I take my Lexapro in the mornings and I feel like most of the day I have zero emotion but every evening 5-6pm I start getting anxious again. It usually ends in a panic attack with me crying and agonizing over wanting to be my "normal" self again. Does anyone else feel evenings are worse?
Evenings Worse? : I take my Lexapro in the... - Anxiety Support
Evenings Worse?

How long have u been on lexapro has it been more than 6weeks it takes around that time to feel it working
I have only been on it for 5 days.
Hi Beth, I'm on 15mg of Lexapro for the last 6 years. I take it after lunch. It's a good med in that it doesn't make me sleepy or void of emotions. Give it a little more time. I wish you well on it. My anxiety involves mornings. x
Thanks for sharing. Lately, I have anxiety all day but by 5-6 in the evening I can't fight it anymore and end up having a panic attack that ends in tears.
Hi Beth, I am the opposite. I take 20mg of Citalopram in the morning. When I wake up my anxiety levels are high...I could not stay in bed too agitated and can be like that on and off during the morning. However, by the afternoon things seem to settle down and by the evening I feel like I am back to normal. Go to bed and then next day it starts all over again. I'm on week 3 of Citalopram and I'm told it should be starting to improve my symptoms sn......so fingers x'd.
Hi Beth, it's strange how it affects us all differently. I'm hoping that the Citalopram will get me back onto an e en keel & keep me there. Hope that u will get better sn too. Keep me posted, it's so good to talk to people going through the same as u as others can sympathise but don't understand just how bad it can make u feel. Take Care & hugs to u.
Yes that's all I want too.....not a lot to ask😊😊
This is my first significant battle with anxiety/panic. I haven't worked in 2 weeks. How long does the worst of this usually last?
It's difficult to say, if you are on medication it can take a few weeks to feel beneficial effects. But u will recover although sometimes u think u never will, this is my second episode. Take heart from the people on this site who will help and encourage u along the way x
We have all been there....just take one day at a time, tomorrow is another day nearer feeling better. Let me know how u are. Hugs x