I'm 26. Female.
For over a year now i have felt the following:
Headache, head pressure mostly in forehead. Pins and needles in my head. Dizziness. Stiff neck.
These pains and vary from being there all day to on and off. But I know everyday I wake up I'll feel one of them or more. Up nt know how it started I just woke up one day with a bad headache and it never went! I've had CT scan (clear) been on severel medication for dizziness and headaches. Seen a neurologist who told me my brain seemed normal. I'm not convinced and have referred myself back to him. I want an MRI, I know CT scans are good but I don't think I'll be fully happy until I get one. I constantly feel hungover it's the best way to describe it. It's ruining my life and im scared to death something is seriously wrong. I was such an outgoing, popular party animal. Now I spend my life indoors worrying about my head. Sometimes the head pressure or dizziness will come on out of the blue and will be strong. This always makes me panick. Anybody else feel like that?