What was your greatest source of support w... - Anxiety Support

Anxiety Support

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What was your greatest source of support when you were diagnosed with anxiety?

CalvinHU profile imageCalvinHU179 Voters
My family and/or friends
I didn't get any support
HealthUnlocked or other social media groups
I found support in other communities and groups
I wasn't confident enough to ask for support
7 Replies
JayPea518 profile image

The following can't be all taken at the same time, obviously, but for an emergency fix, a large glass of wine, or two Solpadeine Max, listening to bird song on YouTube, a sobbing session...really howling, and driving into the countryside( when not having indulged in the pills or wine). Get out of bed as soon as you wake up, even if it's very early, put your breakfast on a tray, take your pills, go back to bed with breakfast, put birdsong on and you may feel a little calmer after about half an hour.

sheza52 profile image

Hi there everyone, I found when I got my anxiety apart from being a pain in the arse, I hate it when you have an ache anywhere on your body it makes you panic and you think the worse of it, is there anyone out there who thinks the same, reply I'd like to know I'm not alone. thanks

Victoria24 profile image
Victoria24 in reply to sheza52

Hi Sheza52

I know exactly how you feel, my anxiety blows absolutely everything up and makes all situations bigger than they should be, espeacially illnesses or aches and pains, I worry and focus on all things negative so I often make myself feel worse.

A friend once told me to try and think about something positive during those situations or watch something to take my mind off thinking too much! It was slow progress at first but lately it has really started to help me.

Hope all is well.

Victoria x

AnxiousSince1998 profile image

I think medication should've been on this list along with a doctor/therapist too.

Maltesers11 profile image

I also think my GP and therapist in CBT plus medication. My shaking was soo bad, I couldn't write my name. I can now write, sometimes badly. Only downside is weight gain, which in itself is depressing. I had lost a lot of weight, due to being unable to eat with people due to shaking. I can at least do this now, but find doing things active difficult. I also think my employers have been very supportive. I still have a long way to go, but I am much better than 6 months ago mentally. Hope this answers any queries about anxiety

Victoria24 profile image

If I ever find myself a little panicked or overwhelmed I find comfort in just getting the opportunity to rant to somebody about how I feel! I always feel so much better afterwards.

Family and friends are everything.

TLCTNT profile image

My Mama was my greatest support, she was all I had then. My psychologist was great also, he had knew of me as a child because he was my Mom's psyc professor in college and I went to a lot of classes with her. I was a well behaved smart kid and actually learned a lot going to class with her, in all her classes really. I was in 3rd-6th grade when I went.