If there is a object in front of me, and I stare at it, my eyes automatically refocus on it every half second, it feels like my pupils are vibrating, constantly re adjusting themselves. Its like they feel like they want to go cross eyed. If I wake up and stare at something on the wall or say the HP sign 10 feet from me on my computer, I cant stare at the HP sign its like my eyes wander then come back to the HP sign. I feel completely off when I wake up. People say brain tumors are worse in the mornings because of the pressure from laying down all night or something, well could that be the case with me? Ive never heard of such a thing, but im also not sure how anxiety can cause this feeling. I just want to feel normal again, this is all eating me away im sick of it.
I feel like I'm going blind or something. ... - Anxiety Support
I feel like I'm going blind or something. Worse in mornings.
I understand your eye wandering. Get it too. Sometimes I try and read a newspaper and it feels like my eyes want to drift off the line I'm looking at. Also at the cinema I can't seem to focus on the whole screen but on one part of it.
It's happened off and on to me for at least 10 years now.
Its horrible. I just dont feel like I exist. Something is very off here.
Don't wait and continue to dwell on this, it will only grow for nothing probably. See a doctor and do not be embarrassed to tell it all. They have heard some of everything.
Told doctor today said it's nothing anxiety
I feel so anxious when I first wake up for 10 minutes then I feel better. The tightness and pressure in my eyes is worse early morning when I wake up right away. Would brain tumor cause that????
Use eye drops don't know what it is .... I hope I'm not having mini seizures from a brain tumor (bursts of lightheaded and panic / eye vision tightness feels like they want to go crosseyed)