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Anxiety Support

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Let's get a better idea about who is in our Anxiety Support Community. Please choose one of the following...you are:

Darryl profile imageDarrylPartner759 Voters
age 21-60 with anxiety not directly related to health concerns
age 21-60 with health related anxiety, because you have a disease or are worried about a disease
age over 60 with anxiety not directly related to health concerns
age over 60 with health related anxiety, because you have a disease or are worried about a disease
age 15-20 with anxiety not directly related to health concerns
age 15-20 with health related anxiety, because you have a disease or are worried about a disease
92 Replies
Neal1954 profile image

Hi Daryl,

Age 62





Intermittent Tinnitus

Kind Regards,



Anakinattack38 profile image

38 year old schizophrenic, with heart disease, depression and anxiety regarding both conditions

vikas0511 profile image
vikas0511 in reply toAnakinattack38











Anakinattack38 profile image
Anakinattack38 in reply tovikas0511

It's not easy. Just try and take each day as it comes

Buckethead profile image

Panic attacks a la right now!!

Deb1658 profile image
Deb1658 in reply toBuckethead

Deep breaths. Breath deeply, hold 2 seconds then breath out deeply. Repeat. This will help relax you! You're not alone!

Anxiety and Depression. High Blood Pressure and other undiagnosed stomach conditions/digestion problems. Hypothyroidism. Glad I quit smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol and more recently, soda!

Phoenix54 profile image

Hello Daryl,

Age 62, two years out of massive clot, diagnosed with APS / Hughes Syndrome (with low platelets) - lifer on blood thinners. Anxiety, panic attacks, night sweats, brain fog, digestive issues and phobia revisited.


Wcrp102 profile image

Frequent fatigue and heart palpitation. Sometimes blurry vision

sweetiepye profile image

I had my first heart palpitation when I was 24 and I was so afraid of having more (I did) that's when the anxiety and panic attacks started. After ten years of this I was so desperate I decided I wanted my life back. I started doing things, and if the anxiety killed me so be it , because I wasn't living just existing. It was a battle, it takes a lot of courage to go shopping while having a panic attack, or church, or carry on a conversation. It's hard but it can be done.So I've been free mostly these past 40 odd years. But if I want to I can bring one on, which proves you can control it. Pam

Paulina21 profile image


Anxiety plus strange unexplained teeth issues , possibly nerve related stress related ..

One starts the other off !!!

Hating it


health anxiety started after emergency surgery. always checking my body, doubting everyone, panic attack sufferer.. x

mrsjackson profile image

I'm 24

Generalised anxiety disorder , had it all my life,

Currently starting to get cbt therapy to give that a go. Currently on low dose propranolol

Sadiedog12 profile image


red_head40 profile image

Hi ive had generalised anxiety/ depression since my early 20s hypothyroid since 25 and currently entering menopause at 43 years old.Happy days!

Cctexan3 profile image

GAD , ptsd from attempted murder/ fire,

Lupus , sjogrens, raynauds, fire scars, fibromyalgia, hands need surgery, traumatic brain injury and various neck issues

Good golly that's a lot. Deep breathing and reflexology helps if I can't get a massage

angel61 profile image

Hi Daryl I have anxiety depression and problems with reflux, arthritis, tinnitus.

heini profile image

Anxiety depression bpd

Hi, I'm 67 had GAD for most of my adult life, never been seriously ill or anywhere near it, but still I worry every time I get a headache,sore throat,dizziness etc.

Dizziness and "wobbliness" is my main anxiety symptom. Best regards, Asenath.

Bomba profile image

I don't now exactly what's my problem

antianxiety profile image


36 Ptsd and Gad

Mostly physicak symptoms 24/7

Acid reflux

Sternum pain

Feels like my pains are always on my left side in my breast almost

Both arms just start feeling weak and sore.

Just so scary 6 years of this.

God i pray for peace for all

Poll says age 15-20

Thought you have to be 16 to be a member on Health Unlocked so don't understand why we have a category age 15-20 unless the age restriction has been changed ?

coll1963 profile image

Hi I've suffered all anxiety depression I've also turned to drink drugs any thing to get me throw the day mind when I say drunks I don't mean hard core drugs I mean sleepers use to take them so I could get throw and sleep the day away. I couldn't bare even getting out off bed but now I'm a lot better I get up go out for walks and do some thing to keep me sane. Yes its hard and I couldn't get any help,the dics use to just shrug there shoulders as if I was insane but hey oh its hard but I am getting there slowly hope I can help any one as I would love to share some of my story's hopefully to help others

Edatis profile image

Hi. 52 year old female. Anxiety sufferer since 15. Digestive issues. Phobias and depression but still going strong and controlling my symptoms through supplements and cognitive therapy done by me. All the best Liz

laurakingsurrey profile image
laurakingsurrey in reply toEdatis

What cbt techniques do you use?

Edatis profile image
Edatis in reply tolaurakingsurrey

Hi ! I practice behavior techniques to face everyday real life situations where we are bothered by anxiety. Acceptance , slow talk, slow walk , slow down,

Stop negative thinking. Self statements rationales that become automatic thoughts such as "today is going to be a good day " or any positive thought that can be a part of your every day. Continuing to move forward.. determination! Focusing. What are you paying attention to? This is my method of cognitive therapy. It works for me and I pray it helps you. ❤️

robbie12 profile image

Aged 51 with generalised anxiety/panic/depression

carol1221 profile image

Hypertension. Diabetes type 2. Hypothyroidism. Ocular Hypertension. Sudden onset sudden offset tachycardia. Arthritis of his knees hips back and shoulders and back. Generalised anxiety disorder. Epilepsy diagnosed after telemetry test then changed. Panic attack disorder. Depression. Apart from that I'm otherwise fit. Been like this for 45 years.

carol1221 profile image

Hips meant to say lol

helpmeto profile image

Hi All aged 64 with PTSD anxiety due to 35 yrs of domestic violence. I riding the wave at the moment with flare up when anxiety and ptsd rares its ugly head

Cctexan3 profile image
Cctexan3 in reply tohelpmeto

I don't mean to butt in, but my therapist and I did EMDR and it cut out OUT all the symptoms of ptsd I'd been suffering from past abuse.


Feel free to message me

Nervousgirl0714 profile image
Nervousgirl0714 in reply toCctexan3

How is this done?

jlee116 profile image

Age 47 female...high blood pressure, thyroid issues fluctuating from hypo to hyper and now back to hypo, heart palpitations, strange sensation in heart, waking up every 2/3 hours with a nightmare/heart pounding feeling, Having health anxiety as I've gone to different doctors/cardiologists and they all diagnosed me with being in perimenopause with hormonal imbalance but no one can give me a cure for my symptoms. :(

Deb1658 profile image
Deb1658 in reply tojlee116

I had the exact same night problems in my 20's. My job and school we're so stress full. I went to many doctors but my health is fine. I'm 48 now and I have a normal life because I meditate, yoga, deep breath, walk, talk to everyone and just get out there. I tell everyone about my past depression and it helps others to feel they're not alone. One step at a time really helps and I take zoloft 200mg and welbutrin. Good luck, you can do it. Deb

jlee116 profile image
jlee116 in reply toDeb1658

Thanks Deb! The heart papitations and strange sensations in my heart really scares me. But the doctors keep telling me my heart is functioning good. I think my fluctuating thyroid hormones have a lot to do with it. Hope I can get rid of these sensations soon. Thanks for your encouragement! Take care!

Amygdaland profile image

Interesting, didn't expect to be in the minority (20, anxiety unrelated to health).

ReelLife profile image

Hi 53 year old male.

Had GAD all my life, I also have bipolar2 and ADHD.

It all seems to have gotten worse after the age of 50.

figgs profile image

Hi 71 Year old Female.Health Anziety

darkshadow profile image

My anxiety is partly related to health concerns but not entirely. I can be fine and then gradually begin to feel uneasy before the adrenalin starts pumping through my stomach and my heart rate speeds up. I'm in trouble then.Not one thing alone does this.

Rayray27 profile image

Aged 27

Blushing over everything causes

Anexity &

Panic attack

Skoek profile image

58yr old woman with health anxiety mainly about heart. Not as bad as it was but still do not exercise because of it.

Lwinlc profile image

77 year old female. - newly suffering from anxiety and depression following a thyroidectomy last April. - lots of other triggers as well...am being closely monitored for thyroid issues and am working on finding right combination of medications, therapy..

Mazer profile image

40 year old male, don't really have the worrying type of anxiety but can appear when feeling extremely ill. My face jaw and shoulders are constantly tense, get heart palpitations after eating and wake every single night / morning feeling like I've been poisoned with my stomach bubbling like mad and my mouth keeps getting sore. On propranolol to stop heart palpitations but not helping with the sickness. Started a year ago and has gradually got worse. Not had a full night's sleep since it started.

L15rxo profile image






Panic attacks

pjg612 profile image

I have also always suffered from generalized anxiety. It's so wonderful that one can talk about it now, b/c when I was a teen and in my early 20s, I suffered in silence for fear of being locked up in a mental institution!

xrosstheh profile image

Anxiety, Hypertension,..... On Hypertension Drugs, but i work out 4 times a week, trying to eat right, and still drink moderate alcohol!! 34 this year!

dunc-b73 profile image

Hi 43 Male



Unrefreshed sleep

shaking hands/trembling

Sore neck and shoulder muscles


Off balance sensation

Little or no appetite/weight loss


Brain fog

Diarrhoea and gassy

Poor posture

Nervousness/jittery/on edge

Dry mouth

and more.......................

Frances72 profile image

Generalized anxiety all my life, from childhood experiences and life. Getting therapy now at 44, my panic attacks are less

051725f profile image

Hi Rui,

Age 30

Diagnosed with GERD(Acid reflux) symptom. Breathing can be difficult at times thus anxiety

Erin001 profile image

yr 11 asthmatic, anxiety caused by bullying and bad schooling is there any info you would like to know (i am not mentioning my school or where i live so don't ask pls just to be safe and i dont feel comfortable answering that) anything else maybe


mysmugcat profile image
mysmugcat in reply toErin001

Could I ask if you live in the Uk. Just mention Kooth an excellent website.

Erin001 profile image
Erin001 in reply tomysmugcat

Yes I do live in the U.K. And I have heard of that website

I quite like this one cos I can get help from people who understand cos they are going through similar problems and I also like being able to help others too I like helping people

darkshadow profile image

I've come to the conclusion that there is no help for my anxiety.This is because I don't believe in an afterlfe.I have really tried to take it on board but it doesn't make sense logically for me. As a result, I an wracked with fear of death--and, at my age,it can't be far away. My sourse of pain is the inevitable loss of my sons forever and not being here for the troubles they must face as they too get old.There is no cure for my torment.Antide's mask it but that is a false sense of security. At the moment I am under the influence of Diazepam otherwise I could not write this post. The result is the kind of despair that colours every minute of every day.Religion gets many people through this cruel life but I have researched all religions and come to the conclusion that they are all false and only man made. O, how I wish and need someone to prove their truth to me but that will not happen.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply todarkshadow

O.k. darkshadow, this is a bit heavy but you did ask, if you Google Near Death Experiences you will find a site that lists quite literally thousands of recorded experiences of people who died for a short period (on an operating table for example) and they are resusitated. Their experiences are all slightly different but certain things are remarkably the same and can't be explained away by coincidence. Did things really go from a handful of space dust to something with the complexity of the human body by coincidence and chance or is there a driving force behind the evolution? I will say no more.

Emest86 profile image
Emest86 in reply todarkshadow

I don't think belief of afterlife stops the fear of death Hun. I am religious and my biggest fear is death and what will happen to my loved ones when I am no longer here. Let's say there was an afterlife, how would you be able to help your sons if you were in heaven? Or if you were reincarnated? Honestly I think you're clutching at straws and that's ok honestly we've all done it but I think that you might need to look at another avenue other than religion to help you. Even religious people get anxiety depression panic attacks health anxiety. A belief in a higher being isn't a cure Hun. Big hugs xx

darkshadow profile image

You see there is no proof--only the very poor substitutes called faith and wishful thinking.

I have delved eagerly into such topics as Spirtualism, Hinduism, Budhism, other dimensions, universal consciousness etc etc and none of them has the answers. Only acceptance of Reality and the subsequent despair remain.

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply todarkshadow

How very sad for you.

HJMac profile image

I have both health related and general anxiety. So didn't really fit! But I think they're both related as to me health anxiety is worry about the future..

mysmugcat profile image


Not sure what to respond

I have depression that was first likely anxiety alongside

Also cfs chronic fatigue syndrome


darkshadow profile image

Jeff1943, I have read much about NDE's. There is no case in which it can be proved that the brain was dead during the time of the NDE. The slightest brain activity can produce the experiences. Also, the experiences reported differ in some respects according to the beliefs of the patient. Christians see Jesus, but others see their own figures of light which correspond to their particular religion. This surely suggests that the source is the brain of the individual rather than a universal experience had by all. If this was a scientific fact, then everyone would experience the same thing in nature. More research has to be done and different outcomes achieved before I could be convinced. Also,only a very small percentage of people who have been near death and return to life have any experience at all.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply todarkshadow

Darkshadow, if you have read much about NDEs and believe they're caused by slight brain activity that's fine, so perhaps the way to address your exaggerated fear of death is to appreciate that high anxiety makes us magnify small worries many times until they can obsess our thinking, for some people this might take the form of an exaggerated fear of losing a loved one, in your case it's a fear of death in general. When you recover from anxiety this magnification of normal fears will cease and I'm sure you will then lose this fear that has been obsessing your thoughts and you will view the subject of death in proper perspective once again.

darkshadow profile image

As for evolution, chemistry and physics explain all of that. We are all made of atoms arranged in different ways. We are here because we had the best qualities to survive--especially brain power.

AllenMI profile image

35 y/o father of 3.

Diagnosed at 14 with panic anxiety/agoraphobia/depression.

Runs in both sides of my family.

Health concerns after panic anxiety started which made me a hypochondriac. Right now I could care less about fake health problems I make up in my head. Just dealing with generalized anxiety is enough for me right now. ;)

Kia302017 profile image

Age 30 mother of 2

Anxiety and depression

From lost of a bestfriend that im still grieving over.

darkshadow profile image

Jeff1943, I was born with a nervous disposition. I see no reason to expect it to change now. I realise you are trying to "cheer me up" but my thoughts are too deep and long standing to be

changed easily with a few words. I am just thankful for the times that my mind is occupied differently and I have a short respite from doom and gloom. It was relatively easy to live in this happy state when I was young(er) but now reality has to be faced. Many relatives and close friends have already passed away and many activities are no longer possible for me---especially dancing--so the world closes in and the monotony persists. Thoughts take over from actions--thus the state of my mind.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply todarkshadow

Darkshadow, I follow the teachings of Dr Claire Weekes who wrote 'Self help with your nerves' in which she sets out her belief in acceptance being the basis of a cure for all anxiety disorders and the secondary depression that can come out of anxiety. Like you I have a genetic tendency towards anxiety, my mother, daughter and ancestors all experience(d) it. I first read Weekes' book in the 1970s and it made me well after a period of anxiety disorder. It came back in the late 1990s and I reread her books and practic3d acceptance and it made me well again. She says that acceptance can cure everybody regardless of how long they have been ill and her book has a piece on obsession such as you experience. You may already be aware of her books and teachings, if not maybe take a look. Sorry for trying to "cheer you up"😊

precious88 profile image
precious88 in reply toJeff1943

Please mail me this book at shuush989@live.com


darkshadow profile image

Jeff1943, don't apologise for trying to help me but it will take more than Claire Weekes to do the job. I am not obsessed. I am just searching for Truth. My search is not yet over so acceptance is not on the cards.

09jaylynn profile image

I had blood work done after a anxienty attack .. 2 months after i still have tingly/prickly all over body on n off?? Is this an axienty symptom

darkshadow profile image

It can be, 09jaylin. What was the result of your blood test?

darkshadow profile image

Yesterday and this morning I can't stop bursting into the most awful bouts of sobbing. This usually stops by lunch time but now it is continuous. It's draining all my strength away, I have no appetite and the most painful abdomen with diarroeha.I can't leave the house. I don't know what to do with myself.I'm ridiculously over emotional and can hardly look after my little dog which I love with all my heart.Just writing this has started me crying again.Why am I so different from normal people? Should I go back to the doctor? Do I need to give in and take medication again? I took a 5mg diazepam last night out of desperation.That used to calm me down but all it did was make me feel weak and headlight. The nervousness remained. In my attempts to get myself out of this nightmare, last week I invited two friends to come visit me this Friday. Now I don't know if I can go through with it. I can't sit crying in their company. I seem to be getting worse by the day. Life is not worth living.

darkshadow profile image

Just ignore me. I feel a bit better now. Am taking my dog for a walk.That always helps me especially if I meet people I know and chat for a wee while.Myra.

Mrworrymaster profile image

33 year old male with health anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms regarding numerous diseases.

I fit into the age 15 - 20 category - I'm surprised there are more older folk than young folk on this site. I wish more young people were on this community - it helps to have someone of the same age to relate to!

Age 20

Depression, Anxiety (GAD, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety), Mood disorder, Anger, PTSD symptoms.

Hi, im 20 and the other day i had a panic attack while i was asleep. i didn't even know that was possible. i woke my mom up saying i can't breathe she told me and i was unaware. I haven't been feeling like myself for maybe 1 year and 1/2 . i feel trapped inside my own mind, like my thoughts are gonna drive me insane or kill me. when i finally woke up and was aware of what i was doing, i was standing in the bathroom with her and she was telling me to calm down. in her eyes i was awake the whole time, blinking and breathing like a normal human being, but in my own eyes, i was asleep and had no idea this was even happening until i snapped out of it and was panicking , i felt like i went crazy, and i felt like the only way to stop me from feeling like this was if i go to the emergency room. i felt like it was never going to end. my sister was on the phone with me telling me I'm okay and try not to panic because my mom is sickly. its like she didn't even understand where i was in my head. it made me even more angry because the way she was talking to me , it felt like she thought i was doing this to myself, and i could just say ok, I'm going to stop now, and everything would be fine. instead it pissed me off in the mist of my crazy moment. i have a phobia over going to the hospitals because i feel like if i tell them how i feel that they're gonna drug me and I'm never gonna feel like myself again. i feel like once they give me medication i won't be the same person, and ill basically be a vegetable and unaware of who i am, and whats even my name. i feel like ill be a zombie, and i won't be able to be normal and live a normal life. or like i won't know who my family is, more importantly my mom is, and like i won't love her anymore. i think I'm under so much stress but i can never tell if I'm actually stressed or if I'm just crazy . I'm so irritable and i wanna spazz out at any given moment if something irritates me. i ended up trying to sleep it off and I've been afraid to sleep most nights, especially when i think too much about it. i have crazy thoughts and i don't even want to think half of the time. i have this little brother and the little shit is the devil, he does whatever he wants and he stresses me out more just the sight of him, he brings my stress levels up and i just want to deck him half of the time, and i feel like i have to fight myself in order not to. I'm like this with anyone who stresses me out. i want help and i want to feel normal and feel like i belong, and like I'm not crazy. the thoughts that i have, i want to stop thinking them, i feel like pulling my hair out in order to change my way of thinking for the moment. and i want to think normal. i focus so much on my thoughts, i feel I'm a person inside my own head, like a small me is sitting in my brain controlling my way of thinking. and when i think too much about how i feel, i feel even more crazier. i didn't always feel this way, and i didn't always think I'm crazy or that I'm going to go crazy. something has to be wrong with me, i can't be normal feeling like this .

silleecharle profile image

Hi all, im 41 and suffer with anxiety, depression, spinal osteoarthritis, ddd, ibs and restless leg syndrome

Darryl profile image

Thanks for sharing

General anxiety disorder.

pjhess profile image

62 yr old female with panic, anxiety and GERD. Panic attacks started at 35. Generally always happen in the winter. I stopped taking my prozac and prilosec in October because I felt I was cured?!? lol Panic and anxiety started with a vengeance in January. Went to the doctor for chest pain. EKG normal and went back on the prozac and prilosec but still of course had to go to the ER in February cause was up all night sure that I was dying. Finally today April 5th am beginning to feel "normal" again.

Tiannika1 profile image

I dont have any reasons to have anxiety. I just get it randomly and have panic attacks

Tillyray profile image

I am in my early 50's...I discoverd I am a 'Highly sensitive person' and this was a wonderful revelation hsperson.com

I have had mild anxiety all my life and developed ways of coping with it. It becomes stronger when faced with certain situations and this can be difficult, but I have my way of dealing with it...I have flares of ocd ...I have diagnosed health conditions which have worsened in past 10 years and caused increasing pain and disability...I am continually learning new ways -mindfulness, meditation, gluten-free diet etc- and reading about how to live a positive, happy life...I find relaxation techniques and living a calm, stress free life works best for me.. and I now know what I am ok with and what I'm not...🙂

LoonyLuna profile image





Doggie123-UK profile image

Hiya i'm Philip a 66 year old fart

I suffer from :

Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, arthritis, enlarged prostate, copd/emphysema, ibs-d/diverticulitis, high blood pressure and like most people in my age bracket high cholesterol.

I have suffered from depression most of my life but my main concerns at the moment are anxiety and panic attacks due to my health problems, these are fairly recent over the past 2 years although they have been rather bad the last couple of weeks



Panic attacks

Always feel like I am dying .

Worry all day about heart issues and pains .

precious88 profile image


Ptsd dp Dr panic and gad

Suffering from last 5 years

TheInjuredBiker profile image

Age 20




Stems from a bad motorbike crash

Cherry_mvff profile image

Adam Wynne (Cherry_mvff is my online alias... It's a long and rather boring story ;L)

22 y.o.

Cornwall UK <3

Worried to an extent about my general health for as long as I can remember, although this never really affected my day-to-day life, which has otherwise been pretty fantastic 99% of the time! Developed full-blown hypochondria/ health anxiety Christmas day (waheeyy...) 2015 after slowly becoming more and more obsessed with my heart during December for no apparent reason (although I'm guessing stress due to nearing the end of college)... Been an absolute HELL of a rollercoaster since then but I'm determined to never let it get me down no matter what!

Had 2 ECGs, multiple blood tests and physical exams, all completely clear. Tried Propranolol during January last year which did nothing. No meds apart from that simply as I'm stubborn af and determined to beat this without them! Had two courses of CBT last year which helped temporarily. Currently awaiting Physio, Chiropractor, Respiratory therapy (to help my messed up breathing patterns), EMDR and more in-depth and longer CBT! 👊🏻👊🏻

Main symptoms are (pretty much 24/7):



Random body/ head pains (shooting, sharp, aches etc.),

Constant on-edge feeling (felt in lower chest and stomach as well as mentally),

A plethora of weird heart sensations (palps, thuds, pauses etc.),

Weird sensations throughout body (tingling, tickling, numbness, heaviness etc.),

Muscle tension,

Panic attacks, although luckily they tend to only seem to last about a minute,

Completely uncontrollable fear of all of the above symptoms,

Serious issues with my back (due to bad posture/ lack of activity over the last 20 months),

Trouble walking/ standing (most likely due to the aforementioned back issues + chronic stress)... The list goes on ;L

I've had plenty of other more specific issues as well, a lot of which I have posted about in detail!

Huge huge thank you to everyone on this site, who along with my awesome family and ace group of friends (and beer ;L), have got me through the worst times and made this whole ordeal significantly more bearable! <3

samjam1992 profile image

My names Samantha.

I'm 25.

Health anxiety



Awaiting results from a biopsy for low grade pre cancerous cells in my cervix

Post natal depression (slowly overcoming this)

Panic disorder with ocd tendencies.

Beth46 profile image






Wyominganxiety profile image

33 yrs old agoraphobia and panic disorder

Mo0o profile image

32 social anxiety disorder


Halloweenguy profile image

Father of a beautiful little girl

Health anxiety has taken over my life

Trying to get over it one day at a time

Moderation team

Darryl profile image
Bethishere profile image

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