What do you do to cope with anxiety on a d... - Anxiety Support
What do you do to cope with anxiety on a daily level?
Not planning ahead, then I don't get so anxious worrying about the things I've just planned.

I agree baz36!

I completely agree with you...I do best 'just playing it by ear' as they say! Otherwise all I do, even though, I try hard not to...is fret and stew... SO....

I am one to always plan ahead of time because unplanned activities cause anxiety. I hate it. I have to stop over analysing things because that also causes anxiety. My co workers have noticed.
I take things day by day and never plan in advance. I find if I make plans I spend the rest of the week getting myself worked up about it.
I use homeopathics and other natural supplements to help me: L Theanine, St Johns Wort, Folic Acid, B12, etc...
Every time I try to plan ahead. Things get to me so I try not to now.
I have a mixture of things which can help me.....planning something nice, could be a few day away....Also, music helps ( sometimes.)
Music does help...Relax, know about the plan, but don't have to make a perfect plan, think about everything should be workout. Clear my mind at the bedtime, think about my parents and children who cares for me the most, wouldn't like to see me suffer any kind of illness.
I take medication to try to deal with it and I hide in fear that people will discover my anxiety and judge me by the antiquated standards of the society in which I live. So in effect it's not really dealing with it at all and this too exasperates my level of anxiety.
I've been doing the first two mainly as the meds were not working. I can tell that I have high anxiety over last year after going off klonopin.
I've tried hydrozine, buspar, no avail. I've now chewed thru my tongue at night when I manage a few hours. I have to get through this month til new psych appt.
Actually went to Houston psych crisis hospital Fri w husband, who was appalled at how patients are spoken to... I was turned down for help,although I was shaking and falling apart, haven't slept in ndays. I wasn't " bad enough"
But, nurse want ed to argue about my pain level, I said 9, she said I needed pain management, I told her I'm used to pain, but not the anxiety and crazies... Their priority is different n guess
I am on fitness/ zero ale regime at the mo and tension/anxiety very low...very positive...when I feel panicky or troubled I drop some Clonazepam/Lorazepam (internet) purchased to kick it into line...works every time...Doctor's rarely listen about panic and just want to poor SSRI's down your neck...I've perfected my approach now. Find out what is right for you, but try exercise/mindfulness for defo x
just try to cope best I can.
Take it day by day. With my anxiety personally. Tomorrow has its own worries so I try my hardest to live for today. I meditate daily , read , and positive affirmations are a BIG part of my recovery. As well as prayer and turning to God with my anxieties.
Take it a day at a time. Worst thing to do is plan ahead because if something pops up and changes the routine then it could be panic stations especially bad for people who has anxiety and a trigger is unplanned things coming out of nowhere.
It sucks most people do rely on medication,
There's nothing wrong at all about the medications, it's just that I know most of us would prefer to try and conquer anxiety and panic attacks without them,
Like using our own natural mind to work around it,
For me I really just try to think positively or put myself around people who think in a positive way,
It's hard sometimes but realizing it's anxiety when you start to panic helps, talk to someone also that can relate, or bring humor to the situation, that helps a lot , especially for me.
sleep well -drink lot pop - prayer god- drawing not good - swimming with lady there help get dress dry back -horse rideing with lady carer
not right at all he cop well day to day
Dear Administrator,
I cope with my anxiety through medication, writing how i feel in a diary, talking about my feelings with others, getting in touch with how i feel, taking breaks during work, cycle.
I also sometimes let the anxiety come over me, without doing anything.
warmest regards,
I find distraction techniques help me a lot when my anxiety is bad. I read and read and read, just to stop thinking about how the anxiety is making me feel.
Accept im ill and wait it out
Currently not Coping at all or just self medicating and running around like a mad chicken.
I enjoy listening to music and try deep breathing as well.
I do alot allot of things. Exersize, plan ahead, journal, music, hot baths, aromatherapy, reading, talking it out, medications, crafts, deep breathing, avoid caffeine.