Do you manage to cook every day? - Bereavement Care ...
Do you manage to cook every day?
I used to cook, we had a big family. I was pretty good cook as well, so l’m told. Had lots of friends etc… it never fazed me. Was just thinking about that today funnily enough & felt sad thinking back & how things have changed now. After my daughter died I just couldn’t concentrate. I’d leave things on the cooker & forget I d think I turned things on when I hadn’t. Now I couldn’t think of anything worse than having to cook a meal for family or friends just can’t concentrate & simply can’t be bothered. I cook when I have to but would happily live on sandwiches. ☹️
I can't sit/stand long enough to cook. :/
I often batch cook and freeze but try not to eat processed food at all.
mum was a compulsive cooker, even at the end we just swapped roles. So I always cook once each day - just a basic microwave.
yeah I cook every day not a Gordon Ramsey but cooking does help get through the day when your a bit down.