Constant Dizziness, Headaches head pressur... - Anxiety Support

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Constant Dizziness, Headaches head pressure - sign of something serious?

Mw316 profile image
10 Replies

Hi there

I have been reading this forum after the typical DR Google symptoms and decided to post my recent experiences with you and around my symptoms that I have been having as of late with my head that has caused me to have an MRI.

Male - 33 years old with a fiancée and two beautiful daughters ages 4/2.

I would say that I have really become a worrier over the last 4 years, I over think every situation and try to evaluate every possible outcome/scenario that could arise and usually look at the worst possible outcome.

I bought my first house back in 2014, This was also the time that I had my first real think about my own mortality and thinking once your gone, that’s it and how you revert to absolute nothing after you die. Trying to comprehend that inevitability sent me into a whirlwind of depressed thoughts for a few months. My eldest daughter was born a few months later and I was the happiest I could ever be and those thoughts subsided.

Early 2018 I started to get pains in my neck - on both sides that seemed to make my neck very stiff; I put this down to bad posture/bad pillows and the fact I was not exercising ( new job and 2 very young daughters meant I made no spare time for myself). I work in IT and I was often working at home and working around 12 hours in a 24 hour day - new and demanding project which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I also noticed that sometimes if i stood up and really stretched myself - I would get a sudden onset of dizzy spells. These lasted no longer than a minute; whilst the neck pains remained (not bothering me to go and see anyone about it).

I have a hiatal hernia and was also diagnosed with Gerd in 2014 which remained under control with Omeprazole until January this year (my weight had rocketed too).

I then had a huge flare up with my Gerd and started assuming the worst, Dr Google is not my friend and i went to see my doctor who recommend that I go have my second endoscopy. I became quite upset with what was going on, fearing the worst all the time and not concentrating very well( I hated my first endoscopy and was not looking forward to the second).

I was a bit of a wreck on the day - quite anxious and nervous at what they might find. Nothing sinister was found but reconfirmation of Gerd needed to be controlled and strict diet to reduce weight to help ease the pressure on my hernia.

I had not mentioned to the Gastroenteorlogist initially that I had bowel issues (going quite a few times a day), lower abdomen pain and a few bouts of rectal bleeding. So He recommended I have a colonoscopy too to have a look, yet again I was in full Dr Google mode and assumed the worst again. This was scheduled for the beginning of March.

In between these procedures, my other half went on holiday and I became very stressed whilst having to juggle my symptoms, new diet and 2 children whilst working.

In preparation for a colonoscopy - you have to go on a low residue diet (which is a horrible bland no fibre diet) for several days before you take the laxative solution so you are as clear as possible inside. (The prep is worse than the actual procedure)

On the second day, I woke up at 2am shivering and feeling very lightheaded, legs like jelly and in a bit of pain and feeling very sick. I did not feel right - I ended up going straight to the walk-in centre and it took me several hours to feel somewhat back to normal. I put this down to the low residue diet, feeling like crap and so worried about the colonoscopy.

All came back clear and was prescribed anti-spasmodic for the pain. A lot of my worry went away and relief came over me

A few days after this, I starting getting severe dizzy spells - these last all day for around a week and went away, then a week or so later my neck pain started getting very noticeable and the dizziness came back - this is not he room spinning dizziness, but feeling generally off balance with a constant buzzing sound in the middle of my head (like a constant rush of blood flowing through my brain).

This I have had for the last few months, getting worse and worse as the weeks have gone on. I have never had headaches, these are now a constant occurrence along with not being able to concentrate on simple tasks for a long period of time.

Over the last few weeks I have constant pressure at the top of my head, I have had pressure in my eyes, numbness on the right side of my face, left eye twitches and developed pain right at the back of my head on both side and it feels like pressure is just growing and growing and the pain becomes unbearable at times.

I have become quite fatigued since January, often falling asleep very early in the evening and the pain in my neck have become even worse.

Had an eye test recently, prescribed visual display prescription, have been to see the GP several times, 2-3 have told me I am anxious and it will pass, 1 gave me a sinus spray (no help over the few months I used it) and finally referred me to a neurologist.

After being referred, I was driving home from work one day (partner was away again) and i started getting severe pains in my chest and left arm. I felt like I was about to pass out, I was hot and sweaty - managed to stay conscious and get the car to safety, get the girls home and looked after by the in laws and off to AE I went. 7 hours later it had been ruled out that i had not had a heart attack (bloods and X-ray).

I have had numerous blood tests since being referred - all coming back normal.

I went to see the neurologist and told him all of the above, except the symptoms of the last few weeks (headaches/pain in head etc.) as these happened afterwards - I saw him approximately 2-3 weeks ago and my symptoms have just been getting worse and worse.

I broke down in the consultation - he thinks I just have anxiety but has asked for an MRI for just as reassurance (I’m privately covered). I had my MRI last week.

The MRI was not a pleasant experience, but I got very worried at the end when the radiologist told I was having the final set of scans that would last a final 5 minutes. After that, I was told they needed to take some more scans (not what I wanted to hear - why, what have they found? Of course worst case is a Tumour of which I had been googling constantly). As I came out, he asked if I had an follow up appointment to discuss the results has been scheduled was scheduled - I had not at this point, so i am becoming increasingly concerned and told me the result would be in 3 working days. I asked - “why, did you find something and why did he need another scan?” He came up with some reason about reshuffling the scans and had not seen anything (like he had not looked at them yet). 3 days later, I still have not heard anything, my symptoms are getting even worse - reading Google is not helping me at all. I have been quite scared around my driving, even walking is becoming difficult and my head does not feel right at all.

Constant dizziness, constant head pressure (at top and back), dry right eye and pain in my neck. Headaches come and go every hour, and medication does not even touch it. I have never felt like this, my head does not feel right and something is wrong.

I have been miss pronouncing/stuttering words and getting confused/forgetting events that occurred seconds ago.

My follow up is not until the 7th June - I have asked to move it forward, but I can’t as the consultant is not in the hospital until then, he has not even looked at my MRI! This I found out after phoning the secretary to find out if I can shift my appointment as my symptoms are getting worse.

I know my symptoms could be anxiety - I accept that, but my symptoms are also getting worse and worse by the day - they are so debilitating and my mind keep wandering which I can not control as “surely these symptoms cannot just be anxiety”.

I am scared that I am going to end up in hospital in the next few days, from either having a seizure or suffering with pain so severe that I just have to go to hospital. I will need another MRI (as I cannot get the results) and that a Tumour will be found. I am expecting this as a diagnosis :(

I will not get to see my daughters grow up, I will not get to have my wedding. My partner is getting worried too - my symptoms are getting a lot worse.

I have read that Tumour symptoms can easily be masked by other problems, I am scared - I have to wait for the results of the MRI, what else can I do?

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Mw316 profile image
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10 Replies
sarellano26 profile image

Same thing with me

I feel I am in a boat

Weird things in my head I don’t know how to describe them

And I am scared all time of a tumor but other people say is anxiety so I pray all day for this .....

blessings !!!!

Minnie87 profile image

Wow!!i have constant lightheadedness too.24/ well as feeling faint/unbalanced/and generally awful.

I too am convinced of a brain tumour and I’m terrified.i don’t have any advice.but you aren’t alone.

in reply to Minnie87

Faint 24/7 all day long...i feel you

Life is krazy...but the good lord above says do not give up he has good plans that are ahead of you..keep pushing

hypercat54 profile image

Hi well if it helps I think if they thought it was anything really serious they would be treating you urgently. It's natural to think the worse but it's much more likely to be either something a lot less serious or is anxiety.

If it is the worst scenario then I don't think a short delay will affect the outcome. Just hold on but if you feel very bad take yourself off to A and E. x

Holylotus profile image

If anything serious they will not be scheduling it for June or wait until that point. So dont worry. With regards to head spinning, stuttering etc...I have had all this for months together when I was extremely stressed about being stressed. Anxiety can do all kinds of things. Dont worry, all is well. Good luck with everything.

Mw316 profile image

Thank you all, first time on here and I decided to have a little rant and get it all out. I understand a lot of it can be anxiety and I am becoming more accepting of that fact, it’s just my symptoms at the back of my seem to be causing a lot of the issues which is what I am scared of.

I wish you all well and is becoming clear that anxiety is a topic that needs to be discussed - especially to help with reassurance.

Mw316 profile image

Update - brain MRI was normal, the consultant said it was not MS (which I was not concerned about) - so that is reassuring. Whilst my headaches have subsided slightly, the dizziness and neck pain does remain. Will see what the follow says! Looks like anxiety is the route cause

Perimary73 profile image
Perimary73 in reply to Mw316

I can imagine how difficult it has been for you to cope with anxiety and the physical symptoms you’re experiencing. I think in cases like this with all these mysterious symptoms, you should consider lifestyle changes which in general benefits everyone. Look at your diet, drink lots of water, dehydration is the cause of many issues - increase intake of fruits and veggies. Find something you enjoy doing - painting, cycling, to help keep your mind off things. At least this gives you some kind of control or that you are trying to help yourself. I’ve also heard acupuncture therapy is beneficial. I have found my triggers to be alcohol, caffeine and dehydration that sets off my heart palpitations. I’ve had them for 6 years now. I’ve done every test and I am waiting for results for a cardiac MRI. I know it’s not easy - you have every right to feel frustrated, but see if you can incorporate some changes to your lifestyle and document any changes. Good luck!

vbp123 profile image

Great news! Now just relax, take a deep breath every time the bad thought comes to your mind and let it pass.

Do not Google symptoms- the worst you can do to yourself.

Unfortunately with anxiety it always finds "work" ( things to worry about or intensifies the sensations in the body). As for me the same- if not one health scare then another and anxiety is very busy producing different sensations/pains etc.

It is hard but at the same time you know that it is all controllable by your mind.

Self help books might help, therapy and don't forget to decompose. You need time for yourself to find balance.

Good luck

Mw316 profile image

Hi All - just an update. Went for the follow up appointment, he showed me the MRI and all associates pictures, amazing how the brain looks from various points of view.

He said I potentially have two things:

Vestibular Neurapathy/neuritis (from the dizziness) and cervicogenic headaches due to the neck pain as the nerves travelling up from behind the spine to to the top of my head. There is nothing structurally wrong in the head. Most of my symptoms had come around from an intense episode of health anxiety brought on by a combination of the above. Now I need to sort these diagnosis out !

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