Honestly, I don't even know where to begin. I suppose I'll start with the fact I've had chronic headaches/migraines and anxiety for well over 10 years. I've been through multiple doctors, hospital visits, had just about every test imaginable ran on me, been through therapy, taken multitudes of medicines. No one can seem to figure out what causes my migraines/headaches and while for the most part my anxiety is manageable when my head gets to be too much to handle then I can no longer handle my anxiety.
Anyways, last year around this time exactly, out of no where, I developed this intense head pressure. Just a constant state of feeling like my head was expanding or like something was tightening around it. I had been going on 6 months medicine free and was super proud of myself for being able to finally cut out medicine and be able to control my anxiety. On top of the pressure I started getting intense migraines and all of that put me into a constant state of anxiety and I ended up in the hospital two nights, back to back, fearing my head was going to explode. I literally thought I was having seizures because I was shaking so bad, couldn't control my movements, and my face went numb at one point. The doctors told me they had no idea what was wrong but it sounded like anxiety/migraine, gave me their headache tonic and sent me on my way. I ended up back there the next night and the ER doctor on duty that night talked to me and I mentioned (as I have to MULTIPLE doctors in the past) that I have taken Excedrin every day, multiple times, for as long as I can remember and he told me I was probably having rebound headaches and to stop taking it as I was addicted. So I stopped taking it cold turkey, got put on Cymbalta from my regular doctor and she also told me to start taking Flonase and Claritin daily as she thought my head pressure might be allergy related. All of those combined did help to a degree but I still went through around 6 months of not being able to function because of this head pressure, some days I was so sound sensitive that any noise would cause my anxiety to flare. I slept almost non-stop to try to get away from the pressure.
Anyways, around 6 months later it finally went away and I could function again. Fast forward to about 5 days ago. I stupidly didn't realize I was out of refills and went 2 days without my Cymbalta, had a terrible night of stress/drama which triggered a panic attack, only got a few hours of sleep and had to go to work, and now I'm back to the constant head pressure AGAIN. I'm on day 4 of having the Cymbalta back in my system. I was hoping it was just because of the bad night + not having my medicine but, I figured it should be back in my system by now and yet I'm still dealing with the pressure. I'm so lost. I do not want to go back through 6+ months of this constant pressure again. Has anyone gone through this and figured out a cause or relief?
I'm 26. I'm in good health I suppose, aside from my depression/migraines/anxiety and constantly thinking I'm dying from being a hypochondriac. Basically I'm in great health aside from my mental state. I have TMJ. My right wisdom tooth has been growing in for years and occasionally it causes me pain but it's still only half came through. I've had braces. I did unfortunately start taking Excedrin again. I drink water non-stop. I do have a garbage diet and I'm not active. Heating pads/hot showers help to some degree.