband was more than just my husband, he was my best friend, confidant & rock for nearly 40 years & we only spent 10 days towards the end of his cancer apart ( covid rules for hospital visits.

Everyone seems to think I should be “ over it” & “ moved on” by now but in truth I feel more bereft & alone than ever. With health issues I can’t get out much.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to KT22

I really feel for you KT22

Life seems so unfair at times, I do hope the future is at least

a little healthier for you {{{hugs}}}


KT22 profile image
KT22 in reply to chloe40

Thank you Chloe. Sending you a big hug too. X

Caza profile image
Caza in reply to KT22

really feel for you. A good friend of mine lost her husband to cancer four years ago. She’s so desperately sad. He was also was her best friend. Their son has since married & had a baby & their daughter has just bought her first home. All this he has missed & my friend has had to face the celebrations on her own. Not easy. She too has had one illness after another. She has a large external family but this has been the first death that has been way too soon, so they don’t really get it. People move on & that’s right for them we wouldn’t want them to feel our pain.

Look after yourself try to eat properly & get plenty of fresh air. It’ll help you to sleep. Plus try to say yes to things in the hope one day you’ll enjoy yourself. Take care big hugs x

kenster1 profile image

I`m always willing to talk sometimes the problem is finding someone to talk with.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to kenster1

I get that kenster1 Kenny,

It often seems there is no-one around when you need them <3

Persevere if you can <3

Will2015abc profile image

for me the realization only very recently that most of my anxiety and chronic health issues were directly related to loss has been both terrifying and liberating. I’m not in any way saying I’m great (quite the opposite at the moment) but when I was having a complete “anxiety crisis” the words coming out of my mouth were “I can’t bear to lose anybody else I just can’t” and that came from somewhere deep that wasn’t conscious.

I have learned to live with grief on some levels (I’ve had a lot of loss in my life) but to hear these words coming out of my mouth was alien (as I didn’t know where they came from) and made so much sense.

I’m still reeling from it as it happened very recently as in days ago so I’m just trying to navigate it and stay present.

chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to Will2015abc

So sorry @Will_2015abc

That's astounding that you should say that, yet so much loss and grief really does have a

profound effect on our mental health and wellbeing, as you have suffered.

Please take care, it is still early days, never be afraid to ask for help {{{hugs}}}.

Thinking of you

Chloe <3

Will2015abc profile image
Will2015abc in reply to chloe40

thanks so much Chloe. I’m working with a therapist on the “body keeping a score” and it makes sense in that respect that anxiety /IBS/ fibro etc all seem to have their roots in loss and bereavement. And while I’m still trying to navigate it (even the loss of my little pal my dog last October (THAT was as devastating as a human family member) it’s very hard as the body throws so many things at you (panic attacks etc). Thanks for the good wishes.


chloe40 profile image
chloe40Administrator in reply to Will2015abc

I'm so pleased you are working with a therapist <3

I have always maintained that the loss of a beloved pet is just as hard to come to terms, in fact for me it was longer, but maybe that's just me <3

SailingBy2 profile image

Sorry, I can't select any of the options and so cannot vote. ISeven years is not early days, I have no family, I never feel alone and have no intention of contacting anyone to help.