Constant head pressure.: Honestly, I don't... - Anxiety Support

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Constant head pressure.

astoriai profile image
12 Replies

Honestly, I don't even know where to begin. I suppose I'll start with the fact I've had chronic headaches/migraines and anxiety for well over 10 years. I've been through multiple doctors, hospital visits, had just about every test imaginable ran on me, been through therapy, taken multitudes of medicines. No one can seem to figure out what causes my migraines/headaches and while for the most part my anxiety is manageable when my head gets to be too much to handle then I can no longer handle my anxiety.

Anyways, last year around this time exactly, out of no where, I developed this intense head pressure. Just a constant state of feeling like my head was expanding or like something was tightening around it. I had been going on 6 months medicine free and was super proud of myself for being able to finally cut out medicine and be able to control my anxiety. On top of the pressure I started getting intense migraines and all of that put me into a constant state of anxiety and I ended up in the hospital two nights, back to back, fearing my head was going to explode. I literally thought I was having seizures because I was shaking so bad, couldn't control my movements, and my face went numb at one point. The doctors told me they had no idea what was wrong but it sounded like anxiety/migraine, gave me their headache tonic and sent me on my way. I ended up back there the next night and the ER doctor on duty that night talked to me and I mentioned (as I have to MULTIPLE doctors in the past) that I have taken Excedrin every day, multiple times, for as long as I can remember and he told me I was probably having rebound headaches and to stop taking it as I was addicted. So I stopped taking it cold turkey, got put on Cymbalta from my regular doctor and she also told me to start taking Flonase and Claritin daily as she thought my head pressure might be allergy related. All of those combined did help to a degree but I still went through around 6 months of not being able to function because of this head pressure, some days I was so sound sensitive that any noise would cause my anxiety to flare. I slept almost non-stop to try to get away from the pressure.

Anyways, around 6 months later it finally went away and I could function again. Fast forward to about 5 days ago. I stupidly didn't realize I was out of refills and went 2 days without my Cymbalta, had a terrible night of stress/drama which triggered a panic attack, only got a few hours of sleep and had to go to work, and now I'm back to the constant head pressure AGAIN. I'm on day 4 of having the Cymbalta back in my system. I was hoping it was just because of the bad night + not having my medicine but, I figured it should be back in my system by now and yet I'm still dealing with the pressure. I'm so lost. I do not want to go back through 6+ months of this constant pressure again. Has anyone gone through this and figured out a cause or relief?

I'm 26. I'm in good health I suppose, aside from my depression/migraines/anxiety and constantly thinking I'm dying from being a hypochondriac. Basically I'm in great health aside from my mental state. I have TMJ. My right wisdom tooth has been growing in for years and occasionally it causes me pain but it's still only half came through. I've had braces. I did unfortunately start taking Excedrin again. I drink water non-stop. I do have a garbage diet and I'm not active. Heating pads/hot showers help to some degree.

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12 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi astoriai, Well, your story could be mine to a "T". Same exact symptoms and frequency with headaches over probably 10 years as well. Daily muscle contraction headaches interrupted by migraines 3 times a month due to hormonal levels. I knew about rebound headaches so was very cautious when taking any pain medication. For contraction headaches, I used heat as well as listening to relaxation tapes over and over. For migraines I was given Darvocette and Xanax but only used that on occasion. My anxiety levels were extremely high during that time. Also had multiple testing done, CT scan, MRIs

as well as specialists from Neurology, Cardiology and Rheumatology.

As I got more control over my anxiety as well as having physical therapy and talking therapy, the muscle contraction headaches disappeared. I was able to understand where

the trigger points were in my neck and upper shoulders that brought on the headaches.

During that time, I missed a lot of family events and became a recluse. NO one understood the headaches any better than they could understand anxiety. I'm here for you as well as others on the forum who suffer with multiple headaches and head pressure. I'm glad you reached out to a caring and safe site. You are not alone xx

astoriai profile image
astoriai in reply to Agora1

I've never heard about talking therapy or physical therapy for headaches/migraines. That helped? I know I have a lot of tension in my neck/shoulders. I see a chiropractor but, I've never thought about physical therapy. Never occurred to me.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to astoriai

Talking therapy would be more about ridding yourself of the root of your headaches. Physical therapy works with muscles and connective tissue. Releasing the trigger points and relaxing the muscles. Occupational therapy taught me how to do this at

home. I also used acupuncture which worked tremendously but was expensive out of pocket. I also went to a hypnotherapist, also worked and still does to this day. The things she implanted in my subconscious has stayed with me.

The final thing that the Rheumatologist recommended was water therapy. Much easier on the muscles and joints while relaxing the total body. So you see there are a lot of different ways to go in ongoing headaches depending on what works for you best. The first thing is always seeking medical help to diagnose what kind of headaches they are and where they are coming from. Good Luck astoriai. xx

in reply to astoriai

Physical therapy and massages are SOOOOO helpful! Especially if you are having cervical/tension headaches, they do a great job loosening up those muscles/tendons and strengthen your core. I would check your posture as well, whether you slouch in a chair at work all day like I do; or even stare at a computer screen all day too.

Matt3013 profile image

Hey Astoriai,

I am sorry you are struggling so much. I have suffered with constant chronic headaches for about a year. They started out of the blue, I mean I had suffered a traumatic event and was hyper anxious and stressed out but one day I had like a thunder clap headache in the back of my head. I went to my GP and was admitted to hospital, kept in, had a number of lumber punches and MRI etc all of which were clear and I was discharged after about 5 days.

For the next year I had head aches every day, sometimes all day, other times for a few hours but all of which were pretty restricting and I ended up sleeping and hypothesising that I was dying or going to die etc... what helped me was (a) this site, seeing that others like Agora had similar stories and symptoms and (b) the fact that the headaches never progressed into anything more... so fast forward a year later and one day I started to go jogging. I am pretty fit anyway but hadn’t done any of that for ages... I went every day for two weeks. Not far but enough to get my heart rate up and a bit of a sweat on. Suddenly my headaches stopped! Point blank. My daily headaches have gone. I still suffer with them occasionally if I am stressed but jogging is a medicine. It helps. It will help you too. If you can dedicate 30 minutes a day everyday to it I assure you that your headaches which are muscular tension will subside somewhat x

astoriai profile image
astoriai in reply to Matt3013

Would any excersie in general help? I know I need to start working out regardless because I'm so inactive. I'm not much of a runner and/or jogger. But if that's the only one that will help I'll do it. Thanks for the response.

Matt3013 profile image
Matt3013 in reply to astoriai

Hey I would say anything cardio vascular so exercise bike, or cross trainer or circuit classes will all be as effective as running. Just steer clear of weights as they will increase muscle tension!! I promise you if you can do a bit each day you will notice a huge difference in your headaches x

AnnieKing profile image

I’m a migraine sufferer too. They began when I was 11 and so began the story of my anxiety and panic attacks. I think I was so scared of the migraine that I was afraid to leave the house ( my migraine came with severe aura and I would become numb all down one side and lose my speech, then the pain and vomiting) The reason for replying to you though is to comment on your TMJ issue. This can have a real impact, on migraine, I had it too and after treatment was SO much better. And if you’re a teeth clencher at night that will contribute as well. Does your dentist know about your headaches? Do consider treatment

for that wisdom tooth, it could bring you so much relief. Thinking of you with much sympathy. X

astoriai profile image
astoriai in reply to AnnieKing

I went through a tmj specialist. He gave me braces. But I think he was an idiot. He said he'd bring my jaw forward for my tmj but never did. Plus some other issues. I've been kinda scared to go to a new tmj specialist. I don't want to go through braces ect again. It was awful.

As for my wisdom tooth. I didn't know it could affect my head. I read that recently and figured maybe it could be a problem. I'm just so miserable. Constantly feeling like my head is full on top of anxiety and migraines. It's crippling.

Lucky- profile image

Hi, i know this was a while ago but i suffer with these chronic headaches and dizziness everyday, constantly feel like my head will explode and i will pass out, just wondering if you found anything that worked for you?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Lucky-

Hi Lucky- I lived with headaches everyday of my life for several years.

Mostly muscle contraction headaches with several monthly migraines

thrown in as well. Off balanced feeling, head pressure and pain.

After having all the tests (MRI/Cat Scan) Neurologist, Rhematologist,

Cardiologist etc, it boiled down to my learning how to manage my stress


When you live with chronic pain and it comes down to it being anxiety then

you have only one way to go and that is Acceptance. Accepting that you are

not critically ill, that you have the power to help yourself. Medication and therapy

can get you over the hump but it all comes back on you finding ways to reduce

the stress and fear you feel.

As long as you fear, the pain will stay around. I learned through physical therapy

and self hypnosis how I could deal with chronic pain. Meditation, DeepBreathing,

self-hypnosis, biofeedback, training my mind to react differently to pain. Hydration

being very important. Never realized how water could help eliminate many of the

headaches we get. Water is necessary in allowing the body to function properly.

Finding time several times a day to just let go of stress and breathe in the quiet time.

This isn't all hogwash. Unfortunately it took many therapy sessions and lots of money

to finally realize that I did have the "key" all this time.

All those feelings and pain disappeared over time. It started with not considering myself

an invalid and always staying in bed on my headache days which ended up being most of the time. Joining a water exercise class proved to be beneficial. Water therapy and stretching the tight muscles helped bring down the stress and upped the Endorphin levels

in my brain. Endorphins, the good feeling hormones, help with pain as well as emotional feelings.

So Lucky, you probably got more than you needed to know from me but the fact is that it

works. The pain whether physical and/or emotional do tend to go away in time. Wish you

well. xx

Lucky- profile image

Thank you so much for replying to me! I have really bad health anxiety also so i am probably just overthinking them but i genuinely feel like i will pass out all the time its so so horrible! What meds are you on if you don't mind me asking? And have you found a way to stop/help the dizziness? I have started drinking alot more water recently, cut out all the caffine such as tea and fizzy drinks an even that doesnt help xx

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