I'm averaging 3 to 4 hrs of sleep every night due to horrendous adrenaline surges. Blood pressure shoots up. Headache. Racing heart. Sweats. I've Googled and found my experience fits the symptoms of a pheochromacytoma. I thought the surges were due to sertraline. I only took 4 x 25mg doses and the surges started so I stopped taking them. That was a couple of weeks ago now so I'd have thought the surges would have stopped by now if Sertraline was the cause. The surges are horrendous. Feel like huge panic attacks that can last ages. Anyone else experienced this? I'm also getting left flank pain which I'm wondering is caused by adrenal gland.
Adrenaline surges: I'm averaging 3 to 4 hrs... - Anxiety Support
Adrenaline surges

What does your GP or psyche say? Are you aware of Dr Harry Barry's work on anxiety and panic? drharrybarry.com/resources/
Hi Jameshuh. Haven't got a psych. Would be very difficult to get one. I live in UK. All gp wants to do is put me on different anti depressants. After this past experience of just 4 half doses of sertraline I'm afraid it's put me off anti depressants for life. I'll look at that link you've sent. Thank you for replying.
Yes I get this all day but trying not to ruminate I also get stiffness in my body
I really feel for you. I just keep thinking when will it stop.
When we get to the stage that we don't care and can see it for what it is. Rumination is the cause of this thing I try to stop it once I start to ruminate but it's hard. Going into my 10 th year of this stuff but I'm still trying to grasp acceptance I know what it is but hard to stop. The comment you made when will it stop is rumination. Its those things that keep us stuck. How long for you have you been like this.
I've had health anxiety for about 15 years, brought on I think due to two major surgeries, one as a result of sepsis. I've had anxiety particularly bad over the past six months. Tried just 4 half doses of sertraline a few weeks ago then stopped. The surges have been since then and I still feel extra anxious constantly.
Yes I can relate I got my anxiety after surgery. I too get woken up but when we worry how we feel it just adds more stress to our already stressed body. Beevee look him up he explains how our thoughts fuel anxiety. And he is on here. It's the constant trying to figure a way out of this nightmare that keeps it going. Sounds easy yes dam hard to put into practice . I didn't sleep last night I sometimes ruminate not even knowing until I'm well down the rabbit hole. We can control our response to our thoughts but we've made a habit which is hard to break.