I am not new to HU, but I am to this forum.
I am beginning to wonder if the symptoms I've been having for the past year are all related to anxiety, rather than the thyroid issue my doctors believe it is.
Approx 1 year ago I suffered what I thought was a thyroid storm, my face and body got hot, my heart rate shot up, I was very lightheaded, and dizzy. This lasted for about 30 minutes, then I went to the ER. They said it was a panic attack. I had the exact same thing happen the very next day. I thought I was having a heart attack to be honest.
Since this time, I have been to the ER 7 or 8 times with similar symptoms. I lost 40 pounds and my BP was elevated. I had every test in the book done, and finally they said it was my thyroid (hyper) causing all of this.
Well they put me on propranolol and lisinorpil, which helped a bit, I changed my eating habits, which helped more, and finally, I had my right thyroid lobe removed, which was supposed to end the madness.
It has now been 5 weeks since my surgery and I am still lightheaded, I get electric shocks throughout my body, mainly in my face/head and hands, the internal tremors are still present, but not as bad as before, and I get startled easily. Also, my HR and palpitations are bad when I sleep.
I am currently not on any meds, so they cannot be the cause, as I often thought was the case. I only take herbal and vitamin supplements. I have been prescribed an anti-anxiety med, but haven't started it yet, just because I'm scared, but the few times that I have taken an ativan, all of my symptoms go away.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Do you think it could be my thyroid causing all of this, and I just need to wait and see if things clear up, since it has only been a month since my surgery?
I am at a loss and going mad...
I look forward to your feedback.